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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • Don't let that salmon near me. I'm a serial salmon-eater. I'm wanted in three lakes.
    Jason, are you a bear?
  • edited November 2009
    Don't let that salmon near me. I'm a serial salmon-eater. I'm wanted in three lakes.
    You are banned from coming to Washington. :P Especially Pike's Place Market.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I think I've been paranoid long enough.

    This is my senior prom picture, but my appearance hasn't changed much since then.
  • image
    Hawaiian Black Metal?
  • This was almost 2 years ago while I was working at the mall and fadora's weren't trendy

    this was taken about 5 months ago

    these were from this past August
  • Jason, are you a bear?
  • Don't let that salmon near me. I'm a serial salmon-eater. I'm wanted in three lakes.
    Jason, are you a bear?
  • Don't let that salmon near me. I'm a serial salmon-eater. I'm wanted in three lakes.
    Jason, are you a bear?
    Fuck you for reminding me of that show. There goes my morning!
  • Yes, Jason is a bear.
  • This is me at my old job:

    This is me at my new job:


    and lastly, good times in Orygun:

  • Here's one I just took, from webcam. I gave myself a haircut for the first time today, and I have to say it didn't turn out half bad!

    This is me on a normal day:
  • Hawaiian Black Metal?
    OK, two things.

    1. Make it happen. I want heavily distorted ukulele.

    2. If you grew that mustache out more, you'd look almost exactly like Mikael Akerfeldt.
  • Hawaiian Black Metal?
    OK, two things.

    1. Make it happen. I want heavily distorted ukulele.

    2. If you grew that mustache out more, you'd look almost exactly like Mikael Akerfeldt.
    1.I would need to find an electric Ukulele first, the one I was wielding during Halloween does not even work.

    2.It would look like I belong in the 17th century...oh wait.
  • Hawaiian Black Metal?
    OK, two things.

    1. Make it happen. I want heavily distorted ukulele.

    2. If you grew that mustache out more, you'd look almost exactly like Mikael Akerfeldt.
    1.I would need to find an electric Ukulele first, the one I was wielding during Halloween does not even work.
    All you need is a working uke and a Piezo
  • edited November 2009
    Photo spam! Woohoo!
    My actual Senior Picture, in the yearbook.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Why do people say, "This is a picture of me when I was younger"? All pictures of you were taken of you when you were younger. What I want to see is a picture of you when you were older.
  • Why do people say, "This is a picture of me when I was younger"? All pictures of you were taken of you when you were younger. What I want to see is a picture of you when you were older.
    Shouldn't you have some of those already? Don't you just fluctuate between being old, fuck old, and mesozoic depending on the day?
  • Why do people say, "This is a picture of me when I was younger"? All pictures of you were taken of you when you were younger. What I want to see is a picture of you when you were older.
    Shouldn't you have some of those already? Don't you just fluctuate between being old, fuck old, and mesozoic depending on the day?
    Ha Ha. It is to laugh. I am not old.

    It just occurred to me - I'll bet Dr. Who has a picture of himself that was taken when he was older.
  • Why do people say, "This is a picture of me when I was younger"? All pictures of you were taken of you when you were younger. What I want to see is a picture of you when you were older.
    Unoriginal joke is unoriginal. See also: Mitch Hedberg

  • Ha Ha. It is to laugh. I am not old.
    Oh, so you are like Merlin and Benjamin Button? You live backwards?

  • and lastly, good times in Orygun:

    Finally someone who pronounces it correctly!
  • edited November 2009

    (Code delivered, thanks Om.)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Nice eyes.
    This was established before! But seriously, very nice eyes. /still mezmerized
  • Established, sure, but I never complimented him in that thread.
  • Churba, are you sad in that pic?
  • edited November 2009
    Seriously Churba, out of all of the guys here, you're the only one pretty enough to actually have a shot at doing some kind of real actor/model type work. You really should pursue that now before you get old and develop a gut.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Seriously Churba, out of all of the guys here, you're the only one pretty enough to actually have a shot at doing some kind of real actor/model type work. You really should pursue that now before you get old and develop a gut.
    I knew a kid in middle school who modeled for the clothing store circulars that come in the newspaper. He had the most video games out of anybody, all for a few hours of having your picture taken once in awhile. Extremely preferable to normal 9-5 work.
  • edited November 2009
    Churba's got kind of a George Michael thing going on there. Maybe he could do a re-launch of Wham! if he got together with a forgettable dude that he wouldn't mind throwing under the bus at some later date.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
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