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  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    I'm afraid of actually typing something (excluding this statement) as it's a certainty that it will either be criticized or taken out of context...but whatever.
    I was just messing with you, but I seriously think that an ad-hoc discussion on the level of GeekNights is what we should aim for.
    Do you know how incredibly difficult that is to pull off, it's a wonder that FNPL is able to do it so well. Also considering the fact that we are so used to where we just chill out most of the time and not really have any ad hoc discussions except when (like I said before) an FRC member or someone of equal intelligence and/or awesomeness is present, it's gonna be a really bumpy road. Also I'm more partial to just maxin' and relaxing, but I guess that's due to the fact that I'm generally not a very good conversationalist as the topics you guys discuss are really over my head most of the time and I usually stay silent or add in the occasional remark. What does that say about me?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • The problem here is the difference between members. The older members with experience and lives are the ones who want to have an organized schedule, because they can't deal with those of us who are boring/teenagers and have no lives and no memorable experiences to share. However, if they can create a topic, our constant probing of Wikipedia will most likely allow us to talk about it.
    Personally, I think some fusion of both of these would be good. We have down time, but also prepare topics ahead of time for casual discussion among the group. But, if no one wants to talk about them, you don't have to. They're just a resource and prepared conversation starter.
  • The problem here is the difference between members. The older members with experience and lives are the ones who want to have an organized schedule, because they can't deal with those of us who are boring/teenagers and have no lives and no memorable experiences to share. However, if they can create a topic, our constant probing of Wikipedia will most likely allow us to talk about it.
    Personally, I think some fusion of both of these would be good. We have down time, but also prepare topics ahead of time for casual discussion among the group. But, if no one wants to talk about them, you don't have to. They're just a resource and prepared conversation starter.
    I wholeheartedly agree and support this elaboration, and I believe it should be taken into consideration more often when these Chats happen.
  • Do you know how incredibly difficult that is to pull off?
    I said "aim." If I'm playing darts, I probably won't hit a bulls-eye every time, but trying would sure help.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    Do you know how incredibly difficult that is to pull off?
    I said "aim." If I'm playing darts, I probably won't hit a bulls-eye every time, but trying would sure help.
    Yes, it is indeed worth a shot, but I think we should still be aware of the challenge that such an idea presents and as such try even harder, faster, stronger.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I wholeheartedly agree and support this elaboration, and I believe it should be taken into consideration more often when these Chats happen.
    If you say so, rule the first, if you can't shut up, get the fuck out. Also known as: "Yupa's no longer allowed on any GeekChat."

    His constant interrupting of other people as they are talking just to say two unrelated lines that just popped in his head stifles the conversation, annoys people and puts people off from talking in the first place because Yupa will just make their points null and void by interrupting and ending whatever actual discussions they were trying to talk about. Even if he manages to shut up for 2 seconds after you told him a third time he'll likely bring out the "I'm bored" or "This Geekchat fails." lines. I'm being honest when I say, and I don't think I am alone in this (although others may remain silent on this proposition), that I enjoy Geekchats a lot more when Yupa is nowhere fucking near them. He ruined the entire concept of just having fun over Skype.

    I wish I was making a fucking joke. To the comment about FNPL and Geeknights being more on-topic, that's what they fucking are supposed to be! FNPL is intelligent discussion with prepared discussion points, Geeknights is prepared talking about the show's topic, Geekchat is JUST CHILLING WITH OTHER GEEKS. Nothing more, nothing less. Whatever comes from the chemistry in a Geekchat, it's Geekchat. It's supposed to be played loosely, just to go with the flow. If you want something different, go make something fucking different, but don't go trying to shoehorn something else to fit your ideas, you fucking cunts.
  • Nine is right, although I certainly wouldn't mind an occasional Geekchat where we try to maintain an intelligent flow of conversation centered around some discussion points.
  • I agree with your second paragraph, Nine. I just thought discussion topics would be helpful if people couldn't think of stuff to talk about on their own.

