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Google Glass



  • How else are they going to get the tallscreen shot?
  • This video doesn't tell us anything new, but it presents a lot of important info about Glass in a cool and concise way:
  • hmmm... I just realized with my glasses I will have trouble with glass...
  • hmmm... I just realized with my glasses I will have trouble with glass...
  • hmmm... I just realized with my glasses I will have trouble with glass...
    If you get one, and you find you can't attatch it, then I'll send you some directions for getting the info I need, and I'll sort you out with some custom brackets. I've not made that sort of detail work for a while, so it'll be a nice change of pace.
  • yea I figured I'd have to wait.
  • edited May 2013
    The latest John Dvorak/No Agenda line - First, they were stupid, then they were very suspicious and the NSA/CIA was going to use them against you, and now?

    Now they're a Hoax, perpetrated by Google, and they'll never go on sale. His evidence includes such amazing hard facts as "The google CEOs are notorious pranksters, some guy was caught saying about how they insert unintended images into his powerpoint presentations", and because Robert Scoble got a pair, and he can be relied upon to "like everything."

    Oh, and of course, because "I can see no evidence it's not a hoax." As if that the fact that he refuses to see evidence that it's not a hoax is definitive proof that it's a hoax, and that's the only possible conclusion. Naturally, of course, Adam Curry is right on board and hates Glass with a passion.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Do they mean hoax or vapourware?
  • edited May 2013
    Do they mean hoax or vapourware?
    Hoax like "Google is deliberately fucking with you" Hoax. They have about as much evidence as any of their other mad conspiracy theories - four fifths of five eighths of fuck all - but the whole thing is hilarious.

    I'm not even kidding that one of their other ideas is that the CIA/NSA is going to use them to spy on everybody, all the time. So, somehow, they're both a government surveillance project AND a giant hoax!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • John Dvorak has always been a bit of a nut...
  • John Dvorak has always been a bit of a nut...
    Naw man, he's totally accurate. I mean, computer mice, what a stupid input device. Nobody will want those, they'll vanish in a year, the market tells us so.
  • It's only a hoax in the sense that they told me I was accepted to the Explorer program, and then haven't heard anything more in at least a month :)

    I'm sure it will be soon, though. As far as I know, they're taking care of the people who pre-ordered at the I/O conference in 2012 first, then will start contacting contest people.
  • I got to try them on at work today, since a pair arrived at the office. I couldn't really use it since I actually wear glasses so I couldn't see the screen well. But it is barely noticeable weight wise (especially compared to my glasses,) and the overlay doesn't seem to be too intrusive.
  • I attempted the possible implications to assist in performing complex surgeries or simply recording surgical methods with my boss the other day as most texts have diagrams and any video footage is poorly shot and from an inappropriate angle. I also brought up how it could assist surgeons who needed to perform emergency surgeries on critical patients with the assistance of an on call specialist.

    Out of the entire conversation the only thing the boss got out of it was that it would be possible for surgeons to critique your method and other surgeons would have access to a recorded surgery.

    I can't believe how backwards the Veterinary industry is. I can't presume to know but the way the medical community approaches it, I think they would see this device as a threat rather than an amazing tool.
  • I can't believe how backwards the Veterinary industry is. I can't presume to know but the way the medical community approaches it, I think they would see this device as a threat rather than an amazing tool.
    I think it's just that people are backwards, period. In the medical field at my old hospital the doctors use a dictation line (for those who don't know, the physicians make a phone call to a service -- generally -- and their notes are dictated from the voice mail). We had a forward-thinking doctor who joined our hospital and said she'd prefer to write her own notes instead of talking into a microphone, and she was slammed by all the other physicians. "ABSOLUTELY NOT, WE ALL DO IT THIS WAY, END OF STORY." Essentially. Personally I'd MUCH rather write my own notes than speak into a phone and have them written by someone else. There are so many errors in dictations.
  • Patched same day.
  • Anyone else feeling a bit of "Snowcrash" in this?
  • Anyone else feeling a bit of "Snowcrash" in this?
    Felt that way since the silly thing was announced. Freakin' gargoyles...
  • I still only feel those goggles from the early parts of Accelerando. And I am excite.
  • I still only feel those goggles from the early parts of Accelerando. And I am excite.
    I just want a device where I can spawn subprocesses to deal with stuff, then diff and merge them back into my consciousness. Is that too much to ask?
  • Minding Tomorrow.
  • The third novel in the Minding Tomorrow series is called Broken Glass, was named that long before Google announced their wearable computer's name, and while augmented reality has a big role in the series, the title Broken Glass refers to something completely different.
  • I still need to read that series. I'm going to right after I finish up the last few Culture books.
  • Unsubstantiated rumor has Glass costing $299 at launch.

    Even if this were $500, I'm getting it ASAP.
  • I need it. I neeeeed it.
  • If it's anything less than $700, I'm buying it day one. If not, I'll probably buy it about a week from release, in all honesty.
  • Depending when it comes out, I think it'll be a day-one buy at $400 or less, but more than that and I'll wait for the first batch to go out. See those first impression reviews and all.
  • I'll probably wait till Gen 2.
  • I will be interested to see how this works for people outside of the US, if Gen1/2 works well with European stuff off the bat then I would consider. If its half arsed then not worth the time of day.
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