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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2011
    Procaster is (and can't be bothered to Google it) so I'll go ahead and assume that's an aimbot. In which case:
    Yeah, No, cuntfeatures.

    Also, something baffles me - Does it also strike you as amusing that you couldn't be bothered to type nine letters into google, yet you could be bothered to find that image and type out the code to show it?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Everything I haven't heard of being used in Battlefield 3 is an aimbot.
  • Everything I haven't heard of being used in Battlefield 3 is an aimbot.
    I'll refrain from a joke, but seriously, you've never heard of Procaster? Are you taking the piss?
  • Yeh, my game crashed twice in a row on my first two attempted games, which sucked majorly. Hasn't crashed for me since, at least. If they can fix their shit, I may actually come to like the browser-based thing. It gives the game a minimalist feel until the moment you're actually in the game, which is nice.
  • Actually, I haven't heard of Procaster. But that's not strange, aside from listening to Geeknights I don't listen to any other podcasts and really watch very little recorded footage of games. So I simply have no knowledge of any of the tools that would be used to record sessions or anything. Aside from FRAPS, which I've seen links to online.

    And yes, I am kidding about the aimbot part. Not kidding about the lack of knowledge of software tools part.
  • edited November 2011
    Actually, I haven't heard of Procaster. But that's not strange, aside from listening to Geeknights I don't listen to any other podcasts and really watch very little recorded footage of games. So I simply have no knowledge of any of the tools that would be used to record sessions or anything. Aside from FRAPS, which I've seen links to online.
    That's fair enough, but if you know about FRAPS, that's kinda strange you don't know about procaster, or at least livestream.TV, the guys who make it - I can't give you hard data, but I'm reasonably sure they're one of the most popular, if not the most popular live streaming service short of youtube.
    And yes, I am kidding about the aimbot part. Not kidding about the lack of knowledge of software tools part.
    They were half the same question, but fair enough. Like I said, just strange to me - I mean, it's not just game footage, it's been used for everything from concerts to coverage of the 2008 presidential election.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Interesting. It's probably just because I've never been involved with the creating of video content, just the consuming of it, and when the creation of it is done well the consumer probably will have no idea how it is created.

    You making some videos of BF3 eventually, though? Anything interesting?
  • You making some videos of BF3 eventually, though? Anything interesting?
    Depends how interesting you find me being shit at BF3, but at the time, I was just streaming for nine to have an eyeball at. Well, technically the breakfast club, but everyone else was asleep, away or busy.
  • Body has been acting weird for a couple days. Just getting nagging little pains here and there. Stupid body, this is the one week I don't need this crap! At least I'm not sick with anything.
  • New York Rangers photoshop out a banner brought by fans.
  • Sick for the first time in a long time and I has lost my voice (with no other noticeable symptoms).
  • My friends are going to Edinburgh for the weekend, but didn't tell me, so I never got train tickets. It'd cost 40 pounds to go there and back at this point, so fuck that noise.

    From now on, I make my own plans and travel alone.
  • Photoshop has experienced a catastrophic crash on my computer.
    While only using the paint-bucket tool.
    It was some sort of runtime error.
    The first time I didn't save.
    The second time, the fucker went and ruined the save file.
    Total hours wasted = 5.
    I'm seriously hating Photoshop at the moment. Crashing while using the goddamned paint-bucket tool is already inexcusable, but to go and fuck up the save file is worthy of a fucking holocaust.
  • PS needs a viable OSS alternative. And by "viable," I mean, "Not GIMP."
  • Just found out my dad, who has a quite impressive resume in his field and has held positions up to and including for Vice President for 50+ person company, is once again finding himself unemployed. Argh. Thanks, OBAMA.
  • Learned Uematsu and his new band are going to be at Magfest, which led me to discovering that they were in my area last weekend and I had no clue.
  • I'm never too lazy to google something, because it usually just takes a few mouse clicks. No typing needed.
  • Wow, wood stain is considerably more noxious than I was expecting.
  • If you print to the wrong side of photo paper, do not print to the other side of the same sheet. I got ink all over my printer spools.
  • I get the call from my sister yesterday that my family situation is in the phase of complete shit all over again, and that my parents are throwing things at each other and are either not talking at all or having exhausting yelling confrontations constantly and all she wants to do is move out, even on her minimum wage paycheck, and she feels like a frightened high school kid all over again. Even an hour and a half away, knowing that things are getting that bad I'm starting to feel the same high school residual feelings start to well up and so I spent the day distracting myself...

    Only to have one of my friends who lives a few states away tell me he doesn't really have any friends he can confide in but me nor does he feel like he has the ability to make friends, and basically highly elude to being suicidal.

    There isn't a whole lot I can do about either situation, so I feel horrifically powerless/helpless right now. With everything else that's going on in life right now, it's a whole lot of bad timing.
  • In my group of college friends, one of them recently died in a very tragic way. He had the flu, and had diabetes so he was very sensitive. He ended up choking on his vomit in his sleep. Everyone of them is broken up by it, because he was a really amazing guy with a promising future. I'm doing my best to be supportive of them, but I wish I knew the man more because in the small chunks I knew him, he was great.

