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Fail of Your Day



  • edited September 2011
    Some dude suffocated a girl to death live on Niconico Douga.
    Warning: Article contains screenshots from the video.
    If there was ever a person in need of some swift vigilante justice...
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited September 2011
    Some dude suffocated a girl to death live on Niconico Douga.
    Warning: Article contains screenshots from the video.
    Is there any coverage of this outside of Japan? I cannot read moon-runes.
    EDIT: Google translate indicates that this was a regular thing, and the guy miscalculated the time she could go without air. This is probably an accidental death, not a murder. I will naturally change my mind if a better translation comes a long that runs counter to the broken English I have just read.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • And I'm sorry I don't understand the code for the sake of its code-i-ness. I only understand it for its functional applications in my field, and its relation to other code that I already know.
    This is the thinking that leads people to making actual programs in Java, and then wondering why it takes so long.
  • This is probably an accidental death
    Probably my mistake due to the first part of the title being "Murder on Niconico?!" which was believable as you'd never do that kind of encasement play without a breathing hole and necessary safety precautions.
  • I am totally late to the conversation, but I would just like to say that I am really tired of people bashing on HTML/CSS because its "not real coding" and "its easy," etc. Of course is not coding or scripting, its something different. But that doesn't mean its stupid and worthless! Almost every single "elite" programmer out there (disclaimer: in my experience) has really horrible, atrocious, and inefficient CSS skills. They think because its "easy" that they don't need to pay attention to it or give credit to those who are good at it. Well I would just like to say that it takes time to learn how to make it efficient and beautiful and to do it RIGHT. I've spent most of my time since college perfecting my CSS skills, and everyone wants to hire me because of it. And believe it or not, just like "real" coding, it is something that continuously changes and you can never be perfect at, and can always learn new things with it. Especially to be able to do many things with pure HTML/CSS and no JS. To be able to achieve some of the things our designers go crazy making up is an admirable feat.

    So to those naysayers out there, I say harrumph. I am good at what I do and I'm proud of it.
    -insert harrumphy gorilla picture I am too lazy to go find-
  • -insert harrumphy gorilla picture I am too lazy to go find-
    It's cool. Harumph Cat suits you more.

  • Yeah, anyone trying to tell me that HTML/CSS is easy is...Well, dumb. It's hard work that takes time and dedication, just as much as you'd put into an object-oriented programming language. You can argue semantics about it not being code, and I'm sure you're technically correct, but my original point still stands: The different computing disciplines have no reason to look down upon each other. We focus on different mediums and applications, and that's just preference. Just because I want to program for games doesn't mean I'm dumb for not wanting to understand code perfectly and completely, like it seems some of you do.
  • edited September 2011
    What about New Media? They're in Golisano. :)

    Allow me to sum this up succinctly:

    Computer Science students - they argue that they're the most pure programming major - they also have no social skills or sense of hygiene.

    Software Engineering students - they argue that they're the most intensive programming major - they are also arrogant pricks who put other majors down to feel better about themselves, so nobody likes them.

    Game Design and Development students - they argue, like Axel, that they're equally justified as a programming major as the big players, CS and SE - in reality, they often come off as the whiny spoiled major of Golisano, since they get the most money. The use of a BS in GDD is also a large factor in mockery. They're also dumb jerks who took the IT open lab. Jerks.

    Information Technology students - we argue that we're among the most informed computing majors, due to the broad reach of our program - we are made fun of because most other majors claim that they can do our jobs, but better. Also, it is 100% true that the CS and SE failures often drop into IT.

    Networking/Security/System Administration students - they argue that no other majors go in nearly as much depth into important security and networking topics as they do - in reality, their department is a joke with little-to-no funding and terrible professors, and nobody ever wants anything to do with them, either the department or the students.

    New Media students - they argue that they're learning digital arts, and thus ought to be in Golisano - they are widely regarded as having been kicked out of the art school for being "too computery," and they are largely mocked in the computer school as being "too artsy." There are theories that suggest their lack of belonging explains the near-universal hipster-y apparel and general demeanor.

    Summary: We just trollin', yo.

    DISCLAIMER: I have friends in all of the above departments, they all pretty much make fun of their own departments just as much. In my experience, there isn't a single Golisano student who's taken any of the above seriously who isn't either a moron, massively butthurt, or was actually viciously made fun of by someone (usually a software engineer, who are the aforementioned arrogant pricks of the college)
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • -insert harrumphy gorilla picture I am too lazy to go find-
    It's cool. Harumph Cat suits you more.

