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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • So it is The Boondock Saints?
  • Classical music.
  • Best/Worst AMV/PMV competition.
  • Some Ideas:

    Social Networks
    The future will be more of the same (compared to the future depicted in fiction)
    Future of Video Games
    A dissection of Angry Birds
    Growing Older
  • edited January 2012
    The future will be more of the same (compared to the future depicted in fiction)
    I don't believe that. That's a pretty broad statement. Look at our lives compared to the lives of our grandparents or the Romans. The society is always changing. While many things stay the same, there are so many interesting changes happening all the time that I cannot say with certainty "the future will be more of the same."
    We have them, Scott does not. I'd like to do a show with Rym about pets, because he has a lot to say on the subject. Rym is really an animal person at heart.
    The have done plenty of talk about atheism. (Once they did a whole show with Luke Burrage on the subject). I doubt they really have much to say on the matter. Not so into God stuff, those two.
    A dissection of Angry Birds
    What's to dissect? A fun little physics based game that is very popular in the casual market. Both its popularity and it's mechanics are incredibly simple to understand, and I doubt it would fill a whole show. It's not a bad little app for what it is, but there is not much to take apart there.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • How about speculation as to why Anrgy Birds is so stupidly popular? I mean, Scott "I Don't Like Things That Suck" Rubin seems to love that game.
  • How about speculation as to why Anrgy Birds is so stupidly popular? I mean, Scott "I Don't Like Things That Suck" Rubin seems to love that game.
    I do not love that game.
  • edited January 2012
    It has cute characters and animation, easy and intuitive rules of play, and is a time-wastey casual game that involves a tiny amount of skill (aiming the bird.) I think it is a well put together mobile game. Short levels mean short play sessions are gratifying, and someone who has never played an iphone game before can probably intuit what they are supposed to be doing.
    I haven't played through it, but the few levels I played seemed to support this view of it.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Can we have a show where Rym does nothing but say things to make Scott indignant?
  • The future will be more of the same (compared to the future depicted in fiction)
    I don't believe that. That's a pretty broad statement. Look at our lives compared to the lives of our grandparents or the Romans. The society is always changing. While many things stay the same, there are so many interesting changes happening all the time that I cannot say with certainty "the future will be more of the same."
    That's why I added "compared to the future depicted in fiction." Fiction tends to ignore things about human nature and society that doesn't change as much as they would like. I also believe society will not change as much in the future as it has in the last few thousand years.
    We have them, Scott does not. I'd like to do a show with Rym about pets, because he has a lot to say on the subject. Rym is really an animal person at heart.
    Actually the distinctions between Rym and Scott on the subject would probably add to the conversation.
    The have done plenty of talk about atheism. (Once they did a whole show with Luke Burrage on the subject). I doubt they really have much to say on the matter. Not so into God stuff, those two.
    I've heard them talk about religion, not such much on the concept of God itself, but maybe you're right and there really isn't a show there.
    A dissection of Angry Birds
    What's to dissect? A fun little physics based game that is very popular in the casual market. Both its popularity and it's mechanics are incredibly simple to understand, and I doubt it would fill a whole show. It's not a bad little app for what it is, but there is not much to take apart there.
    I disagree. Angry Birds, even people who don't like it would have to admit there's something there that's missing in most games to have struck a chord in so many people. Also, not many IPhone games have created cultural icons.

  • Can we have a show where Rym does nothing but say things to make Scott indignant?
    I thought that was the main premise of GeekNights.

  • I disagree. Angry Birds, even people who don't like it would have to admit there's something there that's missing in most games to have struck a chord in so many people. Also, not many IPhone games have created cultural icons.

    I'm missing nothing. Why it's popular is fairly obvious, especially considering what most people enjoy in what they call games. I personally have no interest in it beyond that, and don't find it terribly fun, but there's no deep mystery as to the reasons behind its success.

  • I disagree. Angry Birds, even people who don't like it would have to admit there's something there that's missing in most games to have struck a chord in so many people. Also, not many IPhone games have created cultural icons.

    I'm missing nothing. Why it's popular is fairly obvious, especially considering what most people enjoy in what they call games. I personally have no interest in it beyond that, and don't find it terribly fun, but there's no deep mystery as to the reasons behind its success.

    If obvious, why haven't more mobile games reached the same level of success?

  • I disagree. Angry Birds, even people who don't like it would have to admit there's something there that's missing in most games to have struck a chord in so many people. Also, not many IPhone games have created cultural icons.

    I'm missing nothing. Why it's popular is fairly obvious, especially considering what most people enjoy in what they call games. I personally have no interest in it beyond that, and don't find it terribly fun, but there's no deep mystery as to the reasons behind its success.

    If obvious, why haven't more mobile games reached the same level of success?
    I know the exact formulas to do a lot of things really well. How come I haven't done them? Because execution is what really matters. Just because you know what to do doesn't mean you are able to do it and do it well.

  • I disagree. Angry Birds, even people who don't like it would have to admit there's something there that's missing in most games to have struck a chord in so many people. Also, not many IPhone games have created cultural icons.

    I'm missing nothing. Why it's popular is fairly obvious, especially considering what most people enjoy in what they call games. I personally have no interest in it beyond that, and don't find it terribly fun, but there's no deep mystery as to the reasons behind its success.
    I'll say this about Angry Birds -- it's probably one of the best "deli line" games out there -- i.e. the kind of game you play while waiting in line to order your lunch at a deli or other take out place or whatever. It's perfect when you just want to pass a few minutes like that but it doesn't have much to offer beyond that point.
  • Yeah, like I said, it is engineered so short play sessions are really enjoyable. Also, the controls are good and the characters cute and iconic.
  • Dark Souls
    Modern Adventure Games
  • Dark Souls
    Modern Adventure Games
    Scott will never play that game...
    Dark Souls
    Modern Adventure Games
    Not games. ^_~

  • edited February 2012
    Cowboy Bebop final thoughts/review since you did say you were thinking about watching it again.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2012
    Dark Souls
    Modern Adventure Games
    Scott will never play that game...
    He doesn't know what he's missing. Dark Souls is the by far one of the hardest and most demanding games I've ever played. Yet, it's also the most rewarding. It's brutal and unforgiving but fair. I thought that was what he wanted from a game...
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • I just listen to an old episode, and you guys said you could do an entire episode on Willow. I don't think you guys have done anything concerning that yet.
  • I just listen to an old episode, and you guys said you could do an entire episode on Willow. I don't think you guys have done anything concerning that yet.

  • I just listen to an old episode, and you guys said you could do an entire episode on Willow. I don't think you guys have done anything concerning that yet.

    We did.
  • Show Idea: How about an episode on european comics? I think you guys would totally knock that one out the park.

    Reminder: Send me back my comic books.

  • edited February 2012
    Scott has them and I have been pushing him to finish reading all of them. I will mail them back when he brings them back.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I actually read about half already.
  • What did you send them, Timo?
  • You could review what's been translated of Otoyomegatari, It's by Kaoru Mori.
  • But then we have to buy it again, and I already bought it in Japanese...
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