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New Years Resolutions for 2011



  • Personal New Years Resolutions 2011:
    1) Complete composition of my Symphony #1 (if time allows, begin work on #2)
    2) Become more proficient at the piano
    3) Spend more time with family
    4) Read 20 books
    5) Quit procrastinating (Eh, might be one for next year)
    6) Complete ME2, Oblivion, and HL2
    7) Decrease overall stress level
  • 1) Quit nicotine (3 days so far)
    2) Start a garden
    3) New wardrobe
    4) Build computer
    5) Use said computer to finish my massive game que
    6) Read more
  • I have another huge list of plans and goals for 2010, despite thinking I might not bother setting them. However, I heard that if you write down your goals you are many times more likely to meet them.

    Anyway, the huge list isn't fixed yet, but my new years resolution is this:

    Whenever I am more flexible, I feel way better about my body. Fitness is no problem for me, and neither is controlling weight. But I really want to be able to touch my toes easily, after two years of inflexibility due to back problems.
  • I never make promises I can't keep. But I'm going to try to lose weight. I'm tired of being fat.
  • I never make promises I can't keep. But I'm going to try to lose weight. I'm tired of being fat.
  • I wanted to write a rap of my resolutions, but really, it's down to smoke less, rap more.
  • I wanted to write a rap of my resolutions, but really, it's down to smoke less, rap more.
    Rap about smoking less.
  • Rap about smoking less.
    Not the worst plan, actually. I'll put it in the hopper, so to speak.
  • 1. Get better at table tennis.
    2. Get a job over the summer.
    3. Relearn Russian.
    4. Do some basic exercise before and after bed.
    5. Learn about computers.
    6. Look around at my surroundings before speaking.
    7. Eat more frequently but with smaller portions.
    8. Sleep less, get better grades and more friends.
    9. Read aloud everyday and do speaking drills daily.
    10. Spend less time in front of my laptop.

    Well, let's fulfill the last one now.
  • 1) Get Straight As. Become a premedical student god.
    2) Start tutoring for moneys. Get a library job.
    3) Read even more. Get back to the book-weekly speedreading of my past.
    4) Build muscle. I seem to be losing weight constantly due to my lifestyle choices, so I should probably gain some back in a constructive fashion. Fencing? Judo? The sky's the limit.
    5) Start learning the moonrunes and moonspeak. Learn conversational French. Brush up on my Spanish.
    6) Get a medical internship.
    7) Make more time for geekeries. Miniatures, board gaming, vidya, comics.
    8) Get an RPG group together.
    9) More Cafe gaming.
    10) Get more sleep.
    11) Stop vacantly staring at blogs that aren't updating and do constructive things.
    12) Fundefined's #1.
    13) Build another PC.
    14) Save for and purchase a Micro 4/3rds camera. Get active in photography.
    15) Take more trips. I'm going to visit my friends at their college in a few days. I'm planning on going out to California this summer to look at med schools. I'll also likely be through New York and DC/Baltimore for the same.
    16) Study for MCAT. Make it my fucking bitch.
    17) Musical project. Still have to figure this one out.
    18) Start the ligne clare comic project I've had in the hopper for a while. It's about a gentleman thief forced into working for the Allies during a Steampunk WWII.
  • 1. Graduate this year.
    2. Move out.
    3. Draw something every day.
  • Additional resolution: New Year's Eve was the one and only accidental bender I go on this year. Ugh.

