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Anti-GamerGate Appreciation Thread (Daikun Free Zone)



  • Axel said:

    So...It's about...Sadism?

    Seriously, I don't get the argument.

    Hatred is specifically sold and designed around the following idea: "You are the Antagonist, a mass-murdering, misanthropic psychopath who fucking hates the rest of the world and humanity and your goal is to kill everyone imaginable. This game is about ELIMINATION and a lashback to the point of political correctness."

    Although many people want to defend it as "all games are art" and "lots of games allow you to kill people," Hatred is intentionally made with you to only have the goal to kill people with no challenge, no purpose, no story or character reasons to kill. It's just genocide for the sake of genocide.

    Extra Credits states that this isn't just a violent game, it's a sadistic game because the only fun players are intended to get out of it is the joy of killing people. Every other popular game where this is brought up like Hotline Miami, Call of Duty, or GTA has the veneer that you are killing for a purpose with challenge and forces trying to stop you in the way. It's very much like the "Kill The Faggot" game we discussed a few pages ago, no point other than to hate and cause controversy.

    But people want to deny it and go "I'm a sadist and I play video games to kill people, that makes it okay! I don't actually hurt people, I just get pleasure out of violence!" It's just another issue on the fragmented, socially-bizarre attitude of extreme, hardcore gamers.
  • So, this is Postal all over again, pretty much?

    I mean, Postal had a story... sort of. And some challenge... kinda. Mostly though it was just roaming around killing totally innocent people and being sadistic to both people and animals.

    The video seemed to be mostly speculation since the game isn't out yet (I find that guy a little pandering/condescending, but whatever), but it seems to me like it probably IS a piece of art because the developer is being totally explicit and without pretense about exactly what it is. What makes it gross are the people coming out saying that sadistically killing simulated people is the reason they enjoy ANY game, and that's probably part of the art, too. To provoke/uncover/display that subgroup.

    But then, how many of those people are truly sadistic wastes of flesh and how many are just trolling for the lulz, and again, is undue attention the opposite of the solution for either group?
  • Nukerjsr said:

    Axel said:

    So...It's about...Sadism?

    Seriously, I don't get the argument.

    Hatred is specifically sold and designed around the following idea: "You are the Antagonist, a mass-murdering, misanthropic psychopath who fucking hates the rest of the world and humanity and your goal is to kill everyone imaginable. This game is about ELIMINATION and a lashback to the point of political correctness."

    Although many people want to defend it as "all games are art" and "lots of games allow you to kill people," Hatred is intentionally made with you to only have the goal to kill people with no challenge, no purpose, no story or character reasons to kill. It's just genocide for the sake of genocide.

    Extra Credits states that this isn't just a violent game, it's a sadistic game because the only fun players are intended to get out of it is the joy of killing people. Every other popular game where this is brought up like Hotline Miami, Call of Duty, or GTA has the veneer that you are killing for a purpose with challenge and forces trying to stop you in the way. It's very much like the "Kill The Faggot" game we discussed a few pages ago, no point other than to hate and cause controversy.

    But people want to deny it and go "I'm a sadist and I play video games to kill people, that makes it okay! I don't actually hurt people, I just get pleasure out of violence!" It's just another issue on the fragmented, socially-bizarre attitude of extreme, hardcore gamers.
    I meant that i didn't get the argument of any commenters. After I read what the commenter's were describing the game as, it was a literal definition of sadism. I don't understand how anyone could think that Hatred wasn't sadism.

  • Just take out "guys" and it's perfect. (because of Roxy Richter)
  • edited May 2015
    Gamergate has acquired another AAA Dev ally, someone with their name on a bunch of big, beloved properties, and whom has been incredibly successful in the industry before the media betrayed them.

    Okay no more repeating GG hype for laughs, it's Dennis Dyack.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba said:

    Gamergate has acquired another AAA Dev ally, someone with their name on a bunch of big, beloved properties, and whom has been incredibly successful in the industry before the media betrayed them.

