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Fail of Your Day



  • edited September 2011
    In making a bad day worse, I just found out that the pill I'm on has a voluntary recall because it's been mis-packaged and entire lots are already expired before distribution, cutting the effectiveness. But the company says "oh haha no worries, there's no IMMEDIATE health threats"...
    ...I realize some jerks think women only take birth control so they won't get pregnant, but seriously...
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • It was some various combination of lemon/lime, rum, and water that prevented pirates from getting scurvy. It is also this nice honey lemon hot drink that they serve at a local French cafe I go to a lot. They call Citroen Chaud with Rum "Grog."
    Bah, everyone knows that grog is a secret mixture that contains one or more of the following: Kerosene, Propylene Glycol, Artificial Sweeteners, Sulfuric Acid, Rum, Acetone, Battery Acid, red dye#2, Scumm, Axle grease and/or pepperoni.
  • No, that's Thunderbird.
  • I thought it was Purple Drank.
  • I thought it was Purple Drank.
    Purple drank is what get's ya shufflin every day.
  • I don't know if this is actually freaky or I'm just way too used to this picture being static.
  • Sprint Optimus S phones have been getting Gingerbread over the course of the past few days, and this morning I got my update. Which has a charging bug.

    For the first few minutes, the phone wouldn't charge. At around 2 hours after the install, I got it to charge on a friend's charger, then it died before I could charge it at home. Now it's sitting on my bed, cycling through the power sequence over and over. Hoping to go to the Sprint store and see what I can do. The phone hasn't caused me any problems, and from what I saw of Gingerbread I like it and would just like my phone fixed, but I don't know if that's going to happen.

    The upside is I can still text and call from Google Voice! Hooray!
  • Sprint Optimus S phones have been getting Gingerbread over the course of the past few days, and this morning I got my update. Which has a charging bug.
    Yeessh. While I feel for you, I'm glad that's happening to you, not me. (I have the Optimus V. Same hardware, just on Virgin)
  • edited September 2011
    Yeessh. While I feel for you, I'm glad that's happening to you, not me. (I have the Optimus V. Same hardware, just on Virgin)
    I'd probably feel the same if our roles were reversed. :P
    The biggest frustration is that I really liked what I saw of Gingerbread. Displaying the total unused storage at the bottom of my app management screen? Joshy like. Those blacks and greens? Hell yeah. Better battery use? Better for school.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Did you try plugging it in to a PC and charging off of USB?
  • Yessir. I even reinstalled the drivers, and still power cycles.
  • I don't know if this is actually freaky or I'm just way too used to this picture being static.

    That is not in the least frightening. And I'm afraid of butterflies.
  • I don't know if this is actually freaky or I'm just way too used to this picture being static.
    That is not in the least frightening. And I'm afraid of butterflies.
    Then it's probably a nostalgia thing. Watching the video my thoughts went "Oh, it's just shaking around, they did that in HL1- OH SHIT WHAT."
  • It has begun...
  • Ruh roh, Raggy.
  • It has begun...
    You'll be right, mate. You don't need me to tell you it's definitely for the best.
  • Remember how I get angry at Some feminists from time to time? This is one of those fucking times.

    In short - Michigan Womyn's Music Festival not only Bans transgendered individuals(both MTF and FTM -something than angers me quite severely by itself), but the popular radical Feminist blog GenderTrender went a step further - even beyond their usual transphobic and venomous drivel - By outing a number of transgendered individuals, under the title "Who Are The Males Who Sneak Into Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival?" Nor does Lisa Vogel or anyone else involved in the running of the festival repudiate these actions, nor do they in any way deny them or so much as acknowledge them as anything but perfectly right and correct.

    Also, don't go to the gendertrender blog - Imagine the KKK with a dash of Glenn Beck and Limbaugh, but replace "Black people" with "Transgender people", and you're pretty much right on the money.
  • Fail room mate is apparently completely blind sided that we don't like her.
  • Poor lass, George. You'll get through this somehow I'm sure.
  • edited September 2011
    Remember how I get angry at Some feminists from time to time? This is one of those fucking times.

