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Android: Netrunner



  • Decks are already getting pretty damn scary. This runner deck is nuts. Skip to the end if you want to see his plan...

    Edit: Ah, I give up, won't embed.
    Nothing scary there. Just a bunch of people who were really not all that good. The runner was only able to pull that off because the corp let him. The corp had plenty of opportunity to rush an astroscript chain and pressure the runner.
    See, that's the thing that gets me. Everyone plays super defensive corp, when most of the time, when I've lost to corp, it was because they played super aggressive Assets, Agendas, and Ops that forced me to double-think my moves (Project Junebug, Scorched Earth, etc.). A purely defensive corp is a dead corp. The runner just has too many options.
  • Decks are already getting pretty damn scary. This runner deck is nuts. Skip to the end if you want to see his plan...

    Edit: Ah, I give up, won't embed.
    Nothing scary there. Just a bunch of people who were really not all that good. The runner was only able to pull that off because the corp let him. The corp had plenty of opportunity to rush an astroscript chain and pressure the runner.
    I hadn't seen the 3x Notoriety rush before. For a "casual" player, that looks pretty scary to ME :)

  • I really love it when my corp deck only has 7 agendas, 6 of them show up in the first 10 cards (after a mulligan, so I couldn't do anything), and the runner acts like he's the hottest shit around when in reality all he is is lucky.

    And by love it, I mean really fucking irritated by it.
  • I really love it when my corp deck only has 7 agendas, 6 of them show up in the first 10 cards (after a mulligan, so I couldn't do anything), and the runner acts like he's the hottest shit around when in reality all he is is lucky.

    And by love it, I mean really fucking irritated by it.
    Not a fan of the low-agenda strategy. I've never seen it really work so well. It costs the runner just as much to get a 3 pointer as it does for them to get a one pointer. If they spend all their resources breaking all the ice for one point instead of 3, the corp is going to be able to sneak two past for every one they lose. One pointers are also easily scored out of hand if you use trick of light, biotic labor, mandatory upgrades, etc. Scoring more out of hand means less servers to ICE up.
  • Some of the Netrunner video casts on BGG are really good. Just watched another last night. These guys are playing in the OCTGN tournament and are VERY skilled.
  • So I was running NBN vs Jeremy's Shaper. I had a server with one unrezzed Tollbooth and a rezzed Matrix Analyzer protecting a 5 point agenda card with 4 advancement tokens on it.

    Per the wording on Matrix Analyzer of, "When the Runner encounters Matrix Analyzer, you may pay 1 [Credits] to place 1 advancement token on a card that can be advance." At first I assumed when he encountered Matrix Analyzer that I could pay 1 to advance my agenda and score it.

    Then I read the rules in scoring and it states that, "The only times the Corporation can
    score an agenda is right before his turn begins, or after he completes an action." I thought at first because I was paying one credit that counts as an action, however the definition for action is spending a click.

    Didn't really matter. I won anyways. It was really hard making a 49 card NBN deck with all the cards they currently have for NBN along with other faction cards. I'm only running 3 other factions and 1 neutral. I can probably be doing something better, but I can't see it. I really want better Barrier ice, but I don't want to use the Weyland ice to have a somewhat wide array of ice in my deck.

    But yeah, NBN is great so far.
  • Study that timing chart from the FAQ. You can only score when the yellow agenda symbol appears, which is always during the corps turn.
  • Yes, I know this. I like learning by playing. (._.;)

    I plan on reading all the rules over again and the tournament rules before I compete at a friendly gathering on the 12th. That is the goal.
  • My meta gaming of the local community began on Saturday. I played my third in-person game ever against the organizer of the local league. He was impressed by how well I played for so little exp. He asked if I was going to regionals and when I said yes he hoped I didn't play anymore before then. lol
  • I've introduced enough people to the game and played enough matches with the base set, I think it's time to invest in data packs. What's the deal - for a relatively new Netrunner player, what're some good packs to get? I've probably got the funds for 2, maybe 3.
  • edited April 2013
    What Corp/Runner are you playing?

    If you are Shaper, Cyber Exodus is a no brainer. New Shaper identity with console, Personal Workshop, and Test Run. All great cards.

