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Fail of Your Day



  • Blacked out. Woke up without pants, covered in what appears to be a mix of glow paint and my own vomit.

    This can't be good.
    Ah, Freshers week. So few memories.
  • This can only be good.
    Fixed that for you fresher.
  • Didn't get the job. Very bummed right now.
  • Didn't get the job. Very bummed right now.
  • 1. Audio editing in a class called Interactive Programming...
    2. one of the least intelligent and worst professors I've ever had...
    3. a class with 3 Deaf students.
  • Haven't had internet for this whole week since I moved in at school. The connection in my room got blacklisted because the previous tenant was torrenting too much or something and they shut it off. Finally got the IT guys to come by today and they told me it would take another few days to get turned on. h8 evrything
  • 1. Audio editing in a required class called Interactive Programming...
    2. one of the least intelligent, dorky (in a bad way), Adobe product-whoring and worst professors I've ever had...
    3. a class with 3 Deaf students who care about this class as little as we do.

    Seriously, this class could only be entertaining if you took a shot for every "NO SHIT" moment in lecture. You'd be piss-drunk before he even opened Flash.
  • edited September 2011
    scp: warning: Executing scp1 compatibility.
    scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).

    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Stayed up too late last night, now I have a cold. I really really hate being sick.
  • Microphone built into my new laptop is absolute garbage (one in my old Macbook Pro was not stellar, but worked).
  • So Terry Pratchett is apparently going to be signing Snuff at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble on October 13th. The event starts at 6 pm and is expected to go for an hour or so. I have a lab until 7 that day. Not cool, class schedule. Not cool.
  • So Terry Pratchett is apparently going to be signing Snuff at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble on October 13th. The event starts at 6 pm and is expected to go for an hour or so. I have a lab until 7 that day. Not cool, class schedule. Not cool.
    Just skip class for one day. Is it worth it to meet your favorite author. Yes!
  • edited September 2011
    So Terry Pratchett is apparently going to be signing Snuff at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble on October 13th. The event starts at 6 pm and is expected to go for an hour or so. I have a lab until 7 that day. Not cool, class schedule. Not cool.
    Just skip class for one day. Is it worth it to meet your favorite author. Yes!
    It won't be if the TA fails my lab report for having incomplete data. The best I can hope for is to finish the lab really early.

    EDIT: and according to the lab policies, getting the full data from my labmates is plagiarism.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • RIT's computing college is stupid. The different schools within all get their own labs that other students aren't allowed to use. Why? There's no good reason. I mean, I understand that you want there to be space in the labs when they're needed, but just give everyone equal level equipment and make all labs open to everyone! This is stupid.
  • edited September 2011
    RIT's computing college is stupid. The different schools within all get their own labs that other students aren't allowed to use. Why? There's no good reason. I mean, I understand that you want there to be space in the labs when they're needed, but just give everyone equal level equipment and make all labs open to everyone! This is stupid.
    Which is why you guys are dumb and bad for taking our open lab. >:I
    Dark green'd for only mild sarcasm
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited September 2011
    RIT's computing college is stupid. The different schools within all get their own labs that other students aren't allowed to use. Why? There's no good reason. I mean, I understand that you want there to be space in the labs when they're needed, but just give everyone equal level equipment and make all labs open to everyone! This is stupid.
    Which is why you guys are dumb and bad for taking our open lab. >:I
    I know. Apparently it's officially restricted to IGM students, which is pissing me off. This whole school is retarded.

    Edit: Facebook arguments are dumb! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
    And some people just can't understand why I dislike this whole situation. :P

    Edit Edit:
    And I quote:
    "If you need an example of what kind of people you should be hanging out with, make a joke about their major. If you hurt their feelings, then you know that this is a person you want nothing to do with. It's like high school students getting mad when you talked trash about their football team."

    Wow. So apparently people who like their major and don't want people to insult it are bad people. Okay.
    Post edited by Axel on

  • Edit Edit:
    And I quote:
    "If you need an example of what kind of people you should be hanging out with, make a joke about their major. If you hurt their feelings, then you know that this is a person you want nothing to do with. It's like high school students getting mad when you talked trash about their football team."

    Wow. So apparently people who like their major and don't want people to insult it are bad people. Okay.
    I actually agree with that statement. If you can't joke about yourself, you are probably not someone who I would want to be around.
  • So it's okay to walk up to an IT major and say, "Aww, an IT major. 'I tried,' right? Too bad you couldn't handle CS."

