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  • Tomato sauce is a very common cause, particularly if other factors are also at play.


    1. Overeating.
    2. Too little sleep.
    3. Stress (which can also be caused by #2).
    Thanks. Trying to sort out all the information on something as vague as "Heartburn" on the Interwebs is difficult. Each time I end up asking the Internet, I end up discovering I have Crohn's Disease or cancer.

    I think the too little sleep may be a part of it. I've cut back my sleep to 6 hours or so a night for stupid reasons (reading mostly).

    Not to nay-say the other causes, which do make it worse, but sometimes the answer is just "oh shit, I'm producing too much acid." I've had a consistent heartburn problem since late high school. I never have heartburn as a reaction to eating a specific food; it is a constant burn unless I take something to make it go away. TUMS makes it worse because it neutralizes the acid, making my body think it needs to produce more. Proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec or Ranitidine take care of it just fine by telling my body to STOP MAKING THAT SHIT, YO. I can take Ranitidine 2x a day or Prilosec every couple of days.
  • Adam Adamowicz, the main concept artist for Fallout 3 and Skyrim, passed away today. He was an awesome guy and his work was amazing, especially with doing most of his work by hand rather than digitally.
  • Tomato sauce is a very common cause, particularly if other factors are also at play.


    1. Overeating.
    2. Too little sleep.
    3. Stress (which can also be caused by #2).
    Thanks. Trying to sort out all the information on something as vague as "Heartburn" on the Interwebs is difficult. Each time I end up asking the Internet, I end up discovering I have Crohn's Disease or cancer.

    I think the too little sleep may be a part of it. I've cut back my sleep to 6 hours or so a night for stupid reasons (reading mostly).

    Not to nay-say the other causes, which do make it worse, but sometimes the answer is just "oh shit, I'm producing too much acid." I've had a consistent heartburn problem since late high school. I never have heartburn as a reaction to eating a specific food; it is a constant burn unless I take something to make it go away. TUMS makes it worse because it neutralizes the acid, making my body think it needs to produce more. Proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec or Ranitidine take care of it just fine by telling my body to STOP MAKING THAT SHIT, YO. I can take Ranitidine 2x a day or Prilosec every couple of days.
    If it continues I'll end up talking to a doctor about it. A real doctor, not Dr. Internet.
  • It would appear that George Lucas has decided to become the worlds biggest Star Wars troll.
  • edited February 2012
    BSNES is definitely the best SNES emulator out there, but its programmer is like the grognard audiophile of emulation: [On why his program doesn't support SMC, the most common SNES ROM format] "Believe it or not, all of these extensions are still in public use. To me, this is ridiculous. An extension should indicate what it represents. bsnes is not a Super Magicom [.SMC] emulator, it is a Super Famicom (SNES outside of Japan) emulator."

    Lol, guess I'm using SNES9x.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    BSNES is definitely the best SNES emulator out there, but its programmer is like the grognard audiophile of emulation: [On why his program doesn't support SMC, the most common SNES ROM format] "Believe it or not, all of these extensions are still in public use. To me, this is ridiculous. An extension should indicate what it represents. bsnes is not a Super Magicom [.SMC] emulator, it is a Super Famicom (SNES outside of Japan) emulator."

    Lol, guess I'm using SNES9x.
    BSNES also has the problem in that it emulates everything so perfectly that it requires an insane amount of CPU power to work properly. I've never gotten it to emulate a game without insane lag. Yes, this emulator is super accurate. I guess playing at a ten times lower frame rate than the original system counts as accurate?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Subway chips in Japan taste exactly like their sandwiches.
  • Wait, they have Subway branded chips in Japan?
  • edited February 2012
    BSNES is definitely the best SNES emulator out there, but its programmer is like the grognard audiophile of emulation: [On why his program doesn't support SMC, the most common SNES ROM format] "Believe it or not, all of these extensions are still in public use. To me, this is ridiculous. An extension should indicate what it represents. bsnes is not a Super Magicom [.SMC] emulator, it is a Super Famicom (SNES outside of Japan) emulator."

