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Fail of Your Day



  • edited October 2011
    Fuck, just shocked and scared the crap out of myself. Pulled out the plug by the metal because it was being stubbornly stuck. Dumb, dumb, dumb, I am dumb as hell.
    Shit, man, I hate getting shocked. Violet wands make me angry.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Dear Mr. Funnel Spider,

    Get the fuck out of my mailbox. How many times do I have to flick you into the shrubs? Seriously now.
    I'm tired of being surprised by one of these little bastards.
  • Get the fuck out of my mailbox. How many times do I have to flick you into the shrubs? Seriously now.
    Clearly the three strikes law is in effect... KILL him.
  • Get the fuck out of my mailbox. How many times do I have to flick you into the shrubs? Seriously now.
    Clearly the three strikes law is in effect... KILL him.
    I only haven't because I'm not sure it's a funnel spider. It could be a wolf spider, in which case killing becomes trickier as they bite like a motherfucker.
  • Get the fuck out of my mailbox. How many times do I have to flick you into the shrubs? Seriously now.
    Clearly the three strikes law is in effect... KILL him.
    I only haven't because I'm not sure it's a funnel spider. It could be a wolf spider, in which case killing becomes trickier as they bite like a motherfucker.
    Solution: Chemical warfare.
  • Get the fuck out of my mailbox. How many times do I have to flick you into the shrubs? Seriously now.
    Clearly the three strikes law is in effect... KILL him.
    I only haven't because I'm not sure it's a funnel spider. It could be a wolf spider, in which case killing becomes trickier as they bite like a motherfucker.
    Solution: Napalm.
  • When I was a kid i discovered a black widow in my mailbox. Not knowing what it was (but smart enough not to touch bc it was a spider, ew) I got my mom to look. She freaked out, sprayed a can of Raid into the mailbox, and shut it. We left it like that all day and got the mail later that night.

    You should do the same. I mean with the Raid. :-p
  • I don't like killing spiders, unless they are a threat. for the most part they just chill and eat bugs I hate. Yay for the spiders!
  • I don't like killing spiders, unless they are a threat. for the most part they just chill and eat bugs I hate. Yay for the spiders!
    I kill spiders if they cross my path and especially if they decide that my clothes are a great place to hang out... Then they die, if they don't do stupid things like build a web in a walkway I use everyday, I tend to leave them alone.
  • edited October 2011
    I kill spiders if they cross my path and especially if they decide that my clothes are a great place to hang out... Then they die, if they don't do stupid things like build a web in a walkway I use everyday, I tend to leave them alone.
    I'll kill the dangerous ones without provocation, simply because for the most part, they wouldn't afford me the same courtesy. Funnelwebs will straight up fucking chase you and attempt to sink their fangs in - Fuck your shit, spider, I'm not taking that from anybody, but especially not your chitinous arse. Also, I have a dog, and they'll attack a dog just like they'll go for a human. And I like my dog more than I like those hairy little pricks.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My camera (Nikon D90) just fell two or three feet due to me being extremely clumsy and not looking to see where it was before I moved something. There doesn't appear to be any damage to the camera or lens (the AF motor still focuses accurately, and there's not even a scratch on the body), but I nearly had a heart attack.
  • Work politics are gonna drive me to drink. >.<
  • Work politics are gonna drive me to drink. >.<</p>
    Mine already do! I recommend bourbon. And scotch. And beer. No, really - it dulls the pain.
  • Work politics are gonna drive me to drink. >.<</p>
    More and more of the competent people have left my department, including my awesome management. Now our current supervisor barely knows all the functions here and the crazy employees are trying to mess with my work. I plan on buying another bottle of Riesling today and consuming it when I get home.
  • I got thrown under the bus by a client, I was not happy.
  • Another fail: dealing with my father with congestive heart failure calls me twice a day to get a hold of his Cardiologist's nurse for various things. When the nurse asks for information, my father doesn't want to give certain details of his poor diet habits.

    Today when I called my father, I asked him what he was doing. He was eating lunch at a food court. I nicely scolded him and he started yelling at me.
  • Alarm failed to wake me up for my morning class for the 2nd time now. There goes 10% off my final grade, unless the professor decides to be nice and come up with a way to make it up.
  • edited October 2011
    I got thrown under the bus by a client, I was not happy.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Alarm failed to wake me up for my morning class for the 2nd time now. There goes 10% off my final grade, unless the professor decides to be nice and come up with a way to make it up.
    I will continue to tell everyone - Make Navi your alarm. You can't sleep through Navi.
  • Sonic drowning noise.
  • edited October 2011
    I recommend bourbon. And scotch. And beer.
    And now I have that song in my head, thanks.
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • Work politics are gonna drive me to drink. >.<</p>
    Mine already do! I recommend bourbon. And scotch. And beer. No, really - it dulls the pain.
    Also rum.
  • Also rum.
    As I once said, while off my face standing by a burning couch, "I like rum 'cos rum tastes yum."
  • From the comments section on the youtube video of Daicon IV: "Cool animation, bro, but it's ELO's Twilight that makes it awesome."
  • the comments section on the youtube
    Always a source of good, healthy Fail.
  • "I like rum 'cos rum tastes yum."
    "I like gin 'cos gin is win."
  • "I like scotch because fuck you, you pussy."
  • edited October 2011
    "I like vodka because- wait, nobody actually likes vodka."
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • "I like scotch because fuck you, you pussy."
    When my flatmates said they didn't like scotch, I used a slightly friendlier variant of this exact phrase. Still looking for joints selling Lagavulin 16.
    "I like vodka because- wait, nobody actually likes vodka."
  • "I like vodka because- wait, nobody actually likes vodka."
    My father drinks cranberry juice with vodka, and my mother drinks vodka with skittles in it. Yeah, I agree that most people don't like the taste of pure vodka, but not that I know. All I've had was some Mikes Hard Lemonade when I was eight years old, and I enjoyed it at the time.
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