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Anti-GamerGate Appreciation Thread (Daikun Free Zone)



  • And you managed to put it right on top of a new page. Congrats.

    In other news, it is interesting how GamerGate is now all about defending FatPeopleHate. Truly, the arbiters of ethics.
  • Ikatono said:

    Yeah I saw one of those threads in TiA. They tried to take out the context and make it look like some guy just said "trap" in an unrelated context and was told to write an essay. People posted more of the conversation showing that the guy was a total ass.

    This is now how it's being spammed all over Voat, too. (Well, before all the fatpeoplehate jerks showed up and crashed the server for going on 18 hours now.)

    I no longer have any reservations about lumping them all into the same bucket. Even the slightly more reasonable voices in "GamerGate" must understand that they've hitched their wagon to the Titanic. Even if you try to make it all about ethics in journalism *without* pretending that real gaming journalism has barely ever existed and *without* lacing everything with overt misogyny and butthurt, you're still working with an anchor around your neck.

    An anchor that's being finely filigreed, detailed, and maintained by masses of shitposters on a daily basis. It's a troll free-for-all.
  • Apreche said:

    Churba said:

    Well, there's also the point that KiA all but openly brigades and harasses people both on and off reddit, with harassment and brigading supposedly being the criteria for bans. So if reddit isn't watching them after this, I'd be...actually, I wouldn't be surprised, but it's half-expected.

    I should make a direct Reddit clone that specifically allows all these awful people to do their thing. In fact, it should be setup so no good people are allowed. Then once it's hot, and we've got all the scum in one place, we burn the shit down. DOX all those motherfuckers simultaneously. Send their post histories to their bosses, parents, government, spouses, etc. It was a trap shitheads!
    That's not a bad idea.

    Design it with the opposite mechanisms of everything we know about community design.
  • *hasn't barely ever existed... in the first place...

    Oh fuck it there's no cure for that sentence.
  • Austin Walker is very new to Giant Bomb, but he's already doing quality work.
    Check out this argument against the folks calling intelligent dicussion "censorship"
  • Austin Walker is very new to Giant Bomb, but he's already doing quality work.
    Check out this argument against the folks calling intelligent dicussion "censorship"

    Glad you shared this I haven't been to GB in awhile. I think the conversation is important and needs to be had while simultaneously feeling accusations of racism against CD project are ludicrous. To put it in terms of the article I would put accusation of racism more on the end of the spectrum calling for a ban or " force." Not sure if anyone has actually done that though.
  • I don't know why people are still having this conversation. XKCD ended it.

  • edited June 2015

    Word cloud of comments on the announcement thread

    r/punchablefaces starts filling r/all with photos of "Chairman Pao"

    Over a dozen new FPH replacement subs have been banned for ban circumvention; butthurt redditors claim oppression because these subs are banned for "ideas, not behavior"

    Seriously, if you go to "r/fatpeoplehate##" odds are it either exists or has already been banned.

    Apparently, the day before the bans FPH noticed that many of their images were either removed from imgur, or not shown on the imgur social media bits that some people use for some reason. FPH retaliated by posting photos of imgur admins.

    Pao-Hitler comparisons abound.

    Pao pictures banned from r/punchablefaces by sole unbanned mod, r/punchablefaces2 emerges.

    r/fatpepehate is formed and is briefly amusing.

    Pao makes a post trying to link to her inbox, which you can't do, deletes the post, then gets brigaded for not knowing how to use reddit. Almost every comment gets deleted, people get butthurt.

    Poster in r/PaoMustResign tells people to stop buying gold, gets gilded 25 times and counting.

    That's all for now.

    EDIT: retroactive link fix
    EDIT2: link was right, not sure what's happening
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited June 2015
    Ikatono said:
    Fixed link.
    Ikatono said:

    link was right, not sure what's happening

    Your link is missing the "http://" in front of it, or else the forum interprets it as a redirect within this thread.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Dubyaz said:

    Austin Walker is very new to Giant Bomb, but he's already doing quality work.
    Check out this argument against the folks calling intelligent dicussion "censorship"

    Glad you shared this I haven't been to GB in awhile. I think the conversation is important and needs to be had while simultaneously feeling accusations of racism against CD project are ludicrous. To put it in terms of the article I would put accusation of racism more on the end of the spectrum calling for a ban or " force." Not sure if anyone has actually done that though.
    That article is fantastic. I believe Austin covered not only that criticism doesn't always come from a place of malice or a desire to change, but also that you know, people have the right to change their mind about creative decisions they made in the past because they learned in hindsight how things are. Asking for this change is not a massive upheaval unless the law is specifically involved to change or remove that property. Also, to once again plug Jim Sterling, he really points out that commentary and a willingness to change doesn't necessarily come from a source of pressure.

  • I am really impressed at the sheer quantity of butthurt over this whole thing. Like, really, you can't find ANYWHERE ELSE on the Internet to be a despicable piece of shit?

    I hope becomes flooded with these assholes, and then they all realize how much fun it is to swim in shit.
  • I don't, because was a really neat, reasonable little place where people talked and mostly didn't flame each other and act like assholes. Actual conversations between people with almost polar opposite views were happening all over the place, and with a great deal of civility.

