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Identify Yourself



  • How can you geek out about Chinese?
    It may be more of a hobby than a full-blown geekery, but essentially I enjoy studying it. My favorite part is the history of the characters. I like tracing their genealogy and reading theories behind why certain radicals and characters are used, as well as picking apart what each radical in a word means. Learning the sorts of things open_sketchbook mentioned is a blast, too. Of course, studying the language also led to learning a lot more about the country - I can't believe how much I didn't know, and I'm starting to get a grasp of how much I still don't know. I think it's amazing that a country so big has been so misunderstood and oversimplified by the west for so long.
  • edited July 2011
    Salutations, I am R. Mousa A. Toure but really my middle name will do. I'm pleased to be a part of this fora.

    Contrary to popular perception I'm not the 14th in any line, because I didn't put the -th suffix in my number. The is a motif or something like that.

    I call myself a geek but due to previous analysis I'm going to go with the term casual geek for the time being. I have many many geeky interests but mo actual n depth r obsessive knowledge in any one, simply knowing "just enough" about almost everything. Except Board games, I wasn't aware that was type of geekery until I listened to Geek Nights.

    I'm a student, an artist, a so-so writer, singer, and recently, a half-baked songwriter with only talent in lyrics.

    I'm a huge Nintendo fan, my first console was the N64 (I remember that faithful day when I made the choice solely because The PS1 looked "Complicated" for having a reset button instead of an on/off switch. I was young, okay?) and my first console game was Banjo-Kazooie which I haven't beaten to this day, but now I love 2D and 3D platformers and adventure games and smatterings of everything else. The Legend of Zelda series is the greatest video game series of all time....

    ...In my opinion.

    I love superheroes but wish comics would get over themselves and be more like the awesome cartoons they've spawned. I haven't had as much opportunity to tabletop RP as much as I'd like but if the opportunity presents itself I'll join a group. My first Star Wars movie was Episode 1 so I don't know why people hate Jar Jar so much and think Qui-Gon Jinn was the greatest thing the movie had and he shouldn't have died. I only just saw the original trilogy a few months ago and now own it on VHS. Stop looking at me like that, I live a weird existence. I don't really watch anime much anymore because I prefer reading so much more so m favorite manga so far are Ouran High School Host Club, One Piece, Hunter X Hunter, Shaman King, Azumanga Daioh, and Soul Eater. I sort of dropped out of reading for a while after One Manga died but I'm hoping to get the motive to start reading again soon.

    For some reason it's anime I can't seem to stand to watch because I still like a lot of cartoons and animated series and watch those every so often.

    I'm a lego maniac and k'nex lover. The site I frequent most often is Tvtropes with Loading Ready Run, The Escapist Magazine, and That Guy With The Glasses following up.

    I've traveled a lot, Lived in Egypt and Botswana 2.5 years each, which is why I'm always behind and constantly out of the loop with everything. I've been so detached from mainstream culture (geek or otherwise) that I've grown apathetic to keeping up with anything anyone cares about. I've also traveled around a bit around Africa and Europe.

    In terms of conventions, I've been to a few but basically my sister goes as my proxy for all the ones that I don't, I prefer to sort of make Cons a "sometimes thing" so I don' become disillusioned and jaded and bored of them too quickly, but I've been to Anime USA, Katsucon, and I was at Otakon 2010, my first Otakon. That small list basically reveals I'm an Eats Coaster. I'm actually around the center of all this, Northern Virginia, basically in the DC Metro area. So visitor's poor grasp of our metro system amuses me greatly.

    I'm not sure how to conclude this.
    Post edited by Mousa The 14 on
  • Sup' Mousa. A DC metro area guy who doesn't know much about board games eh? Try Labryth in Eastern Market. They got plenty to try and buy and even hosts games night. Also, seeing folk not grasp how easy the metro is amuses me too.
  • edited July 2011
    Pleased to meet you Viga. I will look into Labryth, I was just in Eastern Market just the other day to see my optometrist. I'm not sure if I'd make a games night since I mostly work at night for the time being.
    Post edited by Mousa The 14 on
  • Pleased to meet your Viga.
    I'm pleased you met our Viga too.
  • Ha ha ha, laugh at my vague incompetence, No one is exactly perfect here.
  • Hm... I wish I knew how to speak HTML, that would make life here a lot easier...
  • Ha ha ha, laugh at my vague incompetence, No one is exactly perfect here.
    Except me, of course.
  • Ha ha ha, laugh at my vague incompetence, No one is exactly perfect here.
    Except me, of course.
    Don't mind me coughing. Loudly and obnoxiously.
  • Ha ha ha, laugh at my vague incompetence, No one is exactly perfect here.
    Except me, of course.
    Don't mind me coughing. Loudly and obnoxiously.
    I forgot the green text.