    On my family's side though, my paralyzed-stroke-victim grandfather who I've recently had a bunch of drama with has really taken a bad turn lately. He's mentally starting to deteriorate, he has sores on his ass that make it too painful him to sit, he was too weak put his own food in his mouth or hold a glass, he has blisters in several areas from his stomach to ballsack, and his blood pressure is really, really high. At this point, I know it's just a matter of time before he goes, but I just don't know how my mom will be able to handle it. She spent all day with him today taking him to the hospital. I'll be driving her there tomorrow, but it just feels like for this week there's going to be a lot of issues. :X
  • edited November 2011
    I've just managed to get myself blocked on twitter by Riley Cote, former player for the Philadelphia Flyers and current assistant coach for their farm team, the Adirondack Phantoms. Besides some random tweets about the Phantoms, he was primarily using twitter to talk about all natural BS he found on NaturalNews and unfortunately of course beliefs every bit of it.

    I shall now reproduce the discussion in full:

    Do yourself a huge favor. Start reading food labels and stay away from these toxic ingredients. #healthylifestyle

    Me (4 tweets combined):
    @rileecoyote Mike Adams is a huckster. Do NOT get your health advice from this guy. Get your health advice from a real doctor, not a fraud!
    @rileecoyote Here's another article on what a nut Adams is:
    @rileecoyote As for the article you linked: Nature IS chemicals. Whether you get a protein from nature or synthesize it is irrrelevant.
    @rileecoyote Except natural proteins often have other stuff attached to them. Raw milk is loaded with viruses and bacteria, pasteurize it!

    Bonehead comment of the week @chaosof99 "whether you get a protein from nature or synthesize it is irrelevant" clearly an ignorant statement

    @rileecoyote Please tell me the difference between H2O (a.k.a water) that has been drawn from a spring and H2O created by a chemical process
    @rileecoyote The answer is: there is no difference. If the chemical structure is identical, the substance is identical.
    @rileecoyote Don't get me wrong. I like you as a hockey player, but you are the ignorant one here. Ignorant of basic chemistry.

    spring water contains no fluoride, no chlorine and no other potentially toxic chemicals. therefor spring water is a better choice of H20

    @rileecoyote Except of course those springs located in natural fluoride deposits. You know, which tipped people off on floaridation!
    @rileecoyote Not to mention that there is no Fluoride in H2O. Only Hydrogen and Oxygen. Again, chemistry!

    guess there are some people that will remain #brainwashed for ever #victimsofthesystem come out from the rock you are hiding under

    @rileecoyote Yay, platitudes and bs. How about you base your thoughts on science, evidence and reason, rather than fear and paranoia?
    @rileecoyote Some actual chemists talking about this "All Natural" BS:

    *Block chaosof99*
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Ig'nants gonna ig'nant.
  • I'd wear that as a badge of honor. Yay for semi-famous people thinking they know more than you because they're famous.
  • There are new episodes of Beavis & Butthead.
  • For the past three days, I have had 10-12 hours of sleep, falling asleep at 5am and sleeping past 2pm each time, and regretting it every time. Tonight, I decided to get to sleep at 1am to try and get a solid eight hours before my 11am lecture. Instead, my body decided to wake me up with a stomachache at 3:30, sort that out in around five minutes, and then refuse to let my mind slow down so I can get back to sleep.

    So here I am, 5:38am, and I'm awake for my next class. Fuck you, body. Y u do dis.
  • For the past three days, I have had 10-12 hours of sleep, falling asleep at 5am and sleeping past 2pm each time, and regretting it every time. Tonight, I decided to get to sleep at 1am to try and get a solid eight hours before my 11am lecture. Instead, my body decided to wake me up with a stomachache at 3:30, sort that out in around five minutes, and then refuse to let my mind slow down so I can get back to sleep.

    So here I am, 5:38am, and I'm awake for my next class. Fuck you, body. Y u do dis.
    I've had the same exact problem for the last year or so :/
  • edited November 2011
    That'll teach me to post something before reading the entire article.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited November 2011
    You know a great time to rationally discuss issues surrounding abortion? During a children's Halloween festival. The biggest fail is the statement from the jackass handing out dolls of fetuses like these:
    to three-year olds is as follows:
    "We're still trying to understand where the offense is at," Edmonds said. "We think it's with the assumption that when we talk about life in the womb, it's about abortion. But the whole point of the event, point of the models, is we should respect life."
    He says it would be no different from having an anti-bullying message for children, and added that he gave candy to all, but dolls only to those whose parents approved.
    Really? You can't understand why bringing up abortion to a three year old at a Halloween festival using lifelike dolls is wrong? You can't see how abortion is different from bullying? Are you fucking retarded? Clearly everyone you gave it to DIDN'T approve. And seeing as you're conniving enough to slip your political agenda into a children's party, I'd say you probably were eager to drop those in the bags of kids who weren't paying attention.
    I also love his obvious attempt to say that it wasn't about abortions. What, was it sex ed for kindergarteners?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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