    In short - Michigan Womyn's Music Festival not only Bans transgendered individuals(both MTF and FTM -something than angers me quite severely by itself), but the popular radical Feminist blog GenderTrender went a step further - even beyond their usual transphobic and venomous drivel - By outing a number of transgendered individuals, under the title "Who Are The Males Who Sneak Into Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival?" Nor does Lisa Vogel or anyone else involved in the running of the festival repudiate these actions, nor do they in any way deny them or so much as acknowledge them as anything but perfectly right and correct.

    Also, don't go to the gendertrender blog - Imagine the KKK with a dash of Glenn Beck and Limbaugh, but replace "Black people" with "Transgender people", and you're pretty much right on the money.
    Every time I read about this I get a sad, and also a mad. I know from experience how easy it is to twist up a message of equality into a message of hate. When it's between groups that really ought to be allies, it pisses me off even more.

    The philosophies of radical feminism tend to walk a dangerous line. On the one hand, the core messages of radical feminism, that sexism is engrained in culture such that it is not enough for individuals to simply change their opinion, that sexism is far more than skin deep in society, that the overwhelming weight of privilege means that it is not always enough to just even things out on the surface, and that equality will require a deep examination and perhaps reconstruction of our society on every level, can be uncomfortable, but I believe it is rather self-evident. I would not hesitate to call myself a radical profeminist. On the other hand, it is trivial to turn that into bigotry simply by following the slippery slope, as these people have done, or to use the arguments within it to rationalize female supremacy, as I once did, the same way believing in freedom can be used to justify anarchy or belief in order can be used to justify fascism.

    However, I think there is a pretty simple line you don't cross; don't hate people. It's fine to hate individuals, because some people are jackasses. But the moment you make a sweeping arm movement and declare that "All people who are X suck!" you've cross the line.

    So yeah, fuck the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. And on top of that, they need to look up the etymology of the word "woman" so they can stop using the stupid hippy spelling.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • And on top of that, they need to look up the etymology of the word "woman" so they can stop using the stupid hippy spelling.
    I thought Churba was joking about the spelling.
  • Orson Scott Card decided to rewrite Hamlet. In true Mormon fashion, he has made most everyone gay, and therefore evil. He has also removed everything that made Hamlet a somewhat interesting character, turning him into an emotionless lump.
  • Orson Scott Card decided to rewrite Hamlet. In true Mormon fashion, he has made most everyone gay, and therefore evil. He has also removed everything that made Hamlet a somewhat interesting character, turning him into an emotionless lump.
    On please. They already did a better job with Hamlet 2 than that guy could ever hope to do.
  • All Steam ports are blocked at this school. Maybe I can work something out with the IT desk.
  • On the other hand, it is trivial to turn that into bigotry simply by following the slippery slope, as these people have done, or to use the arguments within it to rationalize female supremacy, as I once did, the same way believing in freedom can be used to justify anarchy or belief in order can be used to justify fascism.
    I think part of that is denying the less desirable or darker points of feminism and feminist history, and not examining feminist heroes - for example, the suffragettes were honestly quite racist, and quite a few of their arguments for women's sufferage amounted to "Hey, it's not like we're black women, so why are you not letting us white folk vote?", Or the rampant transphobia and even homophobia in the movement, or the utter exclusion of the sex industry from much of mainstream feminism. It's uncomfortable, but if it is denied, you're at far greater risk of moving away from Feminisim and into...well, whatever number of things you might call people like that womyns festival, or GenderTrender.
    I thought Churba was joking about the spelling.
    I'm flattered by your assessment of my imagination, I doubt I could make this sort of shit up.
    All Steam ports are blocked at this school. Maybe I can work something out with the IT desk.
  • edited September 2011
    But the moment you make a sweeping arm movement and declare that "All people who are X suck!" you've cross the line.
    Nazis. Suicide bombers. Rapists. People who use the word "ginormous."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Nazis.
    Well organized pro-active like-minded go-getters with snazzy uniforms.
    Suicide bombers.
    Freedom fighters.
    Unexpected sex? What a great present!
    People who use the word "ginormous."
    Ya got me here. String 'em up. Preferably from a ginormous gallows.
  • Rapists.
    Unexpected sex? What a great present!
    Its not rape if you yell surprise?
  • Noticed the area around where I had blood drawn has gone ever so slightly green. Hoping it's just a bruise. Will wait until tomorrow.
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