    I'm not even gonna touch your first paragraph with a ten foot long stick.
  • edited November 2009
    Ninless's post
    Nine is right, although I certainly wouldn't mind an occasional Geekchat where we try to maintain an intelligent flow of conversation centered around some discussion points.
    I repeat -
    I have a plan - How about Instead of "ZE GEEKCHAT MUST BE ON ZE TOPIC! MEMES? NIEN NIEN NIEN NIEN NIEN!" or "Hey dude, lets all be, like, chilled out and stuff, so we can, like, chill and stuff dude." - If you want to have a serious one, Say so when you propose hosting it, maybe lay out some topics, all that. Then, you will attract the people who want to have a serious discussion. If not, just say it's a regular freestyle geekchat(or something) and don't get cranky when it meanders all about.
    Easy done, sort the rest of the rules out for yourself, you can thank me later.
    You can't just say Geekchat and expect everyone to know what the hell you want to be the outcome - lay it out beforehand, so you attract the people who will be conducive to the outcome you want, AND NOBODY WILL HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM.

    Seriously, I'm not the smartest, quickest, or most sensible person around here, why do I have to be the one to actually tell you all this?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You know what? I always thought about Geekchat as more of a "chillin' with the forumites" kind of experience. I think it's a lot like me and my pals hanging out in the living room: Sometimes intelligent discussion happens naturally, but often times it's just us hanging out and being goofy.

    Yupa, if you want a structured discussion, you can start a skypecast that has a structured discussion. There can be multiple kinds of Geekchat, ya know.
  • I wholeheartedly agree with Nineless on the Yupa bit. I got home early Friday and dropped in the Geekchat. Within 15 minutes I was turning the sound down every time Yupa talked. Sorry dude, but you present yourself in a horribly annoying fashion, you try to be a know it all when you aren't, and you change the topic to avoid being wrong. It's just the truth.

    On the other hand, I do feel that Geekchat needs the tiniest bit of structure. Nothing beyond a very broad topic, and it can stray away at any time, but maybe we'll start each one with something general like art, science, history, etc. Nothing even remotely specific.
  • You know what? I always thought about Geekchat as more of a "chillin' with the forumites" kind of experience. I think it's a lot like me and my pals hanging out in the living room: Sometimes intelligent discussion happens naturally, but often times it's just us hanging out and being goofy.

    Yupa, if you want a structured discussion, you can start a skypecast that has a structured discussion. There can be multiple kinds of Geekchat, ya know.
  • You know what? I always thought about Geekchat as more of a "chillin' with the forumites" kind of experience. I think it's a lot like me and my pals hanging out in the living room: Sometimes intelligent discussion happens naturally, but often times it's just us hanging out and being goofy.

    Yupa, if you want a structured discussion, you can start a skypecast that has a structured discussion. There can be multiple kinds of Geekchat, ya know.
    True dat. Also, echoing Nine's post.
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    I'm not going to react in the way you all expect me to, I'm just gonna take it and accept it because even though in my opinion, Nine went a little overboard (what else is new), there is truth in his words and I acknowledge most of his observations. I can understand his frustration, and I can sympathize with his feelings (even if they are a bit extreme) as I would feel the same way if I ever knew a kid like that. Interrupting people is a problem I have that is very hard to stop.

    This is in part due to the fact that I don't talk a lot to people in my town because I really cannot connect with them as most of the people I call "friends" are just mere acquaintances who really aren't interested in the things I am, even though I've patiently tried to introduce them to those kinds of hobbies, but I digress. I don't have very good social skills, plain and simple, and that is a part of who I am (although I've been working on them and are improving at a slower pace then I would prefer). If you'd have known me about a few years before, you would've wanted to ban me from Skype completely as I would have annoyed the fuck out of all of you, so interrupting people is a very minor problem in my eyes.