    Yes! That is what I was going for. :-P
  • I don't make fun of them. I have New Media friends that are cool, intelligent people.
  • I see people becoming defensive about HTML/CSS as a skill, or other skills. I don't think anyone in this thread has said they are not difficult or not worth the effort or any other negative property. Web design is hard, I know because I've made a bad looking website, and took a while to do it. All I want to say is there's no need to get defensive about it, nobody is attacking you.
  • Axel, if you think that as a Game Design major you don't need to know all that "CS-y" stuff, maybe you should look into the Fast Inverse Square Root algorithm. Or Linear Algebra.
  • I didn't say I didn't need coding algorithms, I meant I just don't need to go all the way back to the earliest coding languages to be able to code adequately.
  • edited September 2011
    I know, right? All people said was that it was not a coding language. That does not make it bad. HTML/CSS design is a very useful skill!
    I guess I would put the RIT Game Design people in with the IT people, who, like Rym, learn how to code and do so reasonably well, but since they don't concentrate totally on it, are not as polished as CS grads.
    Whenever someone looks down their nose at my skill in a certain area, I usually think "well, I bet you can't do this other thing I am good at." Next time someone disses you like that, tell them that you bet they couldn't make a 3D model. If they say "you don't learn real coding" or something, say "You're just jealous because my job is more fun."
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I didn't say I didn't need coding algorithms, I meant I just don't need to go all the way back to the earliest coding languages to be able to code adequately.
    If you think CS degrees are about going back to old languages and learning to code them, then maybe you should educate yourself before you talk.
  • Every time someone makes fun of my major, it's because I can't code in some obscure language that they argue is better than all of the languages I do know.
  • Every time someone makes fun of my major, it's because I can't code in some obscure language that they argue is better than all of the languages I do know.
    Note my above explanation. Either they're trolling or an asshole, so there's no reason to even bother defending yourself. They're wrong either way.
  • Wake me up when all you nerds stop fighting.
  • Every time someone makes fun of my major, it's because I can't code in some obscure language that they argue is better than all of the languages I do know.
    Note my above explanation. Either they're trolling or an asshole, so there's no reason to even bother defending yourself. They're wrong either way.
    I dunno. Everything you said was legitimate, but at the same time, I can make fun of myself. Believe, I do it all the damn time. I also don't mind when a lot of my close friends make fun of me.

    My point is, there are A LOT of assholes who spend their making fun of other majors in a MEAN way. It's just so unnecessary. Why waste time poking fun at the other majors? It's just a waste of time.
  • Why waste your time getting upset?
  • Yeah, dude. Sorry, but I can't defend you, there's no point. Nobody *actually* thinks your major is useless, they're just trying to get a rise out of you (which they're clearly succeeding at.) Just let it go, or make fun in kind.
  • edited September 2011
    Also what you major in is quite unimportant a few years after college. As long as you learned some worthwhile tools and skills to land you that all-important first job, and manage to mature a bit and gain decent work habits while in school.

    I mean, I have a Criminal Justice degree and manage to have landed a pretty sweet jorb that doesn't get me shot at.

    EDIT: clarified.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Clearly you are not a man if you can't at least write your own hardware drivers.


  • Clearly you are not a man if you can't at least write your own hardware drivers.


    Sure, I'm assuming you're using a magnetized pin. Otherwise it's cheating.
  • Butterflies.
  • Sure, I'm assuming you're using a magnetized pin. Otherwise it's cheating.
    Right after I defeat my dinner in honorable unarmed combat on fair terrain. Tonight, I dine on bear. Tomorrow? Shark.
  • I see people becoming defensive about HTML/CSS as a skill, or other skills. I don't think anyone in this thread has said they are not difficult or not worth the effort or any other negative property. Web design is hard, I know because I've made a bad looking website, and took a while to do it. All I want to say is there's no need to get defensive about it, nobody is attacking you.
    I know, nobody directly said anything here. This whole elite coder talk just got me thinking on how people react towards HTML/CSS in general. I was just venting, I should have added another disclaimer :-P
    My point is, there are A LOT of assholes who spend their making fun of other majors in a MEAN way. It's just so unnecessary. Why waste time poking fun at the other majors? It's just a waste of time.
    So they feel better about themselves and their own major. People like feeling superior. *shrug*

    Then again, Andrew always made fun of my major just to get me mad. :-P (That's how you know we are awesome, we can call each other all sorts of horrible things and still laugh about it)
  • I am totally late to the conversation, but I would just like to say that I am really tired of people bashing on HTML/CSS because its "not real coding" and "its easy," etc. Of course is not coding or scripting, its something different. But that doesn't mean its stupid and worthless! Almost every single "elite" programmer out there (disclaimer: in my experience) has really horrible, atrocious, and inefficient CSS skills. They think because its "easy" that they don't need to pay attention to it or give credit to those who are good at it. Well I would just like to say that it takes time to learn how to make it efficient and beautiful and to do it RIGHT. I've spent most of my time since college perfecting my CSS skills, and everyone wants to hire me because of it. And believe it or not, just like "real" coding, it is something that continuously changes and you can never be perfect at, and can always learn new things with it. Especially to be able to do many things with pure HTML/CSS and no JS. To be able to achieve some of the things our designers go crazy making up is an admirable feat.

    So to those naysayers out there, I say harrumph. I am good at what I do and I'm proud of it.
    Reminds me of when I was made fun of for not being able to code anything more than the most basic HTML/CSS, because it's so fucking easy. I took them by the hand, lead them outside, popped the lid on my Carolla, pointed at the engine and said "Disassemble and reassemble this. Now. I want to laugh at you and make you feel stupid when you fuck up. And No, I'm not going to help you, because to me, this is really fucking easy."

    Naturally, he didn't touch my car, but the point was made none-the-less.
  • Probably my mistake due to the first part of the title being "Murder on Niconico?!" which was believable as you'd never do that kind of encasement play without a breathing hole and necessary safety precautions.
    Unless you're a couple of idiots. Ignorance: beating evil as a cause of death since forever.
  • I hate my face... So I shaved for work, and I look like I'm 17. Pete will attest to this. You're not getting pictures.
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