    That just seems mean to me. I can laugh at my good friend ProfPangloss and tell him that I think GDD is way cooler than IT and that I would be bored to tears in IT's curriculum. I can insult IT in that way, I understand what you're saying. But I'm not gonna blatantly insult everyone in a major with stupid insults that are retarded.
  • I don't want to hang out with people that can't take a joke, but I also don't want to hangout with assholes. Compromise?
  • So it's okay to walk up to an IT major and say, "Aww, an IT major. 'I tried,' right? Too bad you couldn't handle CS."

    That just seems mean to me. I can laugh at my good friend ProfPangloss and tell him that I think GDD is way cooler than IT and that I would be bored to tears in IT's curriculum. I can insult IT in that way, I understand what you're saying. But I'm not gonna blatantly insult everyone in a major with stupid insults that are retarded.
    Even when we were there, a large number of CS failouts transferred into IT thinking they could sail through. Quite a few of my classmates were former CS majors who couldn't cut it.

    Too bad they failed out of IT as well...

    IT gets a bad rap at RIT because they accept almost anyone into the program (or at least, they did when I was there). It had insane failure rates and saw a lot of transfers from other majors.
  • So it's okay to walk up to an IT major and say, "Aww, an IT major. 'I tried,' right? Too bad you couldn't handle CS."

    That just seems mean to me. I can laugh at my good friend ProfPangloss and tell him that I think GDD is way cooler than IT and that I would be bored to tears in IT's curriculum. I can insult IT in that way, I understand what you're saying. But I'm not gonna blatantly insult everyone in a major with stupid insults that are retarded.
    Even when we were there, a large number of CS failouts transferred into IT thinking they could sail through. Quite a few of my classmates were former CS majors who couldn't cut it.

    Too bad they failed out of IT as well...

    IT gets a bad rap at RIT because they accept almost anyone into the program (or at least, they did when I was there). It had insane failure rates and saw a lot of transfers from other majors.
    Yea generally the progression was CE > CS > IT > IMS > Art Major/Sociology :-p
  • edited September 2011
    Yea generally the progression was CE > CS > IT > IMS > Art Major/Sociology :-p
    Translation: college really wasn't for you. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • So it's okay to walk up to an IT major and say, "Aww, an IT major. 'I tried,' right? Too bad you couldn't handle CS."
    Yup, just as it's okay in turn for me to say "Hey, works for me, at least I have a social life and don't drown in homework every other night."

    You'd be fairly hard-pressed to find people in Golisano who actually 100% completely believe that all the other majors are legitimately lesser than them, and take all of these so-called arguments seriously. If you take them personally, just remember that there are equally as many jokes you can make about the other majors. The only people I've found who are consistently and legitimately condescending about any of this are the Software Engineers, but nobody likes those arrogant assholes anyway. :P
  • Man, film students had so many self-depreciating jokes, especially the animators. We made fun of our nerdiness and neurosis, and the fact that we never go outside, and the fact that we watch too much Disney, all sorts of stuff.
    However, I think that sort of humor is kind of like ethnic jokes. If the majority of the group concerned would find the stereotype funny and tell the joke themselves, you are probably good. If you say something about the major that is mostly just mean and off the mark, coming from a total outsider, well, I think you better reconsider said humor.
  • That's kinda my point. Within the GCCIS college, there's no reason the different majors can legitimately make fun of the other majors. It's stupid. I'm not an IT student, or a CS student, or an SE student, so I can't make fun of those majors.

    I can self-deprecate to myself, of course. But that's different. Outsiders making fun of you and you being okay with it is not the same as self-deprecating humor. If I self-deprecate, and people join in, then it's mean. It's like seriously, I'm being funny and not taking myself seriously, do you really need to be an ass?
  • edited September 2011
    But do you understand these other students? Do you have IT friends who make jokes about the program? The drama kids would have some great film jokes, and we would make theater major jokes, and then we would all laugh and work together. It's about understanding.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Do you have IT friends who make jokes about the program?
  • edited September 2011
    Do you have IT friends who make jokes about the program?
    Again, my point is, it's okay when Joe and I mock each other's majors and laugh about it. It's not funny when SE majors tell me "you don't learn real code" and tell me my major sucks.
    And the fact is, it's not *just* SE majors who do that (though they are the biggest perpetrator). Everyone makes fun of all the majors in a not fun way.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Again, my point is, it's okay when Joe and I mock each other's majors and laugh about it. It's not funny when SE majors tell me "you don't learn real code" and tell me my major sucks.
    lol Software Engineers. How quaint.
  • Do you have IT friends who make jokes about the program?
    Again, my point is, it's okay when Joe and I mock each other's majors and laugh about it. It's not funny when SE majors tell me "you don't learn real code" and tell me my major sucks.
    I haven't met an SE major who wasn't either an arrogant jerk, or said "fuck all those other SE majors, they're all jerks." Honestly, that's the only group who're actually jerks. So, ignore them, pretty much all the other majors think they're assholes.
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