    Okay no more repeating GG hype for laughs, it's Dennis Dyack.

    I am moderately happy that I had to look him up
  • Dyack is already a shit show.
  • MATATAT said:

    Dyack is already a shit show.

    Yep. The rundown of his resume

    - Worked on Legacy of Kain, a project so poorly managed that Silicone knights needed Crystal dynamics to come pull their fat from the fire.

    - Eternal darkness, which was pretty good, and of course, they then proceeded to fuck everything up so badly that it sunk all hope of any continuations to the franchise.

    - Metal Gear solid: Twin snakes gamecube port, which was a complete farce from start to finish.

    - Too Human, which took a decade and was an enormous pile of shit, universally panned by critics, as well as being a financial flop.

    - X-Men: Destiny, the story of which requires a long article, but can be summed up as "He funneled money and resources away from a work-for-hire gig to pay for a personal project, publisher had to all but hold a gun to his head to get him to work on it and release it half-finished, and the personal project went nowhere."

    - Tried to build a game using Unreal engine 3, without a license and dressing it up as proprietary code. Tried to claim that he wasn't, but code review showed irrefutably that he was - to which he responded by attempting to sue Epic. Needless to say, he lost. And then lost the counter-suit for copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, and breach of contract, which resulted in signifigant damages being awarded, as well as all copies of Too Human and X-men: Destiny being taken off store shelves and destroyed.

    - Ripping off various levels of the canadian government to the tune of 4.5 million dollars worth of grant money.

    - Has a notoriously antagonistic and aggressive attitude with the press, blaming them for his failures, primarily the failure of his new company's kickstarter, as well as the failure of Too Human and X-Men Destiny, in the former case because it was apparently too groundbreaking for anyone in the press to "get", and the latter because they did their jobs, and gave the woeful mess of a game poor reviews. This included a 33 minute youtube video yelling at kotaku, where he mostly made curiously specific rebuttals to accusations of embezzlement, which kotaku had not actually made.

    And of course, in the latest turn of events - he's now taking a bunch of screencaps of private communications and other similar things on social media from any developer he can get access to, and distributing them to GG.

  • Rochelle said:

    Just take out "guys" and it's perfect. (because of Roxy Richter)

    Ronald Wilson Reagan how many letters in each name? First president elected Ina zero year not to die in office since William henry Harrison. Coincidence? You decide.
  • edited June 2015
    Something "interesting" happened yesterday on reddit. A girl on /r/Planetside, a sub based on a MMO, posted some minor cosplay showing off a skirt and a T-shirt with the emblem of her faction. Some posters started insinuating that she is a man and posted all kinds of transphobic shit at her, leading her to delete the thread her entire reddit account.

    The mods of that sub of course did not like that and started banning people. Some of the less vile offenders were given "essays" of 500 words to get themselves unbanned. One of the people being assigned such an essay of course did not like and started in posting in other subs trying to get a brigade going. GamerGate of course falls hook line and sinker.

    As of this moment, a topic discussing this issue is the single most upvoted post on the GamerGate hub /r/KotakuInAction in its history. Despite that KiA's explicit rules against brigading, the mod in question has been downvoted a couple of hundred times each on virtually every post he/she made in recent history. The thread in question is also filled to the brim with transphobic shit.

    Also, Kotaku has not been invited to a press conference held by Ubisoft at E3 this year. Rather than seeing this as a potential retaliation for Kotaku pissing on Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed Unity last year and perhaps an industry blacklist showing through, GamerGate celebrates it because they just hate Kotaku so damn much.