    Lol, guess I'm using SNES9x.
    BSNES also has the problem in that it emulates everything so perfectly that it requires an insane amount of CPU power to work properly. I've never gotten it to emulate a game without insane lag. Yes, this emulator is super accurate. I guess playing at a ten times lower frame rate than the original system counts as accurate?
    I think it's that most emulators hack out things like the shadow beneath your plane in Darius Twin, so you get the proper framerate, but there are little graphical inaccuracies that make no difference. Ars has a really good article about it here. A lot of his definition of "accuracy" is pretty arbitrary or ultimately useless to anyone but a dedicated game historian or someone who is debugging old carts, though. Couple that with his ".SFC > .SMC and all other ROM formats based on name alone, also we don't support .ZIP" elitism and BSNES is profoundly impractical compared to SNES9x or ZSNES for anyone who doesn't have a Beowulf cluster of hexacores sitting around.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I encountered a book today called "We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us Against." It was written by my grandfather.
  • Wait, they have Subway branded chips in Japan?
    They do! We had two last night - BLT and Chicken and something. They tasted exactly like a BLT and Chicken and something sandwich would.
  • Who the hell made Mad Bull 34? Already ten minutes in and three guys died and a cop is propositioning a hooker!
  • I just banned my first creeper on DA. T_T
  • Who the hell made Mad Bull 34? Already ten minutes in and three guys died and a cop is propositioning a hooker!
    I dunno, but I'd just like to thank those guys for catalyzing the events that led to Daryl Surat saying, "I'm gonna fill you up HNNNNNN" on Fast Karate and causing me to fall out of my seat laughing.

  • Its uh-Bobby Wong! With the Zouyuman! They gonna fuck you up.
  • Its uh-Bobby Wong! With the Zouyuman! They gonna fuck you up.
    Only one reason fo killa to fuck up: he care too much for own miserable life.
  • I showed that episode to my society. For the next week whenever they saw one another they would shout that at each other.
  • Something Awful seems to be on a warpath against Reddit since Anderson Cooper's expose on /R/Jailbait.
  • And shit just went down. Enjoy the fallout guys.
  • I decided to give up Reddit for a month. It hasn't really been that difficult, and I certainly am more productive, but hearing about these Internet stories like the Kim John Un thing or this reddit stuff makes me feel like I'm on vacation and unaware of world events.

    Still, dropping that crap has been very enjoyable so far. Much better than last month, when I gave up alcohol. That was just boring...
  • edited February 2012
    And shit just went down. Enjoy the fallout guys.
    If by fallout you mean "less child exploitation on an otherwise friendly (but admittedly flawed) community site," I'm okay with that. Sure, Reddit's all about Freedom of Speech, but just ask Nuri about Reasonable Limits or whatever the term is. Illegal content is not covered under the First Amendment.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • And shit just went down. Enjoy the fallout guys.
    Most Redditors are happy about the new policy change.
  • I'm giving up religion for Lent again.
  • Uggh, I had no idea reddit was full of this willful ignorance and implicit consent of CP under the guise of "free speach". I doubt I'm ever going to go back. Besides, it's not really adding anything meaningful to my life.
  • Goddamn everyone I know is getting pregnant. Seriously.
  • Jeff Rubin recently interviewed one of the Reddit top commenters on his, normally stellar, podcast recently and it was by far the worst episode ever. I almost couldn't bring myself to finish it. Imagine your average douchebag with a modicum of internet power talking about all his bullshit internet drama for an hour.
  • The only place on Reddit worth going is Shit Reddit Says and the rest of the Fempire.
  • I bought Redline on DVD and get an instant streaming version as a bonus? Pretty classy move, Amazon.
  • edited February 2012
    The only place on Reddit worth going is Shit Reddit Says and the rest of the Fempire.
    I think this is the point where we can say you're officially so deep in the circlejerk that you've vanished up your own urethra like some sort of magic fucking dick wizard.

    In short - that's complete bullshit. SRS and the vast majority of the Fempire are even worse than /r/Atheism or /r/ronpaul, the only difference being instead of being offended and pretending they're superior to people because some other people believe in god/another political candidate, SRS/Fempire don't have such a narrow focus, they're simply offended by everything, all the time, and pretend their superior because they're so offended at everything. It's a fucking cesspit, and reddit would be better for it if the entire section was (Metaphorically) nuked from orbit.

    Lemmie clue you in - Being offended by everything is not being enlightened, sensitive, or good. Other people do not have less worth because they're not Offended (to be honest, I think a good chuck of SRS is just there for the circlejerk, not because they give a shit) by whatever you're offended by, which if you're in SRS, is everything.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • If you want to Not Suck At Reading Reddit™ check out some different subreddits, seriously. Some not-quite-mainstream recommendations: /r/AskScience, /r/Games, /r/ExplainLikeImFive. If you're into that sort of thing, the "SFW porn" subreddits (EarthPorn, CityPorn, etc) are pretty good too. Pick a topic you're interested in, and there's a subreddit for it. The smaller and more specific ones tend not to be as full-retard as the default subreddits.

    /reddit hipster
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