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Fail of Your Day



  • I got kicked out of a bar once, for singing "Gaston", from beauty and the beast, after convincing the people I was with to sing along.
    Did I ever tell you that you're my hero?
  • This song pretty well embodies my night at work, tonight.
  • I don't have enough money for... anything, really. I'm really at wit's end here.
  • Power's out in Foxboro. Again.
  • Sonic drowning noise.
    That sound scares the ever living fuck out of me. I'm not kidding. Hours upon hours of my youth spent dreading that sound.
    Now I am imagining Victor flailing around face-down a kiddie pool while that sound plays.
  • edited October 2011
    I don't have enough money for... anything, really. I'm really at wit's end here.
    I'm in the same boat.
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • Sonic drowning noise.
    That sound scares the ever living fuck out of me. I'm not kidding. Hours upon hours of my youth spent dreading that sound.
    Now I am imagining Victor flailing around face-down a kiddie pool while that sound plays.
    LOL! I'd pay to see that!

  • edited October 2011
    Sonic drowning noise.
    That sound scares the ever living fuck out of me. I'm not kidding. Hours upon hours of my youth spent dreading that sound.
    Now I am imagining Victor flailing around face-down a kiddie pool while that sound plays.
    LOL! I'd pay to see that!

    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • This entire fucking weekend. Seriously, fuck all of it.
  • Apparently my mom and brother got caught in crazy flash floods in Italy and had to run through raging flood waters to escape. Fuck. At least they are ok in Paris now, although there was some water damage to their electronics.
  • Oh national grid, will you ever cease disappointing us?
  • This entire fucking weekend. Seriously, fuck all of it.
    No kidding, hombre. I took a two hour walk at three in the morning to sweat out my problems.
  • edited October 2011
    The fact that you've all had terrible weekends while I've been having probably what is probably my best weekend of this semester.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I feel bad for all your bad weekends, but yeah, my life is pretty good right now.
  • My weekend wasn't all bad, there was just a terrible, horrible, some people's lives got changed forever for the worse kind of event.
  • Fuck you IIS, and your little dog too!
  • As I was running errands today, I was walking to my car and heard a loud crash in the streets. I saw a truck slowing down and saw a cloud of dust in the air, but couldn't see the cause of it.

    I went into my car and drove out the parking lot to see this:


    I guess as the truck turned, it was a bit too sharp. GG, truck driver, GG.
  • edited October 2011
    As much as I like BF3 in principle, I think that most of the time I keep playing simply because of some bizzare combination of "I spent 80 bucks on this, I'm not going to stop now, it would be a waste of money" and some sick form of pure, unadulterated masochism. I don't think I've ever felt worse playing a game in my life.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Is that browser thing really that bad?
  • edited October 2011
    Justin Blaze Is that browser thing really that bad?
    It's bad because it's horribly misused. If they were smart, they'd have just put the whole damn thing in the game. Or at very least put the ability to edit your load-outs in the battlelog.
    Churba, you and I will have to get a couple of people together and play Team Deathmatch. It's 4v4v4v4 and actually pretty fun.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • The browser thing could work pretty well if they put it in something like the Steam overlay.
  • I got drunk enough that ten minutes after I dropped a marker on the ground at a crowded club, I held it between my teeth. Likelihood that anything will come of that? Probably around 2%. Likelihood that it was fucking gross? 838%.
  • So I just reread my lease and realize I signed a horrible deal. I'm on the hook for the entire term of the lease.
  • Ouch. Sorry to hear that. You said your Landlord was cool, right? Is there anyway you can get out of it with minimal fees or none at all?
  • Sign on the front lawn of the neighbor of Randy Deluxe (of the podcasts FilmSack and The Instance):
  • Justin Blaze Is that browser thing really that bad?
    It's bad because it's horribly misused. If they were smart, they'd have just put the whole damn thing in the game. Or at very least put the ability to edit your load-outs in the battlelog.
    Churba, you and I will have to get a couple of people together and play Team Deathmatch. It's 4v4v4v4 and actually pretty fun.
    More of a rush and conquest man myself, but I'd be into that. Had a few decent games yesterday with Joe Boomer, Trogdor, and Pangloss - surprisingly, the lag was pretty tolerable for them despite playing on Australian servers, though I haven't tried it the other way around - though I remember it being quite tolerable in the beta when I was playing on some US servers. We'll have to see.

    I agree with you about battlelog - if you consider by it's own merits, it's actually a pretty damned good system, snappy, plenty of statistics, everything is pretty simple to do or see. But it should have been in the game, not in the browser.

  • My game crashed, what, three times? And Joe Boomer had some trouble with that as well. It was good fun, sure, but it would be nice if it weren't acting like it were still in beta.
  • I do wish I could tinker with my load-outs via the web interface, but regardless it makes lunch breaks a bit more fun. I can see my friends' stats and whatnot from my work PC.
  • My game crashed, what, three times? And Joe Boomer had some trouble with that as well. It was good fun, sure, but it would be nice if it weren't acting like it were still in beta.
    Yeah, I did notice that - the only time I had that many crashes - well, from actually in-game, I still have quite a few where it crashes while trying to join a server - was when I was trying to get Procaster to work with it, which apparently involves sacrificing bush wookies with the sharpened barrel of a GOL, under the light of a new tac-light.

    On the upside, It's still better than the BFBC2 release. Now THAT was a fucking ball-ache and a half.
    I do wish I could tinker with my load-outs via the web interface, but regardless it makes lunch breaks a bit more fun. I can see my friends' stats and whatnot from my work PC.
    They might yet, but I don't know. I do know they've done a few updates so far, but most of them are subtle - for example, they improved ping measurement, and now when you're looking at a server's info screen, it updates automatically, rather than having to refresh to update.

  • Yeah, I did notice that - the only time I had that many crashes - well, from actually in-game, I still have quite a few where it crashes while trying to join a server - was when I was trying to get Procaster to work with it, which apparently involves sacrificing bush wookies with the sharpened barrel of a GOL, under the light of a new tac-light.

    On the upside, It's still better than the BFBC2 release. Now THAT was a fucking ball-ache and a half.
    I'm not sure what a Procaster is (and can't be bothered to Google it) so I'll go ahead and assume that's an aimbot. In which case:


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