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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • I say you guys take a break from the normal schedule and when you guys are truly inspired to do a show about a certain topic, do it, then air it accordingly.
    This. It's better than getting a half-assed show that basically amounts to "we don't actually have an idea about what to do for this episode, so we're just going to loosely talk about something".
  • I would suggest at the least doing the show once a week, and just releasing it on the day that the topic fits...But I agree, it would probably be best for shows to only come out when you guys care. It just seems better at this point.
  • Who says Monday HAS to be tech night anyway? You make the rules.

    Make it Movies/TV/Book night. Done. Unlimited shows.
  • I say you guys take a break from the normal schedule and when you guys are truly inspired to do a show about a certain topic, do it, then air it accordingly.
    That would result in a slower release schedule than AWO. The quality of the shows hasn't gone up since Scrym more than halved their output. Geeknights, as a podcast, has had its best days.
  • Eh, I have faith. I still think it's more their mindset rather than their ability to podcast or even pick topics.

    Take the Total Recall episode. Awesome. And completely out of no-where.

    Any lack of topics are of their own making. By their own restrictive show structure.
  • That's why they made Thursday, and look how that went.
  • I say you guys take a break from the normal schedule and when you guys are truly inspired to do a show about a certain topic, do it, then air it accordingly.
    This. It's better than getting a half-assed show that basically amounts to "we don't actually have an idea about what to do for this episode, so we're just going to loosely talk about something".
    I really enjoy those shows.
  • I really should do a guest bit about beer or metal. Or both. I could basically try to do very condensed versions of my panels, with Rym and Scott providing their input as well.

    Maybe I'll add meat processing to that list.

    Now the question becomes: when the fuck can I find the time to get down there?
  • I really should do a guest bit about beer or metal. Or both. I could basically try to do very condensed versions of my panels, with Rym and Scott providing their input as well.

    Maybe I'll add meat processing to that list.

    Now the question becomes: when the fuck can I find the time to get down there?
    Well, Invent Teleportation or Time Travel and then you can do a show on that AND get down there to do a show.
  • And when you time travel, don't forget to factor in the earth's position in space, relative to the time period you want to travel to.

    Or that could be a little awkward when you appear in the middle of SPACE.
  • And when you time travel, don't forget to factor in the earth's position in space, relative to the time period you want to travel to.

    Or that could be a little awkward when you appear in the middle of SPACE.
    Problem is... position of earth relative to WHAT?

    I'd also like to mention that I like the episodes that are about nothing at all.
  • Problem is... position of earth relative to WHAT?
    Yeah. Solar system is moving and space is expanding. Nevermind the velocity of our own galaxy.
  • I've often found it easiest to rationalize time travel where you have to build the machine first, then you can go back to where that machine was (and when it was) ala Primer. That or at least being in space when you do it. Of course, every time I hear an alarm clock I think I'll wake up and be 9 years old again... so my real nightmare is that alarm clocks are time machines.
  • edited September 2011
    Logically, you need to travel along a curve in both time and space - the history of the time machine is a reasonable option. Alternatively, just make it a TARDIS.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited September 2011
    It's a time machine, it moves through freaking time. It would not be too hard to make it move through space as well, maybe even SIMULTAAAANEOUSLY.
    I've often found it easiest to rationalize time travel where you have to build the machine first, then you can go back to where that machine was
    Steins;Gate has one of those.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited September 2011
    Eh, I have faith. I still think it's more their mindset rather than their ability to podcast or even pick topics.

    Take the Total Recall episode. Awesome. And completely out of no-where.

    Any lack of topics are of their own making. By their own restrictive show structure.
    I agree.
    That would result in a slower release schedule than AWO. The quality of the shows hasn't gone up since Scrym more than halved their output. Geeknights, as a podcast, has had its best days.
    Yeah, but I tell you, we have better social lives and actually do stuff outside the house after work. I think the audio quality has gone up, but I do think that Rym and Scott not living in the same house cuts down on the anecdotes and random discussions that would pop up and lead to shows.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I agree.
    As do I. Scott vetoes a good 90% of my show topic ideas. ;^)
  • Show idea from a Rym retweet I saw early today: Classic anime that is more popular than it deserves to be. This can be expanded to include just about anything. It's the evil cousin of "discover the forgotten masters." Take a sledgehammer to nostalgia and rail on all of the things in life that are shit but still worshiped.
  • I think the audio quality has gone up
    I think that is more a function of experience, equipment and trying new things, however, I will agree that it has. There's even a noticeable difference between now and the previous iteration of "Let's do this", as noticeable as the last before it was retired, but with a much shorter interval between recording and the difference becoming very apparent.
  • It's sounded good enough for a long while. There's not much they can do other than learn radio voice and get more Emily, Alex, etc.. on.
  • Drinking stories! (I guess in Scott's case that would be tales of seeing others drunk.)
  • Scott could talk about what he thinks being drunk is like, which, judging by his RPG acting, is absolutely hilarious.
  • That sounds like hilarity.
  • edited September 2011
    we have better social lives and actually do stuff outside the house after work
    As do the AWO folks.
    I think the audio quality has gone up
    Has it really? It has been pretty dang good and pretty much unchanged for years now in my experience. No real noticeable improvements really, though it's not like I relisten to episodes. No value in it.
    I do think that Rym and Scott not living in the same house cuts down on the anecdotes and random discussions that would pop up and lead to shows.
    Sure, but it's not like there's no 30+ pages thread full of suggestions (ZOMBIES, MORE GUESTS). Seriously, just fucking do it. Stop wussing about audio quality, having content should be most important.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Seriously, just fucking do it. Stop wussing about Scott's show vetoes, having content should be most important.
  • You should do a show where you chat to a professional juggler. It should be super easy to record, just do it while he's in New York next.
  • edited September 2011

    I livestream about the same goddamn subject an average of six hours a week for the last two years. Surely you guys can get two hours a week out of... well, anything.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • As do the AWO folks.
    I wasn't saying they don't (I know that Clarissa was really busy with grad school, for example), I'm saying compared to the 4 a week schedule, we have a lot more time to chill than we used to.
  • edited September 2011
    Seriously, just fucking do it. Stop wussing about Scott's show vetoes, having content should be most important.
    You said it yourself. Get on with it. Just start recording and put it up. Or just ignore Scott's rambling and get someone else on the show to talk about a topic they'd like. It's not like you don't have a group of friends that are saying they wouldn't like to banter about their interests to the internet. Or just agree that if you veto an idea, come with one yourself as counter!
    I'm saying compared to the 4 a week schedule, we have a lot more time to chill than we used to.
    That should be obvious because there was little change in the show, other than less shows a weekmonth.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • hat should be obvious because there was little change in the show
    I actually think there was a big change. Four shows a week had become a chore, and the energy level was waaay down. The half-schedule brought it back up, and it's fun to do again.

    We're also focusing right now on video, live stuff, and conventions. GeekNights as a podcast is in a holding pattern until those projects come to real fruition.

    Most important, our "social lives" have increased tenfold since moving into the city. My calendar is surprisingly full, and if I didn't pointedly schedule "not doing anything" days I would be out every night and every weekend.
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