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Things of your day



  • On second thought, I do give a fuck
    Except it's okay to not give a fuck, because Neito is the /r/anime admin and will naturally own your shit with his ungodly link karma any day. ~_^
    I'm impressed, people don't usually look that far. It's hardly a show of support, though. I just happened to be the first to suggest it when they were rolling out the beta of the "make-your-own-reddit" system. Luck, and a blinding stubbornness. :3
  • edited August 2011
    Heaven forbid someone is talking sense in the Youtube comments , but :
    Seems a little harsh, considering it's only his second year in the WRC. And the tiny little fender bender he had in the third stage -

    Seriously, give the guy a break. It's like saying that you're a terrible physicist, even though you're just starting out in your career, because you're not yet a better physicist than Richard Feynman.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My only reaction to that kind of comment is "Alright, let's see you do it".
  • On second thought, I do give a fuck
    Except it's okay to not give a fuck, because Neito is the /r/anime admin and will naturally own your shit with his ungodly link karma any day. ~_^
    I'm impressed, people don't usually look that far. It's hardly a show of support, though. I just happened to be the first to suggest it when they were rolling out the beta of the "make-your-own-reddit" system. Luck, and a blinding stubbornness. :3
    I didn't have to look very far, seeing as I browse /r/anime pretty regularly. For what it's worth, I'd say you've done a bang-up job.
  • *Dons a fancy robe, opens a thick hard-cover book, and sits in a velvet recliner*

    I welcome you all once again to another episode of "X-Men Theatre".
  • My only reaction to that kind of comment is "Alright, let's see you do it".
    So if you don't have equal or greater ability you can never pass judgement on another persons racing ability? Makes total sense.
  • My only reaction to that kind of comment is "Alright, let's see you do it".
    So if you don't have equal or greater ability you can never pass judgement on another persons racing ability? Makes total sense.
    No, of course not. But it shuts 90% of them up.
  • No, of course not. But it shuts 90% of them up.
    Eh, fair enough.
  • Watch until the end

  • just watched this on tv... *dance*
  • I am going to have the best freaking birthday this year, I have new a new Muppet movie AND new Zelda coming out right around it. Hells yes.
  • edited August 2011
    What does Valve do with all of its money?
    Why are their games so good?
    How do they get all of the talented people they have?
    And why is Gabe Newell overweight?
    All of those questions and more answered in one simple video:

    Also, Valve time.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited August 2011
    What does Valve do with all of its money?
    Why are their games so good?
    How do they get all of the talented people they have?
    And why is Gabe Newell overweight?
    All of those questions and more answered in one simple video:
    That guy in the green check shirt looks pretty wired to me. Needs to lay off the big pink cookies; I don't care if it takes him a week to eat one.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Oh hey, that was only two posts up, too. We even used a lot of the same words!
  • Oh hey, that was only two posts up, too. We even used a lot of the same words!
    Great minds: They think alike.

  • Opened up my mailbox today to find that my girlfriend and her sister had sent me 18 postcards (in one day) while they were bored on vacation. It definitely helped brighten an otherwise draining day.
  • edited August 2011
    These guys are geniuses. The golden chalice series they did was amazing too.

    Edit: Consequently, this was a forum post by Daikun, but I forgot where I got it from when I posted it and it needs to go here anyway. :P
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • This was on Reddit's front page, and it's just too awesome not to share.

  • edited August 2011
    Reminds me of an oldie but goodie from back in the day, from the depths of

    Time for my prayers:
    Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
    May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
    May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.
    Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
    And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
    Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the fbi off our backs, we'd appreciate it.
    For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.
    Post edited by panfriedmarmot on
  • edited August 2011
    This video's over a week old, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on here (feel free to prove me wrong). Religious People Are Nerds.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
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