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Google Glass



  • so research
    much sources
  • I'm in when it's $100 with a data contract and not before. Also when it does reasonable AR processing/visuals and isn't just a glorified smart watch with a headcam.
  • muppet said:

    I'm in when the technology is mature and ivory tower gods like Scott have mastered the technology and I can fumble to catch up.


    - Department of Scott Ruben
  • edited January 2014
    Dromaro said:


    - Department of Scott Rubin

    -Department of Pedantry
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I think there is pedantry and then there is Scott.
  • FTFY

    -Department of Pedantry
    - Department of Redundancy Department.
  • I stand by what I said earlier. There is pedantry and then there is Scott. I believe there is a not insignificant distinction there.
  • I take tons of random pictures with Glass. I think it will be outright fascinating to see the timeline of basically random moments from my life years from now.
  • I made my way to one of the Glass-approved optometrists this weekend and sent my frames out for prescription lenses this week. Should have them back in less than two weeks. Interestingly, they pointed out that every person who had come so far had the same exact frame style, the Thin one, which I had also chosen.
  • I didn't even think I was that quick on the draw, but the optometrist told me my frame style (Bold) was already sold out. Should be getting them back with lenses in a few days.
  • I also have the thin one. (I wanted bold, but it was sold out).
  • It's happening!
  • Now that I have prescription lenses, I finally got to try the navigation while driving. I've been setting up unfamiliar places I need to drive to as events in my calendar, so when it's time to leave I have a card that shows up on the left side of my timeline. Two taps and it starts navigation. The visual component is great - better than any GPS or my phone in terms of being able to glance at it with minimal distraction. The audio has the same problems as any audio on Glass - quiet and difficult to hear over ambient sound. Regardless, this is going to replace my phone as my GPS display for the foreseeable future.
  • The GPS for driving/biking is worth the purchase price by itself.

    It also prevents the phone battery from dying during navigation. It's so great.
  • Since I first got Glass last Summer, I've used it off and on, but ALWAYS made it a point to bring it on drives to new places. It is by far the best GPS I have ever owned. It lacks a few nice features, like a Garmin that had a database of local speed laws, but the Glass display still wins.
  • Hmm, I wonder how cops will respond when a significant percentage of people are walking around with Google Glass and similar devices.
  • Idiotically
  • Matt said:


    But also on camera! ^_~

  • I may need the name of your optometrist, Rym. There are only 3 in NJ on the official Google list, and the one close to me has most definitely fucked up. Prescription is all sorts of off. Thinking of just demanding my money back and going elsewhere.
  • Kip's Bay Optical.
  • Came across this today:

    The site is less than perfect but the idea seems cool. I like the idea of having something that automatically jazzes up all of the pictures and videos I take throughout a fixed period of time and turns them into one thing I can share.
  • My prescription lenses just arrived (for the second time). Gotta go pick them up this week.

    Long story short, I've moved twice, in as many years, and have switched eye doctors a bunch. The last time I went, I got contacts, but the doctor also updated my glasses prescription. She somehow managed to screw this up very badly.

    Since I no longer live close to the doctor, I went to the closest eye doctor on Google's approved list. I the prescription that matched my current pair of glasses, since I knew those worked great (from 2012). I said "order this for my Google Glass," they measured my head, and I paid them my money.

    This new doctor decided to go above the call of duty and call my old eye doctor, find out if I had a 2013 prescription, then order THAT for my Glass. The astigmatism was way off and made me feel sick just wearing them for a minute. I brought them back and he re-tested my vision, immediately saw what was wrong, and said he'd send them back to the lab to be re-done, no charge.
  • Google called me yesterday to talk at surprising length about my use cases with Glass.
  • Google has copied the most important thing from Apple, gigantic profit margins ;-)
  • Interesting that it contains an FPGA.
  • Dr. Timo said:

    Google has copied the most important thing from Apple, gigantic profit margins ;-)

    Right, cus... R&D costs.

    Plus, they've explicitly said that the only reason that it's that expensive is to limit the pool. They've always said the release price would be less.
  • A real, practical use for Google Glass, demoed by Our Man Churba.

  • edited June 2014
    Dr. Timo said:

    Google has copied the most important thing from Apple, gigantic profit margins ;-)

    Seriously? It runs on Ice Cream Sandwich?
    Post edited by Daikun on
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