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Booh yah!



  • I just ran 16.19 km in 1hr and 11 minutes and I didn't die :D
  • I blanked out my keyboard a few months ago and can now use it almost perfectly.
  • I just got word from the president of the gaming club at my community college that one member from Run DMC is playing a free concert in the auditorium and anyone who comes gets in. Hooray!
  • Switched to Comcast. My old ISP was giving me 70 kilobits per second download speeds. New test:


    Omae wa mo shindeiru.
  • Switched to Comcast. My old ISP was giving me 70 kilobits per second download speeds. New test:


    Omae wa mo shindeiru.
    That's Comcastic!
  • That'sComcastic!
    I want to kill you now.
  • That'sComcastic!
    I want to kill you now.
  • So less then 30 minuets ago I posted on here and on Facebook I am looking for a second Xbox 360 with the cables a controller and a 20gb hard drive. I wanted to pay less then $100. Now I am a proud owner of a used Xbox 360 with HDMI cables and a 20gb hard drive. I payed $80. Well OK sure it is not in my hands this second, but in the next few hours it will be.
  • I was able to lower my time. Now I can run 6'30'' per mile :D
  • First paycheck in over six months. I can pay bills again! Little by little, the stress is going away.
  • The time skip in One Piece made everyone cooler. It's pretty awesome.
  • Boo Yah 1: Super new awesome shnazzy library opened today.
    Boo Yah 2: No classes today.
  • Boo Yah 1: Super new awesome shnazzy library opened today.
    Boo Yah 2: No classes today.
    Ooh! New Libraries are always awesome! Someday I'll open up a library...
  • I have a super seekrit plan involving opening a library. It's no normal library.
  • While normally getting my crew to do anything is like herding a bunch of cats with ADD, I have gotten all of us to already register for PAX east, and starting on the logistics for the trip. We got this shit on LOCK son!
  • I have a super seekrit plan involving opening a library. It's no normal library.
    Read or Die?

    Anyway, multiple booyahs today.

    Booyah the first: Played some of the most awesome games of Apples to Apples today in the game room. Ten People, Lots of yelling, loads of awesome.

    Booyah the second: Finally told a girl I really like that I...really like her. And I asked her out.
    Ehhhh? : I looked like she felt a little awkward, and she said she wasn't used to being asked out. So I said "want me to ask you again later?" "yeah!"

    Booyah the Third: I got a package from Ro today! Not only did she send me my game of Poo, but she gave me an early birthday present too! S'Quarrels! She also drew a birthday panda on the packaging and wrote me an awesome letter! Thanks Ro! You capped off today with an awesome amount of your usual awesomeness!
  • Booyah the Third: I got a package from Ro today! Not only did she send me my game of Poo, but she gave me an early birthday present too! S'Quarrels! She also drew a birthday panda on the packaging and wrote me an awesome letter! Thanks Ro! You capped off today with an awesome amount of your usual awesomeness!
    D'awww. You're welcome. You deserved that present for making me an awesome Nujabes Rap Bday song. ^________^

    But yeah, when I saw your bday thing on FB and that S'Quarrels was on the list of the games you were going to play there, I thought you got the package already. Then when you told me you didn't get it yet, I was like "NOOO! HE ALREADY HAS THE GAME! FTL!" >______<

    It's a good thing you intended to buy it, but didn't have it yet. So it all works out! Yay! Winners are us!
  • Read or Die?
    Harr. Nope. For now, it's quite secret. But sooner than you think I'll probably start hitting people from these very boards about the idea.
  • Albany Public Library is starting an Anime/Manga club for kids and teens.
  • Albany Public Library is starting an Anime/Manga club for kids and teens.
  • edited October 2010

    Edit: Paul Giamatti in 30 Rock.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • I went from 2500 emails across my two main inboxes to 24.

  • Not only is my laptop now fixed (by my one of my father's techies) and fully ready to be used again, it now has Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.
  • I replaced the power supply and my family computer is up and running.
  • I went from 2500 emails across my two main inboxes to 24.

    The "inbox zero" philosophy and practice changed my life. Right now I have 6 emails, and I feel a bit snowed under! By dealing with any issue as soon as you read it keeps stress waaaay down.
  • Keep every e-mail, read every e-mail as soon as you can. I don't care about keeping my inbox empty, just that every one is marked unread. Thus, I have a perfect electronic paper trail.
  • New house GET.
  • I don't care about keeping my inbox empty, just that every one is marked unread. Thus, I have a perfect electronic paper trail.
    I'm not sure I understand your process, nor your intended result. Could you explain more?
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