    I say "accidental" because I don't go on benders intentionally. There is a very specific formula that results in catastrophic intoxication for me and I normally avoid it, in no small part because I don't really like to be more than a little bit intoxicated. Every so often, though - the period seems to be about three years but it varies - I screw up the formula and accidentally get stupid sick drunk. I don't like it while it's going on and I don't like it afterwards. There's just a slippery slope right up at the front that leads to disaster.

    tl;dr - Drink slow, kids. Don't rush it. Not even if you're late to the party.
  • 1. Move in with my boyfriend.
  • Things are not out to a good start, already skipped shaving.
  • Things are not out to a good start, already skipped shaving.
  • Things are not out to a good start, already skipped shaving.
    Just say your resolution is to grow a beard.
  • Things are not out to a good start, already skipped shaving.
    Just say your resolution is to grow a beard.
    Because that is a physical impossibility. There's a reason Kate nicknamed me "Patches."
  • Things are not out to a good start, already skipped shaving.
    Just say your resolution is to grow a beard.
    Spin doctor's gonna spin.
  • Here is my shit-talk calendar from 2010

    You can see that I shit talk a lot less when it is warm. When it is cold I tend to hibernate. Also, you can see that the conventions disrupt the productivity, though the convnentions themselves also count as non-shit-talk days.
  • edited January 2011
    My resolutions for the eleventies:

    -Wear a dress made completely of ice.
    -Paint a giant mural of a penis that is so well executed that it could never be deemed obscene.
    -Read the third word in ever book at the book store.
    -Break that nasty slipper licking habit.
    -Put chewed gum in the ears of my enemies and not the ears of my husband.
    -Become the first 27 year old child prodigy.
    -Make friends with a turtle with a terminal illness and when he is reaching the end of his days, do the merciful thing and make a nice soup.
    -Become temporally unbound.
    -Learn how to say "bring me your finest cake" in at least six dead languages.
    -Lose a city or two (seriously, my coastlines are over populated).
    -Break the hearts of thirty-two squirrels and one chipmunk.
    -Invent a new "new" math and then force a single generation to learn it, only to revert to old math, leaving an entire generation in ignorance of basic times tables.
    -Perform two miracles and attempt not to perform a third - the Catholics have enough saints as it is.
    -Have drastic plastic surgery in order to look like a marmet.
    -Watch an entire baseball game without falling asleep.
    -Start a trend of ending all sentences with the phrase, "As the mighty Ocelot deems it."
    -Turn Patrick Stuart into a hamster and keep him as a pet.
    -Buy a good umbrella and give puppies the ability to fly.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • -Watch an entire baseball game without falling asleep.
  • -Paint a giant mural of a penis that is so well executed that it could never be deemed obscene.
    I like this idea. Make it so.
  • -Erect a giant mural of a penis that is so well executed that it could never be deemed obscene.
  • -Break that nasty slipper licking habit.
    For some reason, I parsed "nasty slipper" as "nipple."
  • -Read the third word in ever book at the book store.
    Great. Now I'm curious.
  • edited January 2011
    1)Finish creating a game
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • - Play five songs from Zelda on the Keyboard, Harmonica and Guitar.
    - Complete Head-first C# (Ordered it.).
    - Somehow eat normally (Buy crate of pot noodles.).
  • So Pete, remember that thing about going to the doctor? Well, I did that. He said I'm healthy, but Fatty needs to just eat less. He wouldn't hear of an appetite suppressant. He said to just stop fucking eating everything I see and suggested the caveman diet.

    So that was time well spent.
  • Anyway, the huge list isn't fixed yet, but my new years resolution is this:

    Whenever I am more flexible, I feel way better about my body. Fitness is no problem for me, and neither is controlling weight. But I really want to be able to touch my toes easily, after two years of inflexibility due to back problems.
    I can touch my toes easily after a week of stretching. The training is simple: instead of kicking up juggling props from the floor, bend down to pick them up. Considering I juggle about an hour every day, that is a lot of picking up, which mean a lot of stretching.

    This is the first time I've been able to touch my toes in over two years! Until now I've not wanted to temp fate and aggravate my back troubles from 2009.

    I just looked up how much I've juggled this month (I've been keeping track, which is another plan for the year): 22 days, for an average of 1.225 hours each session. If I hadn't been ill I would have trained every day, except for one time I was too hungover. I think, for March, I'm going to go for an unbroken month of juggling for at least 1 hour per day, and by the end of it be able to put my hands flat on the floor (while bending over with my legs straight).
  • Bump for relevance! I'm making a list over the course of the day; I'll update later.
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