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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Apreche said:

    I don't think you need a manga for that. It's a shonen. I have no knowledge beyond the anime episodes on Crunchyroll, and I can say with hardly any doubt that this is what will happen.

    Sohoku wins with the power of teamwork. Of course, the story will introduce about 100 reasons for you to doubt that this will happen, but they will overcome all of them with miracles.

    Midousuji becomes a crazy good guy instead of crazy evil guy. Just like how bad guys from Hajime no Ippo become good guys.

    Any of the characters that haven't been in the spotlight yet are going to be. Manami and Onoda will race on the climb on day 3.

    The show will continue into the second year of high school where lots of new characters are introduced, but Sohoku will probably lose the Inter-high.

    Our story will end in the third year when Sohoku wins the Inter-high in the third year, and our main characters graduate high school. If it keeps going, maybe it will show them becoming professional cyclists?

    Sohoku will win of course. A race between Manami and Onoda will have to happen. All of your predictions seem plausible. One thing your missed though. Onoda will have everyone watching or singing Love Hime before it's all over. ;)

    One thing I hope doesn't happen though is I personally don't want a tragic back-story for Midousuji. He should stay the cold calculating psycho that he is. I know it's going to happen I just hope it's not something lame like he has a relative or long time childhood friend. Who have a terminal disease and their last wish is for Midousuji to win the Interhigh.
  • Midousuji definitely has a tragic backstory. I just have no idea what it could possibly be. He's evil, so it probably involves getting revenge on someone. He'll learn the lesson that revenge won't get you there, and friendship and the joy if cycling are more powerful than evil.
  • Midousuji was an Initial D racer. One day, he hit and killed several cyclists during a race.

    The cyclists were his parents and younger sister.

    He swore off cars forever from that day, and strives to live his dream of being the fasted racer in the world.
  • Midousuji's parents were One Piece villains.
  • Seriously. The only hint we have about Midousuji is that he just showed up at his school out of nowhere. Whatever it is, it must involve him suddenly moving between towns.
  • Midousuji is a magical boy. He keeps traveling back in time to prevent Sohoku from winning the Inter-High and bringing about Walpurgis Race.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Midousuji is a magical boy. He keeps traveling back in time to prevent Sohoku from winning the Inter-High and bringing about Walpurgis Race.

    That's incredible. I would like to subscribe to your fanfic 'zine.
  • If it's not Attack on Titan episode 27 I aint watching it!
  • Watched "The Tatami Galaxy" in the last 3 days. It is very interesting, but also quite dense. Not as in stupid, but as in requiring effort to watch and demands that you pay a lot of attention to it. It is worth it though.
  • I've been watching the 2011 series of Hunter x Hunter lately.

    It's extremely basic shounen action. I've heard that it has some surprises in store, but at least for now it has been a Shounen Action 101 show.

    I'm also little disappointed with where it has gone in very short time. The initial arc was pretty good, had lots of non fight fights and the little actual punch punch fights there were, were short. Now it's a literal fight club and introduction of a magic aura power, which is so rare that there was no hint of it before this, but everyone will be using it from now on.
  • There really isn't anything mind blowing about Hunter x Hunter. It gets a bit more crazy with just how lethal the world they exist in is but other than that it's a pretty basic shounen anime.
  • If you have not seen Ben-To, you really need to see Ben-To. OMFG!! It's freaking hilarious. It's a shonen fighting parody anime about the struggle for discounted bento boxes late nights at the supermarket.
  • Ramen Fighter Miki much?
  • Never heard of that one, but will check it out now. I've been pretty genuinely enjoying Ben-To, so if it's a copy-cat, eh.
  • Found on reddit with the caption: "Attack on me...?"
  • Watched a couple of eps of Ramen Fighter Miki, couldn't get into it. Ben-To is the better show in my opinion, although you have to have some tolerance for (I think very deliberately) silly fan service scenes that occur in two or three eps. Overall it's just hilarious and I can even forgive it for trying to have a somewhat saccharine ending.

    Now I'm onto "Rideback" which looks utterly ridiculous at face value but I'm enjoying this one, too.
  • Still, that "darkness" technique can't be beat.
  • Hulu suggested "Indian Summer" to me last week. I had no idea what it was so I gave it a shot. I had no idea that sort of crap was even on Hulu. :P

    Although, I gotta admit, I enjoyed "Heaven's Lost Property" for awhile, which borders on being as bad. The exploding panties episode was really something.
  • Finished Kill la Kill this morning. Was fantastic.

    Still chewing through Sailor Moon, and planning to watch Space Dandies soonly.
  • edited August 2014
    [edited out pointless "I didn't like Kill la Kill" comment]

    Space Dandy is hilarious, but frustrating if you like continuity. :)
    Post edited by muppet on
  • muppet said:

    [edited out pointless "I didn't like Kill la Kill" comment]

    Space Dandy is hilarious, but frustrating if you like continuity. :)

    I was thinking the same thing. I haven't watched the last few episodes yet, there just isn't any pressing need to do so. Without an over-arcing story it's starting to feel repetitious.
  • I tried Girls Und Panzer. It looks stupid.
  • I tried it a while ago and couldn't get into it, but really wanted to.
  • I think it looks stupid even without trying. Although I kinda like this bit.
  • Okay, I watched Frauleins and Tanks a while ago, going in with the intent of laughing at this stupid goddamn bullshit, and I ended up blitzing the series instead. Yes, I am an easy sell on a show about WW2 tanks, but even so I had a blast.

    Is it stupid? Absolutely. But I thought it was a very fun kind of stupid and it's only twelve episodes long. Set your sights on a torrent and give it a shot! It's pretty inoffensive despite what the moe bullshit character design would have you believe; all the fanservice is pure tank porn. Yeah baby, I wanna see that spaced armour.

    At worst, it fails to penetrate your cynicism armour and bounces off harmlessly, and you go about your day like nothing happened. At best, the show achieves breakthrough and rampages around your heart with it's absurd nonsense. What have you got to lose watching like... three episodes?
  • I watched No Game No Life and Usagi Drop. NGNL has too much hentai and not enough game theory. Usagi Drop is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
  • edited August 2014

    I tried Girls Und Panzer. It looks stupid.

    My parents are crazy for that show and I've never understood why.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Thing is, stills of the show look like a show I'd be interested in. It's only when they're talking and explaining all the ridiculous shit and then you notice how the character models look out of place in their own world...
  • edited August 2014
    Yeah I'm totally willing to forgive/ignore the horrendously ridiculous central conceit of the show. I've forgiven worse for great animes. It's just that the plotting/humor/writing didn't hold my attention at all.

    I dunno. I didn't have an attack of eye-rolling even when Ben-To was going into detail about rules, customs, traditions, etc around bento wolves, but Panzer kept hitting that eye roll reflex repeatedly.

    Greg's mom was the reason I even knew it existed. That and Polar Bear Cafe, which I also couldn't hang with. I mean, Polar Bear Cafe is cute, but after 4 or 5 episodes I feel like you've seen it all.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • You may notice that my parents have never developed a tolerance for cuteness. I watched one episode of Polar Bear Cafe and was done with it, but they watched the whole thing, and dad keeps talking about rewatching it.
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