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Anti-GamerGate Appreciation Thread (Daikun Free Zone)



  • It's not a conspiracy if the German government comes out and says "We're shutting you down because you're like a swirling tornado of hateful shit."
  • It's true that a flood of shit posters from reddit have migrated to Voat, and it's true that Atko is being a little too naive about welcoming the new traffic. An awful lot of the Voat community (ie, basically everyone who was there before the FPH migration and the jailbait trolling) doesn't want them there.

    SO, it's not really all that accurate to call Voat a huge swirling shit pile. More like a bunch of twenty somethings who believe in the ideal of total non-censorship even though that's totally unfeasible and are probably going to cling to it a little too long and lose their site entirely.

    It would be too bad, because Voat had some really interesting, engaging communities forming around progressive politics among other things where people were polite, nobody was shouted down, and there was really no vote brigading to speak of. It was nice while it briefly lasted.

    I don't see the point in being gleeful about an optimistic project biting the dust, even though the FPH and other shitheads can all drop dead as far as I'm concerned.

    Poe's law is in effect all over that fucking website right now, though. I wouldn't be too sure that the conspiracy theories are actually in earnest. There's so much sarcastic and snide shit going on that it's impossible to tell. I wouldn't doubt that SRS types are posting reprehensible shit all over Voat that they can link to and tsk at, either.
  • muppet said:

    I wouldn't doubt that SRS types are posting reprehensible shit all over Voat that they can link to and tsk at, either.

    Yeah, the false flag thing is utter nonsense. It always has been - with the sheer volume of awful, reprehensible shit on reddit(and Voat) why would they even need to?
    I wouldn't be too sure that the conspiracy theories are actually in earnest.
    Nope - they're mostly 100% serious. Unless they are absurdly dedicated trolls who never, ever slip up or break character.
  • As someone who deals with Redditors in a moderation capacity on a daily basis, do not ever underestimate how low a Redditor can go, or how crazy they can be. There was a time when we were accused, on a daily basis, of being "on the take" from CrunchyRoll because of our anti-piracy policy on /r/anime.
  • I love a good conspiracy theory, rational, useful explanations are boring :wink:
  • There are absurdly dedicated trolls all over both Reddit and voat. Its not so much false flag as just plain old shit stirring. No need to break character when you've got 5 alts.

    It's not a conspiracy theory to say that a handful of people could post vile shitnall over voat and then link to and scream about it.

    Anyway the site was quite nice only a month ago.
  • But I'm only talking about some of the truly reprehensible crap. There's plenty of just flat out vile people taking advantage of the extremely loose policy on site wide moderation. The queue is full of hateful people jerking each other off and/or shock trolling. Can't deny that.
  • edited June 2015
    muppet said:

    It's not a conspiracy theory to say that a handful of people could post vile shitnall over voat and then link to and scream about it.

    Well, look at it this way, really, what's more likely - a false flag from people who are almost constantly accused of false flags with no evidence, purely because they point out people being shitty on reddit, or that a whole bunch of real shitty people started using Voat, and posted a bunch of shitty stuff, because they're shitty people?
    muppet said:

    But I'm only talking about some of the truly reprehensible crap. There's plenty of just flat out vile people taking advantage of the extremely loose policy on site wide moderation. The queue is full of hateful people jerking each other off and/or shock trolling. Can't deny that.

    Now that we can all agree on. It's not exactly a case of FPH and the others now being released into the wild because their hive was destroyed - after all, the subs in question were banned because they were already going out and starting shit all over reddit - but the shitposting from shitgolems has certainly been more apparent sitewide. Just poutrage culture doing it's thing as usual.
    Post edited by Churba on

  • *Insert Angry Youtube Comments Explaining Everyone Is Abused On Internet, So Get Over It*
  • Well, the Gadsden flag itself isn't bad its just that a lot of assholes tend to use it. I'd much rather have a flag that stands for "Don't fuck with me" than "Remember when we used to have slaves?"
  • There isn't anything wrong with Don't Tread On Me, right?
  • Well, the Gadsden flag itself isn't bad its just that a lot of assholes tend to use it. I'd much rather have a flag that stands for "Don't fuck with me" than "Remember when we used to have slaves?"

    Starfox said:

    There isn't anything wrong with Don't Tread On Me, right?

    Besides the fact that it was made by a South Carolina plantation owner who participated in a military expedition against Native Americans in the Seven Years War? Not much, accept that is now associated in the public mind with the Republican/conservative opposition in America.
  • edited June 2015
    Yeah, considering how often the Gadsen flag has flown on a standard of blatant hatred - Posse Cometatus, it's creator, the KKK, a shitload of openly racist militias, a bunch of real nasty libertarian shit, practically every notable modern white supremacist in America to date, etc etc, I can kind of see why we might not want to actually fly it, basically for the same reason as the Confederate flag that we've been arguing about this last week.

    Also, if there was any doubt that Gamergate is literally just a right-wing hate group, if it hasn't evaporated by now you're probably part of Gamergate anyway.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just found this on reddit:
    Dear Fucking Manchild,

    I'm sorry I am no longer 16. I have in fact grown up, my testicles have dropped, and while I do spend a great deal of time on the internet - in fact, my job is building and repairing web applications - probably ones you might have used, I do grow weary of the internet's bullshit.

    I'm glad that you've found 4chan and Reddit, but did you know, there's approximately 180 million websites, give or take? Most of them do things like sell clothes and provide news, or blog about their cat. Or porn. There's a lot of porn. You'd be surprised that desu memes, n****r jokes, and MRA brosites are a really fucking small portion of the internet. Not 0.1 percent. Not even close.