    Just look at the cards based on the Data pack and see what you want more of to make a decision.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Get the first two, just for scarcity reasons. They may be gone by the time you have more cash.
  • Ro - I like being flexible for now with which runner/corp I play, though currently I'm siding with Anarchist/Weyland. I definitely wouldn't mind some cool cards for Shaper/Jinteki, though, since I run tutorial games with those two - it'd be nice to have some fresh cards and make those games less slow.

    Dromaro - I like this idea, especially considering I'll have more money down the road, if I do choose to keep expanding.

  • Just have a good look at the visual spoilers

    If I had to Choose ONE data pack, it would be Cyber Exodus hands down.

    Shaper gets the mighty Personal Workshop, Dinosaurus and Test Run!

    You get Project Vitruvius - Probably the best agenda currently in the game (HB)

    You get the awesome Emergency Shutdown for crims and a cute little Pop-up Window for NBN which helps against those pesky Inside Jobs (put it outside of any decent ICE)

    Chimera is very good too, in the right deck.

  • Yeah, right now I think I'll get Cyber Exodus and What Lies Ahead.
  • As it so happens, I just ran into a San Diego player on OCTGN. As it turns out he's moving to Anaheim (about 3 miles away from me, depending on where he is) and we'll be meeting up for IRL games soon! =D
  • I do t know about buying just a few data packs. I feel it's sort of all or nothing. If you are going to compete seriously you really need all the cards. If you're not going to compete why waste money on even one expansion?
  • If you play with a self-contained playgroup you just need to keep up with where that group is at. Like with Dominion, buying and owning all the expansions when you havn't really had the opportunity to play most of them isn't necessary.
  • I don't think there is any issue with getting the Data Packs. They seem to be in stock online and at stores I frequent.

    But REN backed me and you chose wisely with Cyber Exodus.
  • There's going to be a tournament at the d20 store in Brooklyn on Sunday. I think I might go. There will be some of the same people I usually play with, but hopefully there will be mostly new faces. Also I'll hopefully play against some new decks, and also have a better chance to win if all the pros do not show up.
  • edited April 2013
    If both game stores I knew didn't have their game night for Netrunner on Sunday evening then I would probably play this game more :(
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • If both game stores I knew didn't have their game night for Netrunner on Sunday evening then I would probably play this game more :(
    M:TG - Ruining my Netrunner time.

    If you are going to Card Kingdom, there are people that still show up there on Saturdays and Sundays to play Netrunner.

    Join the group and see what times people are going and show up as well. I've only been there once and all the people I encountered are cool and super chill.!forum/netrunner-lcg-seattle-grid
  • Yeah no kidding M:TG and wargaming have plenty of slots. I might look into that April 12th competition since the girlfriend will be working.
  • Anyone want to play a quick game on OCTGN this afternoon/tonight? My core set (and a few data packs) came in the mail, and I read through the rulebook, FAQ, and all the cards. I'm going to the NYC meetup tomorrow, but I'm itching to play a bit beforehand.
  • I'm down, if its not too late.
  • Yanno. Having your corp opponent score a turn 3 Accelerated Beta test and flipping over 3 Hadrians Walls? Thats the game telling you something.
  • edited April 2013
    And his next one got 2 Ichi and a Heimdall. FML.

    And I won because of Noise and his ability to mill. Got hidden archives to 9 cards, ran archives, and broke Heimdall with a bajillion creds to access and win. Wowza.

    My instincts are now strong enough to identify traps and snares. Now I need to refine them to a point where I can be disciplined enough to trust them and not run into them.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Finally played some Netrunner in person. I went 0 - 3, but had a lot of fun. The biggest issue with my corp deck was lack of money (and no defence against infiltration). My crazy 46 card Runner deck actually did quite well, though now that I sort of understand the playstyle of the deck I want to pare it down to the essentials (it's way more defensive than it needs to be, but has enough money and crazy curveballs to keep the corp on his toes).
  • Taught Netrunner to some new people today - I had five agendas in hand at one point, and I had to epic bullshit my way through the whole game because my opponent had all three shaper icebreakers in play. I dodged all his Maker's Eyes with some slick Precognitions. I still lost 7 - 4.

    It's cool, though, I blew him up with Project Junebug the game before. No one forgets their first Junebug.
  • Ha! I just got called a "cheater" because I scored Executive Retreat, runner ran HQ on his next turn and "didn't realize" I had no hand.

    I politely pointed out this was a great time to commit to memory what that card did and he wigged out. lol After so many years away from online card play, I'm happy to see nothing has changed.

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