    I think that's lost all meaning...
  • I think that's lost all meaning...
    Green coloured text only had meaning amongst a select group of forum users who I'd like to call "clueless". Which, as you just demonstrated, is in my eyes a more useful meaning than the "sarcasm/joke/IT WAS A JOKE/IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE YOU CLUELESS KID" meaning said group of forum users have assigned to a colour text. But don't worry. I won't be too harsh on you. I did not include you amongst the few that caught on to that one.
  • I mostly said that it lost all meaning because I realized how crazy meta it was. I said I forgot to use green text, which I was saying sarcastically, except I was then using green text, so it was weird...

    It was mostly just a joke. Thanks for overreacting.
  • It was mostly just a joke.
    Smells like Copypasta de l'Air Co.
    Thanks for overreacting.
    Actually, I reacted just enough to get the idea that I wanted out, out. Don't bother with the insult about you not catching on, such are just facts.
  • Nine, why aren't you part of a wacky sitcom duo yet?
  • Nine, why aren't you part of a wacky sitcom duo yet?
    Chuck Lorre is writing it as we speak.
  • Nine, why aren't you part of a wacky sitcom duo yet?
    The other half of the duo keeps dying. I've no clue as to why.
  • Nine, why aren't you part of a wacky sitcom duo yet?
    The other half of the duo keeps dying. I've no clue as to why.
    I'm pretty sure it's the "ripping their beating heart out of their chest" thing.
  • I'm pretty sure it's the "ripping their beating heart out of their chest" thing.
    That's so not me. My nails aren't sharp or long enough for that.
  • God, it's like I never left the Tvtropes forum...

    I like this place already.
  • I'm pretty sure it's the "ripping their beating heart out of their chest" thing.
    That's so not me. My nails aren't sharp or long enough for that.
    You don't need fingernails (NSFW?)
  • You don't need fingernails (NSFW?)
    I don't have access to black magic. So that won't work either. Also, that's totally safe for work. It's no longer the 20th century where bad practical effects were considered scary.
  • My name is Carlos, I live in Northern NJ. I had a much more impressive introduction written out but my login timed out and lost it so here's the short version:

    I've been listening to Geeknights for years but never bothered with the forums before now. I like some anime, tech, programming and also read a lot (non-fiction). I follow tech news and politics regularly.

    I've never been big on forums but I'll look around and give them a shot.
  • Hey, welcome! You seem like you'll fit in just fine.
  • I had a much more impressive introduction written out but my login timed out and lost it so here's the short version:
    Avoid this problem by installing the Lazarus add-on to Friefox. It is awesome. Really.
  • my login timed out
    What did you do? Leave for a month between writing it up and hitting 'Add your comments'?
  • Hey folks,

    I'm Sean, working as a QA Analyst for a medium-sized software company. Generally listen to the gaming (I'm a pretty hardcore boardgamer and PC/console gamer) and tech podcasts, so that should outline my interests pretty well. I've played a ton of various different board games, and I'm generally always playing half a dozen video games of all sorts (right now it's Oblivion, various point & clicks, Dino D-Day, Eternal Silence, Bastion..).
  • Hi there, ROE. Where are you from?
  • Hey everybody

    My name is Reinhard but referring to me with my username will be fine, I am an 18 yr old male and I live in New Zealand...
    I like video games, reading (especially Terry Pratchett), Music (Symphonic Metal mostly but I listen to all genres), Graphic Novels (Usagi) and as I'm sure you can figure out from the link later in this post that I like My Little Pony: Friendship is magic.
    my punctuation is often atrocious when I don't watch myself so if I'm tired I may indeed write many paragraphs without the slightest hint of punctuation so I apologize in advance for that.

    I joined because of this discussion:
    But I'm sure I can find allot more around here that I'll find interesting as you all seem like intelligent folk.

    I'm not really big on introductions but now you can't say I didn't try :)
  • Hey everybody
    Hey Doctor Nick!
  • edited July 2011
    My name is Reinhard but referring to me with my username will be fine
    I see what you did there. Good thing you're not another Nivek.
    you all seem like intelligent folk.
    Sorry to disappoint. I would've warned you before, but there was no way to contact you, you see.
    Post edited by Not nine on
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