    So when you talk to me about the "real internet" - I build the real internet. I run network cables, rack servers, parse out bad namespace errors, fix 500s, rebuild RAID arrays, and do the shit that makes the real fucking internet - where people behave just like they do in real life.

    Your anonymity doesn't make you strong. It makes you fucking weak. You've decided your baser instincts belong on the internet instead of your humanity, and you allow people like Ellen Pao and Anita Sarkeesian to take the fall for you. You don't fear the loss of free speech - you fear the requirement to be an actual fucking person on the internet. To have to listen to your opposition, treat them with basic human decency and compassion and possibly change your fucking mind.

    You fear accountability. I own every word I've ever said here, even words I've regretted deeply. I'm easy to reach and my real name has been disclosed several times. I'm friends with several users here. My Twitter and Google+ both disclose my real name, and most people here know where I work. If you want, I'll gladly share.

    You, who would unironically use a term like hugbox, are busy raging at the loss of your own. You need the chans, because you couldn't stand with me man-to-man. You have to post "Lol U Mad, Bro" memes, because you're not mature enough to take constructive criticism in a stern voice.

    The rest of the internet is growing the fuck up. Twitter and Facebook are spreading news and helping freedom fighters seek democracy. They were also a medium to allow hate to spread, but they're working to fix that.

    Honestly, I have a new relationship, a new apartment that still needs some touch up, a full time job, and a variety of recreational activities and family commitments. Internet bullshit time is not in that list. My phone notifications are an integral part of my existence - I can't choose to turn them off for three hours. Getting brigaded doesn't make me cry, or damage my self-worth one fucking iota. It's a waste of my fucking time however, and oddly, when you get older, you start to treat it more like the precious resource it is, and mourn the time when you were younger that was wasted on things like internet bullshit.

    No adult worth their salt will ever say - "I wish I repressed more homosexuals and women and fatties on /b/ when I was younger."

    I also am getting to the point where I might want to have a child, and if she is a daughter, I want her to be able to live her life free of scorn based solely on the fact that she has a pair of tits and you're capable of avoiding my parental retribution. I do worry about what sort of internet we're leaving behind, but more importantly, what sort of people we're leaving behind. I do not want my daughter surrounded by pathetic people like yourself - people who can't handle the least bit of consternation without building a wall of anonymity and snarking or slandering in the dark. I don't fear your attitude, I fear your pervasive cowardice, and the pseudo-intellectual veneer you assholes put over it - with bullshit like the Men's Rights Agenda, and Redpilling and Egalitarianism and anti-SJW and these obsessive fucking Gates. There might be real people with good ideas in each of those groups, but you're sure as fuck not one of them.

    So now, you get to look at the real internet - full of commentary and commerce, discourse and information, accountability and responsibility. You can come the fuck along, or you can run back to your hugbox, but don't blame me when the world changes around you.


    Justin Scott, Adult.

    [Edit: As a note: I appreciate all the upvotes and Reddit Gold - seriously, thank you so much. I would a;sp appreciate that if you're coming here from another sub that you do not downvote brigade /u/Skragzilla or any other user that comments. We're here to foster healthy debate about this, and I view brigade downvoting as a silencing technique. Thanks. -JDS]
    [ ] Not Told
    [X] Told
  • Was there a mic being dropped? I hope so.
  • Bonus, gaters and sea lions invaded that twitter feed and started blaming the poster and being apologists.
  • Slashdot is basically filled with reprehensible gamergate pieces of shit.

    In a Brianna Wu AMA thread:

    Check out these comments. They all made +5 in the moderation immediately.
  • Embeds for easier enjoyment.
  • These are fucking horrifying.
    "Hey, you said you moved due to harassment, but we stalked you and determined that you hadn't moved, how do you explain that!?"
  • Wait, if 88% of reported harassers weren't connected to GG, then doesn't that mean that 12% were? That's still a pretty crazy percentage. Even if only .66% of GG's are the ones doing it, that's a pretty big chunk of Twitter harassment.
  • Gamergate is terrible at science, logic, and basic reasoning, which is why their entire thesis that feminists defy logic is so bunk. There's absolutely an argument to be made about problems in social justice circles, but it's not the one they make, and there's no logic to anything they discuss.

    But people of their ilk have infected many places on the web. This forum is largely the cleanest place I can go, aside from a heavily blocked Twitter (via blocklists).
  • These are fucking horrifying.
    "Hey, you said you moved due to harassment, but we stalked you and determined that you hadn't moved, how do you explain that!?"

    This made me lol.
  • The greatest condemnation of GamerGate so far is still that their first thought on how to enforce ethics in gaming journalism is to eradicate the ethical barrier between editorial and advertising. They still are trying to punish sites like Polygon by mass-emailing advertisers, and recently the GG subreddit KotakuInAction allowed them to organize these "protests" on the subreddit again after having banned it before.
  • edited July 2015
    Rym said:

    Embeds for easier enjoyment.

    [Gator nonsense]

    Oh...oh my. I haven't been to Slashdot in ages, but I always remembered it as a bastion of erudite progressive discussions that railed against such things.

    I don't believe I'll be visiting it ever again.


    "You misunderstand, Im sure Wu has had plenty of horrific experiences, I just think most of them have been brought upon herself for the purpose of garnering attention, sympathy and money."

    Oh god why did I read the comments?

    Burn it to the ground.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
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