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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • Churba's got kind of a George Michael thing going on there. Maybe he could do a re-launch of Wham! if he got together with a forgettable dude that he wouldn't mind throwing under the bus at some later date.
    I think he has more of the Brad Pitt thing going on.

    Well I get that same mesmerized feeling when I look at pictures of Brad Pitt and his gorgeous eyes/face.
  • edited November 2009
    Well I get that same mesmerized feeling when I look at pictures of Brad Pitt and his gorgeous eyes/face.
    Really? I have never had that reaction to anyone.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Really? I have never had that reaction to anyone.
    Patrick Stewart does that for me.
  • Really? I have never had that reaction to anyone.
    Patrick Stewart does that for me.
    He is a good looking man with a sexy voice and incredible talent.
    I have definitely been mesmerized by people, but never just by still photos.
  • edited November 2009
    Rym...look into my eyes. You will be told a set of instructions and you will follow them to the letter. You will contact Andrew and obtain all of his student loan information. Once completed, you will then co-sign his loan and pay off his student debts. You will then work towards appointing him to be lord of the universe and worship his every action. Make it so...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Had you ended that with "Make it so." I would have died from laughter.
  • Had you ended that with "Make it so." I would have died from laughter.
    Good call.
  • image
    Having fun, being arrested by Stormtroopers, this was before I had my hair dyed black
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    I always feel creepy in my pictures.
  • I feel like you are about to beat me up
  • Churba is sexier without his beard. I'm just saying. I'm not gay.

  • Churba is sexier without his beard. I'm just saying. I'm not gay.
    I'm with you on that. And the not gay thing too.

    The beard distracts from the eyes, honestly. Show those things off!


    Really, I'm not gay.
  • Me without my glasses (a sight that most people don't get to see):
  • You have a real *huggable* quality about yourself,
  • Jason, that is fantastic. <3
  • edited November 2009
    Churba, are you sad in that pic?
    No, just very, very tired - it was about 6:30 in the morning. Edit - And I was awake from the day before, not having just woken up.
    Seriously Churba, out of all of the guys here, you're the only one pretty enough to actually have a shot at doing some kind of real actor/model type work. You really should pursue that now before you get old and develop a gut.
    Actually, That's a good idea. Yeah, fuck it, why not? Nothing to lose, and everything to gain, so let's rock.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ganbatte, Mr. Hotness.
  • image
    Shaving issues. That I caught that damn mole again.
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    I got the bastard, but I was still bleeding. It was the 12th of November. Nastiest cream pie fight I'd ever seen.
    Sucks, man. Top lip takes ages to stop bleeding, and it seems the rotten thing opens up every other 5 minutes.
  • Since I was a little late for the Halloween thread, I'll kill two birds with one stone.
  • image
    Shaving issues. That I caught that damn mole again.
    If you have the money, you seriously need to go to a dermatologist and have it surgically removed, burned off with acid, electricity, or liquid nitrogen so it'll be gone forever and stop causing you problems. It looks like it's in a precarious place and as evidenced by the pic, it's a nuisance.
  • image
    Shaving issues. That I caught that damn mole again.
    If you have the money, you seriously need to go to a dermatologist and have it surgically removed, burned off with acid, electricity, or liquid nitrogen so it'll be gone forever and stop causing you problems. It looks like it's in a precarious place and as evidenced by the pic, it's a nuisance.
    I'm not going to have anyone start applying acid, electricity or liquid nitrogen to my face. It'll be fine. Really.
  • Just shave with care. Maybe let that mole stay a bit hairy and use a facial hair trimmer/electric razor on it.
  • That mole will be famous one day, tales of it will be told throughout the history of mankind, it would be a crime against humanity to have it removed, unless of course its cancerous, then yes, by all means remove it.
  • How about lasers?
  • How about lasers?
    Depends, are we talking about equipping the mole with lasers? or removing it with a laser?
  • Just shave with care.
    This is the key. The cut a few months ago was due to a spot on the mole. This cut was due to being very tired, and just accidentally hacking at it. It could have been any other part of my beardy area, like my lip or chin or adam's apple. It was a clean cut though, so after bleeding for a few hours I put vaseline on it and it didn't scab at all. I took the photo mainly for the impressive blood/shaving foam mix.
  • I took the photo mainly for the impressive blood/shaving foam mix.
    Yeah, that image wigged me a bit. Well done.
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