    GamerGate, totally the arbiter of ethics that we should follow.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Yeah I saw one of those threads in TiA. They tried to take out the context and make it look like some guy just said "trap" in an unrelated context and was told to write an essay. People posted more of the conversation showing that the guy was a total ass.
  • I'm glad that PS2 is getting some coverage lol...
  • Subreddits have been banned for that shit before, but the admins won't do anything. They never do anything, because unless it gets press and starts hurting their image, they don't give a shit.
  • It's shit like this that makes me happy I've found bastions and ivory towers on the internet and in the gaming community.
    Here, and Sturmgrenadier.
    We're small, but we nuke shit like that right out of our social circles.
  • Yeah, many a troll has been logic-ed out of this forum. It's like a logic gate.
  • booooooooooooooooooo
  • Churba said:

    Subreddits have been banned for that shit before, but the admins won't do anything. They never do anything, because unless it gets press and starts hurting their image, they don't give a shit.

    See this, this is egg. It is rapidly approaching my face.
  • Reddit is...Starting to give a shit. It's a magical moment.
  • It is hilarious watching every right-wing sub from KiA to the Anarcho-capitalist and libertarian subreddits go into a paranoid breakdown over this, all of them thinking they'd be the next to go.
  • Churba said:

    Churba said:

    Subreddits have been banned for that shit before, but the admins won't do anything. They never do anything, because unless it gets press and starts hurting their image, they don't give a shit.

    See this, this is egg. It is rapidly approaching my face.
    I dunno, I think a lot of people are right about the PR aspect of the whole thing. Maybe it's preemptive for once but it really doesn't seem like much of an attempt to do right. I would like them to post some of the specific infractions that got them banned though.

    Digging through the comments someone posted some pretty compelling stuff against FPH.
  • If your subreddit's titular purpose is to spread hatred based on weight, I don't think you need evidence of wrongdoing.
  • Well, there's also the point that KiA all but openly brigades and harasses people both on and off reddit, with harassment and brigading supposedly being the criteria for bans. So if reddit isn't watching them after this, I'd be...actually, I wouldn't be surprised, but it's half-expected.
  • Churba said:

    Well, there's also the point that KiA all but openly brigades and harasses people both on and off reddit, with harassment and brigading supposedly being the criteria for bans. So if reddit isn't watching them after this, I'd be...actually, I wouldn't be surprised, but it's half-expected.

    I should make a direct Reddit clone that specifically allows all these awful people to do their thing. In fact, it should be setup so no good people are allowed. Then once it's hot, and we've got all the scum in one place, we burn the shit down. DOX all those motherfuckers simultaneously. Send their post histories to their bosses, parents, government, spouses, etc. It was a trap shitheads!
  • edited June 2015
    This made me lol.

    Edit: didn't see Churb's post in ToYD. Ah well.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Axel said:

    If your subreddit's titular purpose is to spread hatred based on weight, I don't think you need evidence of wrongdoing.

    But there are subreddits that are far more hateful that didn't get banned. The ones getting mentioned most are probably r/RapingWomen (which I'm told has a how-to guide but I'm not going to check) and r/coontown. Admins were very clear that the subs were banned because of external harassment and that vote manipulation and brigading do not qualify. The subs people are accusing of doing this most are r/AgainstMensRights and r/ShitRedditSays, admins say that they don't do this currently, and the arguing goes on ad nauseum.
  • Rochelle said:

    This made me lol.

    Edit: didn't see Churb's post in ToYD. Ah well.

    S'alright, it's funny enough for more than one post.

  • Apreche said:

    Churba said:

    Well, there's also the point that KiA all but openly brigades and harasses people both on and off reddit, with harassment and brigading supposedly being the criteria for bans. So if reddit isn't watching them after this, I'd be...actually, I wouldn't be surprised, but it's half-expected.

    I should make a direct Reddit clone that specifically allows all these awful people to do their thing. In fact, it should be setup so no good people are allowed. Then once it's hot, and we've got all the scum in one place, we burn the shit down. DOX all those motherfuckers simultaneously. Send their post histories to their bosses, parents, government, spouses, etc. It was a trap shitheads!
    A Honey-Scott?
  • *grips hand to prevent motion* don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...
  • *grips hand to prevent motion* don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...

    DO IT.

  • Churba said:

    *grips hand to prevent motion* don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...

    DO IT.

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