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  • I feel like it is time again to call together another GeekChat. Our options for days are this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Saturday and Sunday we can start between midday and six PM. On Friday we should start at around five'o'clock EST and we will probably go longer to compensate which would allow some of our far-flung forum members from around the world to get in on the geeky action.

    Below this line answer with what days and times this weekend you can attend as well as with suggested topics of discussion
  • Luke introduced me to this fantastic thing called Doodle. I've been using it to coordinate FNPL episodes. Make one for Geekchat.
  • Luke introduced me to this fantastic thing called Doodle. I've been using it to coordinate FNPL episodes. Make one for Geekchat.
    That looks like the sort of thing that you would need to have a well defined group of people to use, the facts of the matter is, the group of people that join the GeekChat is not well defined, though it does have its core members. I would be happy to use it if I knew what every person on the forums Doodle account is, and unfortunately I don't, but the entire group is already here anyway. So why not simply organize it here?
  • The point is that Doodle doesn't require any accounts or passwords. You just add your name and tick boxes. Creating an account is a good idea though, as when the date and time is set, it can automatically add it to your google calendar, and email you an alert, and display the times in your current time zone (handy for geekchats with people from multiple continents).

    Still, the reason why Doodle appealed to me so much was that it recreated the functionality of the system we have in this thread, which I came up with out of frustration at Geofino's lack of organizing talents. I see no reason why it shouldn't be used, as long as the DATES *AND* TIMES are set out clearly IN ADVANCE. I can't say if Sunday is good for me until I know what hour on Sunday. Too early I can't make it, too late and I'm in bed already.

    And please, for the love god, say what time zone you are using. I know you did above, but it's unbelievable that in this interconnected world, people still don't just use UTC and have done with it.
  • edited April 2011
    Doodle's Facebook link is an ABSURDLY good feature. Also, I'm curious: is your email address visible to others in the poll when you use it?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Word, Doodle looks like the way to go.
  • Do it, I haven't had a Geekchat in forever. However, I'm unavailable Saturday night.
  • The point is that Doodle doesn't require any accounts or passwords. You just add your name and tick boxes. Creating an account is a good idea though, as when the date and time is set, it can automatically add it to your google calendar, and email you an alert, and display the times in your current time zone (handy for geekchats with people from multiple continents).

    Still, the reason why Doodle appealed to me so much was that it recreated the functionality of the system we have in this thread, which I came up with out of frustration at Geofino's lack of organizing talents. I see no reason why it shouldn't be used, as long as the DATES *AND* TIMES are set out clearly IN ADVANCE. I can't say if Sunday is good for me until I know what hour on Sunday. Too early I can't make it, too late and I'm in bed already.

    And please, for the love god, say what time zone you are using. I know you did above, but it's unbelievable that in this interconnected world, people still don't just use UTC and have done with it.
    You made everything so much clearer. I'll work on it... right after this programming assignment.
  • You made everything so much clearer. I'll work on it... right after this programming assignment.
    Try not to added any semi-colons to the end of if statements like last time.
  • Assignment complete, followed by sleep.

    Here is the Doodle Poll, if you plan to attend make sure to save your vote.
  • edited April 2011
    Fuck, it's dead even between times and days, someone vote asymmetrically!
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Well done! You managed to list the times in UTC -7 hours in the TITLE of each option, but not use the Doodle function where you enter your local time, and let it work out what the time is for each time zone. Now instead of converting from UTC to my time (plus two hours) I have to think in terms of 6pm in UTC-7 plus 9 hours. Unnecessary brain hurtingness!
  • edited April 2011
    Well done! You managed to list the times in UTC -7 hours in the TITLE of each option, but not use the Doodle function where you enter your local time, and let it work out what the time is for each time zone. Now instead of converting from UTC to my time (plus two hours) I have to think in terms of 6pm in UTC-7 plus 9 hours. Unnecessary brain hurtingness!
    So I'm supposed to know everything about how to use an app on my first use? How will I ever be able to use anything!?!?!?!!?!!11!?!!?!
    EDIT: also, fuck if I can see that fucking option.
    DOUBLE EDIT: Can someone explain to me how to make the poll do what Luke says it can do?
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited April 2011
    Alright, it's fixed now, so I must ask everyone who has previously voted on days to vote again. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Alright, it's fixed now, so I must ask everyone who has previously voted on days to vote again. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Or, you can edit your answer, I think - either way.
  • So I'm supposed to know everything about how to use an app on my first use? How will I ever be able to use anything!?!?!?!!?!!11!?!!?!
    Don't worry, I'm just passive aggressively hinting at how to do a better job.
  • Don't worry, I'm just passive aggressively hinting at how to do a better job.
    That is not passive in any sense of the word. Also, it is still not working. I shall try to make it actually fucking work next time.
  • Well, sorry if I came off as a bit of a dick.
  • edited April 2011
    Current poll results indicate that Saturday at 6:00 PM UCT-7 is the current best option. Thoughts?
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Wait, so the times shown currently are actually all in UTC-7 and aren't being converted automatically to my local time zone?
  • edited April 2011
    That is 1am UTC or 2am BST
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Wait, so the times shown currently are actually all in UTC-7 and aren't being converted automatically to my local time zone?
    Luke says that there is an option to make it in the local timezones, but as far as I can tell, that is in the poll generation, and I've already tried to fix it once, and apparently that hasn't worked (damn you churba for misleading me) I am hesitant to try and fix it again, as this would reset the poll again and people would have to vote for a time again. I'm currently messing around with the poll generator to see If I can figure out the option settings but until then all times are in UTC -7 give or take 1.
  • Current poll results indicate that Saturday at 6:00 PM UCT-7 is the current best option. Thoughts?
    Sunday 04:00 sounds great for me.
  • Great, it is UTC+1 here at the moment, damn summer time!
  • edited April 2011
    Well, I have to rework my entry, because I thought it had been fixed so it would be in my timezone.
    EDIT: Yeah, Sat 6PM UTC-7 works for me.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Alright, I need a volunteer to tell me if this poll is in local time it should read as the equivalent of 12-3, 6-9, 9-12 UTC-7 in whatever your local time is: [link]
  • Yes, it's in my local time.
  • Yes, it's in my local time.
    Great Success! Now I won't have to deal with working out how to get it to work next time and everyone will only have to vote once!
  • Hmm. Actually, 12PM-3PM Friday UTC-7 translates into 5AM-8AM Saturday UTC+10, whereas the list says 4AM-7AM, which is off by an hour.
    So it's definitely doing localisation, but you got the time wrong - perhaps a daylight savings-related mistake?
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