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Android: Netrunner



  • I'm working my way up to it, but yeah, I don't know most of the cards by name or sight yet.

    At least it's easier than Magic.
  • I created a playlist of all Netrunner videos from me and the other NYC people.

  • I hadn't considered the direct damage approach very much. I like the idea of it.
  • I'm beginning to think something. Go back to the days I played M:TG in middle school. The instruction manual mostly talked about summoning creatures, attacking, defending, etc. But to really win (in those days) you didn't do that creature nonsense, you did something else.

    I'm thinking Netrunner is similar. The instruction manual and the basic game talks all about rezzing ICE and using ICE breakers to successfully run servers. I'm thinking the key to being competitive right now is to play above that basic level. You have to play something else, like economy denial or something.

    Anyway, I made my decklists on cardgamedb and put them on Google Drive.

    Some of those are old. The ones I am using right now are Replicating Imperfection, WeBuiltItAgain, ICESmasher, and RecurringShapes. Not sure which two to use for the tournament tomorrow. Probably WeBuiltItAgain and ICESmasher. The other ones haven't really been tested as much.

    Also, I'm going to start keeping a log of every game I play with every deck. That way I can get some empirical evidence on which decks are better than others. Going by numbers instead of feelings on which decks and cards are better will help me win more. For example, if I modify a deck I can know for sure if that change made it better or worse.
  • Got 10 points at the tournament AGAIN.

    I wouldn't be upset, but the people in the finals were people I beat regularly.

    WTF am I doing?
  • edited April 2013
    WTF am I doing?
    If nothing else, you're consistent. Don't worry, dude, you'll break the streak.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I can't tell if clever or direct wins Netrunner overall yet.
  • edited April 2013
    I can't tell if clever or direct wins Netrunner overall yet.
    It changes every time new cards come out.

    If you believe people on the Internet, the strongest decks right now are the Noise-shop and HB fast advance. In two weeks that will all change.

    The winner of our tournament yesteday played Noise and NBN. The other finalist played Noise and Weyland. Other tournaments in other places have different results.

    The thing that matters most in Netrunner is just playing well. Give the best deck to someone who is no good, they will lose.

    After that, at least in a tournament, what also matters is getting matched against people who are weak against you. My decks killed at the meetup on Friday, but bombed at the tournament. The only two reasons I can recognize are a few mistakes I made, which cost me maybe a game or two. But otherwise, I went up against people who had decks that you would think were designed to beat me and only me. One guy had this NBN deck where everything ended the run. I was playing criminal which has an economy based on successful runs. It was truly the rock to my scissors.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Played a round this weekend with Jeremy. My NBN deck was about to win, but he managed to get me on a few runs. I couldn't draw an Agenda to save me.

    However, my Shaper deck did not too shabby. I managed to get my Netrunner Cheevo of scoring 3 Agendas with The Maker's Eye.


    Too bad it wasn't enough for a win, but I did win eventually.
  • I had an old friend to stay with me for 4 days, and we basically played Netrunner, Dominion and M:TG cube drafts he entire time. Mostly Netrunner though :)
  • Humanity's Shadow is now shipping! Can't wait to see these new cards. Only two of them are spoiled so far.
  • Humanity's Shadow is now shipping! Can't wait to see these new cards. Only two of them are spoiled so far.
    *Heads over to BGG and starts spamming refresh*

  • edited April 2013
    I don't get why Amazon wont label some preorder items with Prime eligibility until they are actually released. Anyone know if they remove the shipping when it actually ships? Seems like they wouldn't but not sure. In the meantime I'll just wait for it to come out before I order it.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Shipping to vendors or shipping to peoples?
  • Shipping to peoples. I've bought a couple packs through Amazon so far and they're either sold by Amazon or fulfilled by them and they're always prime eligible. I've tried to pre order before and they haven't been prime eligible until they are actually released. So I wasn't sure if they'll adjust when it's released or if I should just wait until it's released and order then.
  • So that means people will get it by the end of the week?

    The one on Amazon says it's preorder and it won't ship until the 30th. Hmm.
  • From my experience and anecdotes I've heard, they always update the price if it is in the customers favour. I would assume this also includes shipping.
  • edited April 2013
    I guess I'm not too worried about getting it asap. I'll just wait until next weekend Saturday or something.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I would like to buy from Amazon, but they just aren't fast enough with Netrunner. That sort of matters when you need cards in time for a tournament. That's why I got an annual subscription from Team Covenant.

    The thing is, sometimes if a new pack comes out the day before a tournament, even their shipping is not fast enough. So next year I think I'll just go back to buying cards from the store.
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah Card Kingdom (the local game store, well sorta local there a more local one) has a "subscription" you can sign up for where they will reserve you a copy of each of the packs and then you have a week to pick them up. It's a cool idea. I had considered signing up for it but then I have to drive to Ballard and I'm just a lazy asshole.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Yeah Card Kingdom (the local game store, well sorta local there a more local one) has a "subscription" you can sign up for where they will reserve you a copy of each of the packs and then you have a week to pick them up. I had considered signing up for it but then I have to drive to Ballard and I'm just a lazy asshole.
    I can take the subway to the strat during lunch. Yet another bonus of living in a real city.

  • Driving to Ballard is no easy feat for me. The local stores near me are slow as balls. Depending up on Amazon is normally my best bet unless the local store lucks out and gets it on time.

    I'm not participating in tournaments or anything, so I can wait.
  • edited April 2013
    Eh I could take the bus, but yeah I really wish Seattle did have a better transit system. They're putting in more lightrails but in weird locations that don't really benefit me in any way.

    Gamma Ray is within easy walking distance from me but they're a much smaller store and don't offer competitive prices (and get things not on time).
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I think I'll be in Seattle this weekend, so hopefully Card Kingdom will have it.
  • I wish he would have put the other cards that have been spoiled. Where were they spoiled?

    Is there a new NBN identity? People were banking on that.

    Also that Criminal Identity. Man.
  • Andromeda is fun.
  • edited April 2013
    Also that virus card, Pheromones. You would think it would be an Anarch card, however it's probably good that it's not. It would make Noise even that more powerful.

    Also that Anarch resource of Xanadu is nice. I think I like it better than Ice Carver.

    Edit: I found the other spoiled cards. I'm digging Data Hound and Bernice Mai for NBN. Trace 5. Damn.

    As for Whirlpool, does that mean it negates Snitch?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Also that virus card, Pheromones. You would think it would be an Anarch card, however it's probably good that it's not. It would make Noise even that more powerful.

    Also that Anarch resource of Xanadu is nice. I think I like it better than Ice Carver.

    Edit: I found the other spoiled cards. I'm digging Data Hound and Bernice Mai for NBN. Trace 5. Damn.

    As for Whirlpool, does that mean it negates Snitch?
    Yes whirlpool negates snitch. Once the whirlpool subroutine executes, no more jacking out that run.

    Here's how you should use whirlpool. Setup a server that is obviously death. Maybe some data mines, neural katanas, snare, junebug, fetal ai, cell portal at the end., something evil. Then put a whilrpool with a bullfrog behind it on R+D or something. If the runner gets bullfrogged, move them to the guaranteed death server. Maybe if you have cell portal and Akitaro, you can run them through the neural katanas over and over again until they die. Maybe they just walk into the trap. Maybe it's a bunch of facedown ice you don't even bother rezzing with an edge of world.
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