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Android: Netrunner



  • Andromeda has a starting hand of 9 cards, but not a MAXIMUM hand size of 9 cards?

    Awww... :(

    +1 link is nice bonus though.

    As a criminal runner I like to react to the corp. Account syphon, Emergency Shutdown, even a well timed Crypsis to break through. With a 9 card starting hand, what are you expected to do? Hope you drew 3 Sure Gambles? It's turn 1... Maybe he is just not for me.
  • edited April 2013
    I think Andromeda is a girl. Also, the point is that it's impossible to have a bad starting hand. She also gets 1 link. That gives you really good odds of drawing a +1 link card and an underworld contact turn 1. Also, no more trouble with not getting your console or Sneakdoor early enough.

    Also, as people on BGG have pointed out:
    i wanted to point out that andromeda's closed analogue is chaos theory.

    Chaos theory starts with 5 hand+35 cards in deck with +1 mu.

    Andromeda starts with 9 hand+36 cards in deck with +1 link.

    The argument can be made that andromeda is probably better since cards in hand are worth more than cards in deck.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I think Andromeda is a girl. Also, the point is that it's impossible to have a bad starting hand. She also gets 1 link. That gives you really good odds of drawing a +1 link card and an underworld contact turn 1. Also, no more trouble with not getting your console or Sneakdoor early enough.

    Also, as people on BGG have pointed out:
    i wanted to point out that andromeda's closed analogue is chaos theory.

    Chaos theory starts with 5 hand+35 cards in deck with +1 mu.

    Andromeda starts with 9 hand+36 cards in deck with +1 link.

    The argument can be made that andromeda is probably better since cards in hand are worth more than cards in deck.
    That is a good way to look at it.

  • Played some really good games of Netrunner last night. Beat some people I rarely beat. Lost a game I should have won due to stupid mistakes. Changed up my decks a bit and put my new lists up on Google Drive. Got some evil plans for when the new cards come out. This game just keeps bringing the awesomeness.
  • If anyone wants to play later on today via G+ hangouts, I'd be down.
  • If anyone wants to play later on today via G+ hangouts, I'd be down.
    I'll be good for that after my parents visit.
  • Cool. Just shoot me a text whenever.
  • I'll be home for the rest of the day. If anyone wants to run nets via webcam, or in person, I'm good. I'll probably play Monaco or watch Adventure Time otherwise.
  • Relevant: I had a dream last night where I missed my Zeppelin connection (from South America to Europe via NYC) and had an extra day to spend in New York -- called up Scott and went to a Netrunner meetup. Exellent times were had by all!
  • I want to live in your dreams.
  • I want to live in your dreams.
  • Interview with Netrunner designer Lukas Litzsinger.
  • I want to live in your dreams.
    You say that now but then you get pulled into the machinations of El Generalissimo and the Moon Mining Company and why they have a base in Antarctica staffed entirely by ninja nuns...

    Anyone up for Hangout RPG campaign? I get, like, a ton of new material every night.
  • I want to live in your dreams.
  • Cosplay!

  • Cosplay!

    This could work. Netrunner has a lot of recurring characters because it takes place in the Android universe. For example, you might notice that Gabriel Santiago also appears in Android: Infiltration. There are also lots of easter eggs on the cards. The Private Security Force appears on the Decoy card. It makes sense thematically and mechanically!

    The Magnum Opus is on the Modded card along with Kate who appears on her own card and also Publicy Sympathy. Chaos Theory appears on the Big Brother card. The eyball on the top of the pyramid of hunter also appears in other places such as on Pop-Up Window. Find more!
  • Chaos Theory's stuffed Dinosaur is also the console that comes in her pack.
  • If anything cosplaying the identity cards of Runners would be the most notable.

    As for Corp cards, that could prove to be more difficult.
  • If anything cosplaying the identity cards of Runners would be the most notable.

    As for Corp cards, that could prove to be more difficult.
    Scorched Earth lady is pretty iconic. I bet she's an Android universe character of some sort. I also really want to see someone try to cosplay the girl from the main box art. I hope she shows up as a runner identity at some point as well.
  • There is one strong possibility for Corp love.

  • That's true. People could also cosplay a few of the Agenda cards. Like the guy from the Astrocript Pilot Program.

    I really want to see a Chaos Theory cosplay.
  • Prepare your bladder for imminent release!
    Where have you been all this week!?
  • Prepare your bladder for imminent release!
    Where have you been all this week!?
    Visual spoiler :p

  • Prepare your bladder for imminent release!
    Where have you been all this week!?
    Visual spoiler :p

    I wasn't asking where YOU have been all this week. I was asking where the visual spoilers have been.
  • Heh. I love the art and flavor so much in this game.

    HQ Interface is fantastic.
  • Thanks to Hokusai Grid and Whirlpool it is now impossible to get all the awesome Jinteki cards into one deck. Arg!
  • I've already been like that with the NBN cards.
  • I love the Hokusai grid. You can even just slam it on HQ or R&D if the runner is poor, as a deterrent. Oh, you want to run my R&D 3 times? Go ahead... Please...
  • edited May 2013
    I love the Hokusai grid. You can even just slam it on HQ or R&D if the runner is poor, as a deterrent. Oh, you want to run my R&D 3 times? Go ahead... Please...
    They'll just pay to trash the grid after the first run, taking only one damage. It works much better with Ash since he will prevent the runner from accessing any other cards in the server on the run where Ash succeeds. That way Hokusai will do two damage. It can also work well if the runner doesn't have enough credits left to trash hokusai grid, and also doesn't have an Imp. I hate imp!
    Post edited by Apreche on
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