    The only thing I ask from all of you is to please have some patience and have a little more tolerance, as I do mean well and I don't want my faux pas to be the deciding factor on whether or not you think I am a good person or a pleasant person to talk to. It's up to you whether or not you want me to participate in future Geekchats, because in the end to be honest, I really don't give a shit because I'll find other things to occupy my time should such a thing come to pass (I hope not though). I've said all that I have to say for now, so take that as you will for I refuse to talk about the issue for the time being.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Amen, brother.
  • Amen, brother.
  • Well spoken, friend.
  • ......
    edited November 2009
    I'm not going to react in the way you all expect me to
    Oh good-wait... fucking paradox, man. Fucking paradox.
    I'm just gonna take it and accept it because even though in my opinion [list that invalidates first part of sentence]
    I've said all that I have to say for now
    I refuse to talk about the issue for the time being.
    You just fucking flipped your record and replayed the b-side, good job. Good job.

    But don't worry about Skype talks. When I'm joining, I'll host. And I had already decided that in such cases I will just start hanging up on you if you start interrupting people. And if you rejoin and bitch about that, a kick out of the call. Problem solved.

    EDIT: Forgot to address your 'patience and tolerance' bullshit. On how many Geekchats have you been now? How many hours worth of you interrupting people have we already patiently tolerated? Enough that it's only fair that it's pointed out and dealt with. Because it's freaking annoying and it makes you a bad and unpleasant person to talk to.

    Have an image for your efforts though.
    Seriously, I'm not the smartest, quickest, or most sensible person around here, why do I have to be the one to actually tell you all this?
    Intelligence is worth nothing without wisdom/knowledge.
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited November 2009
    Intelligence is worth nothing without wisdom/knowledge.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Wow, that picture is utterly hilarious.
  • ......
    edited November 2009
    Myth, it's been proven false with evidence showing the opposite. Evidence proving otherwise.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Wow, that picture is utterly hilarious.
    Easy there. I just thought the obvious statements in Nine's post warranted delicious obvious Fate/Stay Night.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    I'm not going to react in the way you all expect me to
    Oh good-wait... fucking paradox, man. Fucking paradox.
    I'm just gonna take it and accept it because even though in my opinion [list that invalidates first part of sentence]
    I've said all that I have to say for now
    I refuse to talk about the issue for the time being.
    You just fucking flipped your record and replayed the b-side, good job. Good job.

    But don't worry about Skype talks. When I'm joining, I'll host. And I had already decided that in such cases I will just start hanging up on you if you start interrupting people. And if you rejoin and bitch about that, a kick out of the call. Problem solved.

    EDIT: Forgot to address your 'patience and tolerance' bullshit. On how many Geekchats have you been now? How many hours worth of you interrupting people have we already patiently tolerated? Enough that it's only fair that it's pointed out and dealt with. Because it's freaking annoying and it makes you a bad and unpleasant person to talk to.

    Have an image for your efforts though.
    Seriously, I'm not the smartest, quickest, or most sensible person around here, why do I have to be the one to actually tell you all this?
    Intelligence is worth nothing without wisdom/knowledge.
    You know what...I don't give a shit about what you say about me. I accepted your constructive criticism at the beginning, but I can see it was only part one to the typical fiery rant you always spew out. If you want to kick me out because of this relatively minor problem that you seem to have over ten bugs up your butt about, go ahead because once again (GASP I'm repeating myself), I don't give a flying fuck because I can do better and more rewarding things to do with my time, like watch a movie, write a short story, read a book, or even begin to write a script. Nothing you say can break me because I'm proud of who I am and what I do with my time, and to be quite honest, you aren't even worth a minute of my time anymore. I look back and I wonder why the fuck did I ever respond or let your deprecating comments get the better of me because after seriously considering everything, I realize they mean nothing to me.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Matt, by Nine's standards, you got complimented overall. Just keep that in mind.
  • Matt, by Nine's standards, you got complimented overall. Just keep that in mind.
    Even after two years of being a part of these forums, I believe Nine will always remain an enigma to me.
  • this relatively minor problem that you seem to have over ten bugs up your butt about
    That's...oddly specific.
  • Even after two years of being a part of these forums, I believe Nine will always remain an enigma to me.
  • geekchat. now.
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