    Now the site is down for the count under the weight of a hundred thousand butthurt teenagers who think Free Speech means spraying their urine all over everything they come across. Voat didn't ask for that and doesn't deserve it.
  • I thought Voat was started expressly as a Reddit clone by people who thought that Reddit was censoring them.
  • Voat was started expressly as a reddit clone primarily because of the censoring and shaping of news and politics on reddit, not as a haven for douchebags.

    That said, Atko is pretty open minded and not all of the community agrees with being quite as laissez faire as he'd like to be, but it was working well with a small community, mostly. Atko wasn't going out of his way to advertise the place as far as I could tell. It was growing very, very slowly.

    There's been waves of trolls and some unfortunate content posted which people have been encouraged to call actual legal authorities about, but overall it's been pretty sedate and civil.

    I doubt that'll last now. The new queue, when it even loads right now, is already full of reddit-style dank memes and noise. It was nice while it lasted.
  • muppet said:

    Voat was started expressly as a reddit clone primarily because of the censoring and shaping of news and politics on reddit, not as a haven for douchebags.

  • edited June 2015
    I'll try to dig up quotes when the site stops being on fire.

    Atko might have been more general. Don't remember. I remember that many of the early arrivals were mostly upset about blatantly lopsided deletions in /r/news and /r/politics employing rules lawyering.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • muppet said:

    It was nice while it lasted.

    Every community is nice until people start showing up.

  • Well yeah, but there's a critical mass which isn't necessarily a number so much as a *density* where people inevitably wreck *everything*.
  • I'd rather all the shitheads just stay on Reddit until it eventually burns to the ground.
  • edited June 2015
    The ability to completely filter the subreddits you're looking at basically ensure that I can create a walled garden.

    This is probably Reddit's best feature, honestly.

    Though I kinda wish they'd reinstate FPH and then ban it again in a week. The tears are delicious. Or maybe just start banning jerkass users willy-nilly until all the assholes actually leave.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I think our culture as a whole has more than enough walled gardens as it is. I don't know what the solution is, but reddit is like an anti-solution. We're already more polarized as a country than we've been probably since the Civil War. The death of TV and of the Fairness Doctrine changed the discourse quite a lot even though there's no shortage of people saying it made no real difference.
  • muppet said:

    It was nice while it lasted.

    Every community is nice until people start showing up.
  • Currently this is the damning evidence of game journalism corruption being much touted on the front page of KotakuInAction. 4 tweets is a relationship, you guys!

    This isn't even enough rigor for /r/conspiracy, and I'm pretty sure they believe in literal lizard people.

  • Meanwhile, the WSJ printed a puff piece on a dude who got fired for serial plagiarism, because the writer of the piece was a friend of the fired dude, and they don't give a FUCK.
  • Well, was that WSJ guy a game reviewer? Because if not they'll just claim it's out of scope. After all, video games are really important and relevant much more so than anything they could possibly publish in the Wall St Journal...

    I particularly like the citation I was given when I challenged the "info" graphic above:

    I love two things: that the timeline starts in 2007 and that there's a 5 year gap in it. Is GamerGate trying to retconn itself back to 2007?

    Game publishers and many gaming "journalists" have had an incestuous business relationship going back well into the mid 90s. It was well known at the time, is fairly well known now by anyone who had been, you know *born* by then, and none of this is new. GamerGate as a group is hyper-focused on Zoe Quinn in particular but also any woman who dares write a game review. And frankly, it seems like at least half of the agita comes from the idea that someone, somewhere might be having sex moreso than anything else. I suspect the average GG booster is having trouble in that area.
  • Not that's it's at all relevant to recent goings on, as much as certain butthurt redditors would like it to be, is there any real legitimacy to the claims of massive fraud and whatnot by Ellen Pao and her husband?
  • edited June 2015
    Banta said:

    Churba said:

    *grips hand to prevent motion* don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...don'tphotoshopscott'sfaceontocutiehoney...

    DO IT.

    I need to find that one time I photoshopped Scott's face onto Haruhi Suzumiya.

    EDIT: Looks like ImageShack ate the picture, but it was fun seeing that one time the forum almost lynched me back in '08.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Ikatono said:

    Not that's it's at all relevant to recent goings on, as much as certain butthurt redditors would like it to be, is there any real legitimacy to the claims of massive fraud and whatnot by Ellen Pao and her husband?

    Sort of. Buddy Fletcher has been accused of fraud, but it's not been proven, nor actually gone to court as far as I know. Pao had nothing to do with that - it was part of the meltdown of the hedge fund he managed, and it's unclear in the extreme if he was even involved in any illegal activity.

    Ellen Pao is being included for the dire crime of being in a position of power while being female AND a minority.
  • edited June 2015
    EMERGENCY POPCORN ALERT - Voat, the "free-speech supporting" alternative to reddit that all the Gators, FPH-users and other assorted bigots too shitty for even reddit to deal with, has had it's servers taken down by the server host, located in Germany, for apparent "Political correctness issues."

    Conspiracy theories have already been flying full speed for hours, and the salt in unimaginable.
    Post edited by Churba on
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