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The Hockey Thread



  • edited December 2011
    Scott's argument would make a lot more sense if the demand for hockey equaled that of the NFL, or hell, even MLB. Unfortunately, it just doesn't.
    What's causation and what's correlation? What is the reason there is such demand for NFL? Soccer is also very popular. Both sports have in common that each and every single game is extremely significant. If every hockey game was extremely significant, who is to say demand would not increase? You could get playoff viewership numbers on regular season games, and playoffs even more, especially if the games were on national television.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Scott, Soccer attendance in europe is more or less comparable to hockey attendance in the U.S.. Good, big market teams sell out. Small market teams, particularly not very good ones, less so. And that in spite of top level soccer-leagues only having about 18 teams and playing 36 games per team.
  • It's not just a matter of cutting games to make them more "important". You need to have the NHL (and hockey in general) enter the American zeitgeist. Kids need to be playing hockey in little league. Middle and high schools need to host hockey games every week during a season. Kids need to be able to name their favorite hockey players.

    The other additional thing that football has over hockey is tailgating. People plan for weeks to tailgate before the game, spending tons of money on memorabilia and food. It's part of the culture. Additionally, the NFL successfully captured the best days to play sports. The weekends (and Monday night). It's a lot easier to attend a game on a Sunday than it is hit up a 7 pm Wednesday game and then a Thursday game right after.
  • I'll just leave this here:
  • Much needed win against the Sens tonight. Hopefully Caps can start turning it around.
  • edited December 2011
    So yeah, Crosby's out again, apparently indefinitely. I'll readily admit that I don't like the guy very much, but I honestly hope he doesn't become another Lindros.

    Also, Giroux got accidentally hit in the head last game and will miss the game against Washington. Crap. He's apparently feeling good though and should be back soon.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Giroux is now "out indefinitely" with a concussion. Not only is he my favorite player on my favorite, and leads the NHL in points. No, he is also the guy who has been basically winning me every week in my fantasy league. Fuck. This.
  • Vokoun...
  • Yeah, Vokoun was pretty bad, but you can hardly pin this loss on him alone. Flyers were pretty dominant all evening long. This here being the peak of it:
  • And now to set into stone the longstanding tradition that you have to be a little bit crazy to become a hockey goalie, here's Ilya Bryzgalov from last night's episode of 24/7:
  • Going to the Winter Classic bitches!
  • Going to the Winter Classic bitches!
    However, I'm surprised you dare going to Philadelphia. I thought you were to much of a pussy to go there.

  • Going to the Winter Classic bitches!
    However, I'm surprised you dare going to Philadelphia. I thought you were to much of a pussy to go there.

    Cmon guys, Philadelphia isn't THAT bad, the tourisy parts of the town are crap but if you are a city wonderer like myself tons of great spots are there to visit.
  • I didn't say that Philly was a shitty place. In fact, visiting Philadelphia and watching a Flyers playoff game there is on my bucket list. What I said was that Scott is scared of the place.
  • I didn't say that Philly was a shitty place. In fact, visiting Philadelphia and watching a Flyers playoff game there is on my bucket list. What I said was that Scott is scared of the place.
    I'm not scared. It's just shit like this.

  • Eh? Fans do that around the country, in every sport game I have attended it is the normal policy of if you are not a dick then you are fine. Will we verbally go back and forth with insults? Sure, but we have our limits and know that you are there to root for your team as much as us.
  • I've got Caps/Rangers tickets on the 28th, much excite.
  • Ilya Bryzgalov is a really good goalie, especially while he was on the Coyotes. The only exception is for when he is up against the Red Wings, then he sucks.
  • The Rangers are a bunch of cum guzzling shitty smelling fucktards.
  • Those Rangers scored on the Coyotes last night with only 0.1 seconds left in the period (-,_-) and thus winning the game :(

    Not going to winter classic. Ticket giver RENEGGED! Now on shit list.
  • Winter Classic alumni game was really a fantastic thing to watch. So much fun, and so many great tales. Bernie Parent quite frankly stole the show though, even with only 4 minutes on the ice. Getting into the goalie gear and stopping pucks at the age of 66 deserves respect.
  • Saw Goon today. It was actually pretty good. Much better than I expected. The film is really, really vulgar and very violent though, but that should come to nobody's surprise. I don't think it quite challenges Slap Shot as the best hockey movie ever, but it may rise to #2 in that category.

    Overall, if you like hockey you will very much like this film. If you don't like hockey, you will probably still enjoy it.
  • edited February 2012
    There is a Rangers/Red Wings game coming up at MSG, and Rym is debating going. It is complicated who to cheer for.
    Post edited by gomidog on
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