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California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban



  • The DOJ has concluded that the Defense of Marriage act couldn't hold up in court, and will decline to defend it against lawsuits. This is one of the last steps before a series of court cases can overturn it properly.
    I'm guessing that this is an order from the Oval Office, as the DOJ is part of the Executive branch.

    P.S. Far be it from me to quote people who we've agreed are annoying and aren't worth listening to, Canada sorted this shit out back when I lived there under a Conservative government! < /bragging >
  • Canada must be a wonderful place. Would you say it's more like Middle Earth or more like Coruscant?
  • Canada must be a wonderful place. Would you say it's more like Middle Earth or more like Coruscant?
    It's like a hat.
  • Canada must be a wonderful place. Would you say it's more like Middle Earth or more like Coruscant?
    It's like a fur cap.
  • Canada must be a wonderful place. Would you say it's more like Middle Earth or more like Coruscant?
    It's like a fur cap.
    It's more like a toque, eh?
  • If the toque is made out of raccoon, beaver, muskrat, or moose skin, then yes.
  • Meanwhile at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC):
    The new chair of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was on C-SPAN yesterday. Doesn't sound like there's going to be a place for GOProud at CPAC next year. CPAC only wants true haters and self-loathing gays: Organizations are not welcome to come to CPAC next year if they support DADT repeal (which rules out 80% of all Americans, including that CPAC hero Dick Cheney, among others) and if they support marriage equality (which rules out that CPAC hero Dick Cheney, among others). He did say that "gays" are welcome so long as they don't advocate gays in the military or marriage. Guess GOProud isn't quite the darlings of the conservative movement that they think they are. Let's see how hard GOProud will grovel to get re-invited.
  • Canada must be a wonderful place. Would you say it's more like Middle Earth or more like Coruscant?
    Middle Earth, more trees, more elves, less shitty CG backgrounds.
  • It's ok to be Takei. I love that man.

  • If the toque is made out of raccoon, beaver, muskrat, or moose skin, then yes.
    Held on to the scalp with maple syrup.
  • "That is sooooooo Takei!" Brilliant.
  • I'm disappointed that doesn't seem to exist, but quite happy to find the merch on Zazzle.
  • I'm surprised Paramount let him use the star trek emblem.
  • I'm surprised Paramount let him use the star trek emblem.
    Good point. I wonder if Zazzle will pull it.
  • The effort to legalize gay marriage in NY is in trouble, and just to make sure we learn a lesson for being so uppity, 3 senators are pushing a bill that would take away our legal recognition of marriages performed outside of NY state.

    As a lesbian New Yorker planning to get married in a year, this sort of thing makes me so sad and so angry I can't think of a good analogy. Now you can't say gay in Tennessee and Minnesota is about to pass a bill that will outright ban gay marriages (because you know they're not going to vote it down.) A ban will be the next thing our disgusting senate will go for if they're able to take away our recognition and beat down the marriage vote.

    If as many people cared about this sort of thing and about calling senators as they did about mass internet pranks and the like, maybe we would have some more steam. I'm just encouraging anyone reading this to contact senators, whether you're a New Yorker or not. It makes me sick to see this sort of thing increasing as time goes by, rather than lessening.
  • 3 senators are pushing a bill that would take away our legal recognition of marriages performed outside of NY state.
    Yeah, Cuomo will never sign that, but they are dicks just for introducing it. NC has introduced a similar bill that is basically a forced DOMA - it would forbid businesses from offering benefits to gay partners. Where do they get the balls to dictate who private industry can offer benefits to?
  • Where do they get the balls to dictate who private industry can offer benefits to?
    Republicans favor heavy regulation and strong government intervention in private enterprise.
  • Republicans favor heavy regulation and strong government intervention in private enterprise.
    Yeah. Y'know, all that "small government" type of stuff they're always talking about.

    I'm having a very "I hate people" day today.
  • edited May 2011
    Republicans are the absolute masters of saying one thing and doing the opposite.When they say "no interfering in business" they mean "interfering on behalf of big business". When they say "Small Government" they really mean "fuck the poor, armies are totally sweet".
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited June 2011
    Today, Illinois became the seventh state to allow same-sex civil unions.

    Hurry up and get civilized, rest of the United States. Meanwhile, we'll enjoy the cooking of Grant Achatz, some killer museums, deep-dish pizza, and equality.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Oh, come one, NYC. You going to let Chicago beat you? WTF, hurry up.
  • Oh, come one, NYC. You going to let Chicago beat you? WTF, hurry up.
    Boston already did. :P
  • It will be really funny if PA beats NY to the punch :-p
  • NY will probably be one of the last states in New England to get them, if only because of the high concentration of red necks in north NY. A couple more Mid-West states will get them, because of the mind-your-own-business culture.
  • NY will probably be one of the last states in New England to get them, if only because of the high concentration of red necks in north NY. A couple more Mid-West states will get them, because of the mind-your-own-business culture.
    NY is not part of New England.
  • NY is not part of New England.
    To be fair, I remember quite clearly in elementary and middle school being taught specifically that New York was considered part of New England. I wouldn't be surprised if this is common outside of the northeast.
  • NY is not part of New England.
    To be fair, I remember quite clearly in elementary and middle school being taught specifically that New York was considered part of New England. I wouldn't be surprised if this is common outside of the northeast.
    At school in New York, we were taught that NY was technically a "breadbasket" state that is often lumped in with New England for tourism purposes.
  • NY is not part of New England.
    To be fair, I remember quite clearly in elementary and middle school being taught specifically that New York was considered part of New England. I wouldn't be surprised if this is common outside of the northeast.
    At school in New York, we were taught that NY was technically a "breadbasket" state that is often lumped in with New England for tourism purposes.
    NY is not part of NE, I was wrong, however it is surrounded by NE, and I've never understood why NE isn't just the first 13 colonies. I know that would extend down to Georgia, but if it doesn't than what does New England even mean?
  • Generally, I consider Adirondack Park to be part of New England, and downstate to be Mid-Atlantic. The place where I grew up has far more in common with rural Vermont than it does New York City.
  • Mid-Altantic for the win!
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