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PAX Prime 2012: Bobcats To The Front Of The Line



  • I'm going to be manning a booth for the Lake Washington Institute of Technology up on the fourth floor, we'll be in the same room as Games Workshop!
  • Preparations have begun.

    New Dominion card divider labels printed! Quarriors playmats printed!

  • I've been encoding video and making phone-readable pdf files of books all last night to survive long flights and possibly lines.

    There are ~30 lines on my checklist of things to prepare for PAX. Fuck.
  • Ok guys, there is this thing called Popset I want to try at PAX. Here's how it works. First someone creates a set, which is really just a photo gallery. Then sort of like how Beluga and such work, you can add people to the set. Anyone in the set can submit photos to the set from their phone. Then the photos are all visible in a really nice one page gallery online.

    Flickr and such are really good for after you get home and you curate your photos with Lightroom and such. Popset gives all the people not at PAX one handy URL to live PAX vicariously through us as photos are added in real time. It also makes it so we don't have to make a Tweet for every single awesome photo that comes up.

    I'm going to try it. If you are interested let me know. If not, whatever.
  • I might give it a shot. I'm pretty bad about remembering to take photos though.
  • Yeah, I heavily doubt I will take any pictures myself. I like the idea, and if it was a thing I did I'd be on it though.
  • I will mainly take photos of games I've won as well as tweet about them.

    /shit-talking has begun!
  • Downloading it now.
  • iPhone only, so I won't be contributing any photos.
  • iPhone only, so I won't be contributing any photos.
  • edited August 2012
    List of games Team Ro/Jeremy will be carting around:

    Dominion: ALL EXPANSIONS
    Quarriors: base with Quarmageddon
    Shadow Hunters
    Kingsburge with xpac

    7 Wonders with Leaders xpac
    Snow Tails
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Unmaybe that Kingsburg. I did not play it enough.
  • By the by, are we using GroupMe for this like you guys did at East, or are we trying something new?
  • Scott, if you see this game, try it and let me know how it is. Pure deterministic wargame without any dice or cards.

  • That game looks amazing. The combat reminds me of Dune. I might even buy it just based on that video alone.
  • I'm bringing a bunch of small games.

    Spot It
    No Thanks

    Might bring:
  • I'm bringing a bunch of small games.

    Spot It
    No Thanks

    Might bring:
  • edited August 2012
    I'm bringing Eclipse.

    Is there any interest in me bringing my Werewolves of Millers Hollow +/- Expansion cards? It's Mafia, but with some additional roles and the expansion adds "events".
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I'll bring some dice for a back alley game of ceelo
  • That Engage game looks great. I completely forgot I was watching a 15 minute video.
  • Since I have a smartphone now I have the twitters.


    And a G+ account, though you'll probably have to look me up by the fullname (Anthony Heman).

    And if you PM me, I'll give out my mobile # for texting/calls in case people want to get ahold of me or my copy of Eclipse. :D
  • Are you a direct descendant of THE He-Man?
  • There's a park named after my great granduncle. That's all I'm saying.
  • Your name is actually Heman? As in, the masters of the universe? How come you haven't mentioned this before?!?!?
  • It's a secret to everybody.

    Except you. And you. And you and you and you.
  • I glad I don't get nearly as many jokes about the name Macdonald.
  • To all those people going to PAX, make sure you check out Pixel Lincoln, it is unreleased and an awesome deck builder game. Make the effort to try it out.
  • Are 75 pieces enough to play Zendo? I've been slowly acquiring ice dice / pyramid pieces as I find them, because Zendo sounds right up my alley. Also, there is a small chance I might be getting Engage on Wednesday before I leave for PAX, so I'll bring that along if it comes.
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