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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • I'm in ur labz, keepin ur foodz safe.
    Got enough pens?
    That's reduced from what it used to be. And yes, they all have specific functions, and yes, I need them all.
  • Someone needs to make you a high-quality version of those multi-coloured click down pens.
  • edited August 2009
    Someone needs to make you a high-quality version of those multi-coloured click down pens.
    Those are actually Sharpies (well, and one Sarstedt pen), so I wouldn't really call them "pens." The colored ones are only used for labeling clear or white tubes of various sorts that won't need to be subjected to freezing or other long-term storage. Anything that requires any sort of long-term storage (more than a month), or anything that will be frozen, needs to be marked with the industrial Sharpies, and those only come in black. I have two sizes of industrial: fine point and extra fine point. I wish they made industrial ultra-fine point as well, but alas, no luck. I have yet to find another marker that works as well as a Sharpie.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Click-able Sharpies are one of the best inventions. I constantly use them at work. My only gripe is after many clicks, the clicker becomes dodgy.
  • Those are actually Sharpies (well, and one Sarstedt pen), so I wouldn't really call them "pens." The colored ones are only used for labeling clear or white tubes of various sorts that won't need to be subjected to freezing or other long-term storage. Anything that requires any sort of long-term storage (more than a month), or anything that will be frozen, needs to be marked with theindustrialSharpies, and those only come in black. I have two sizes of industrial: fine point and extra fine point. I wish they made industrial ultra-fine point as well, but alas, no luck. I have yet to find another marker that works as well as a Sharpie.
    It's nice to see that Sharpie has some really good lobbyists in the New York Health Department...

  • edited August 2009
    Those are actually Sharpies (well, and one Sarstedt pen), so I wouldn't really call them "pens." The colored ones are only used for labeling clear or white tubes of various sorts that won't need to be subjected to freezing or other long-term storage. Anything that requires any sort of long-term storage (more than a month), or anything that will be frozen, needs to be marked with theindustrialSharpies, and those only come in black. I have two sizes of industrial: fine point and extra fine point. I wish they made industrial ultra-fine point as well, but alas, no luck. I have yet to find another marker that works as well as a Sharpie.
    It's nice to see that Sharpie has some really good lobbyists in the New York Health Department...

    I work for the Department of Agriculture and Markets, not DOH. Don't ever get our agencies confused. There's something of a long-standing rivalry between them. I've punched people for lesser transgressions. :P

    EDIT: If there's one thing that labwork will teach you, it's how to distinguish between quality writing utensils. There are other companies that make permanent lab markers, and they generally all suck. My one gripe about a Sharpie is its inability to mark through condensation. Other lab markers use different solvents that allow the ink to dry even through moisture, whereas Sharpie ink simply won't take. However, those other markers don't mark as well overall as do Sharpies.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • The picture cements the fact that lab coats are awesome.
  • The picture cements the fact that lab coats are awesome.
    I really wish I had gotten a picture of me on interview day a couple of months ago. I was wearing a blue button down shirt, black and silver tie, black slacks and shoes, and my white lab coat over all of it. If I unbuttoned the coat, I looked exactly like a doctor.
  • The picture cements the fact that lab coats are awesome.
    I really wish I had gotten a picture of me on interview day a couple of months ago. I was wearing a blue button down shirt, black and silver tie, black slacks and shoes, and my white lab coat over all of it. If I unbuttoned the coat, I looked exactly like a doctor.
    The best part is that your lab coat has a mandarin collar.
  • edited August 2009
    I was about to say, lab coats with that kind of collar turned up, and that beard; It's certainly a look.

    I will be adding pens to the list of things to add to my Nutiabrand Geek Bandoleer.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Nutiabrand Geek Bandoleer.
    The Nutiabrand Otaku Bandoleer - It's just about ten pockets perfectly shaped to hold boxes of pocky.
  • So I had to shave off my beard recently. I'm going to be doing some classroom observation at a nearby high school, and I doubt looking like a wannabee Viking is going to endear me to the faculty of the school.
    I do, however, have a question; stick with the mustache, go with a goatee (what I was planning on), or try my hand at a full beard?
  • Never, ever go with just a mustache.
  • edited August 2009
    GAGH!!! Your- Your viking beard! It's GONE! WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?!?!!

    Anyway, new pics are here! Mostly from my expedition to the Robot Chicken Skate Party.

    Robot Chicken Skate Party
    I tried to make my "I am as evil as Vader" face, but I ended up making the "Yaranaika" face by accident...

    "Yeah, It's okay. No one has ever actually been hurt by me being this awesome..."

    Chillin with da Fett, Waiting for his 'vette.

    Seth Green; It was like I was surrounded in his aura of awesome. I believe my face was similar to Scott's demure look in that one picture...


    Also, I cleaned my room yesterday! Look how shiny it is!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Did you skate at all?
  • Did you skate at all?
    I was gonna, but by the time I got it, found the skate rental place, got my skates, and put them on, the last song for skating was coming on. Still, it was fun.
  • image
    Jason, Slayer of Countertops, Destroyer of the Unholy Formica, Enemy of Good Craftsmanship. We will see how this project ends. One may live, and one may die.
  • image
    Hangin' out in a bar courtyard, showing off a stolen umbrella.
  • You didn't steal it, I asked you to hold it.
  • You didn't steal it, I asked you to hold it.
    I know - it was a joke - It's your awesome umbrella that kills people!
  • I know - it was a joke - It's your awesome umbrella that kills people!
    What? It has a blade hidden inside it? Sweet picture.
  • Most people would not go for that look, but you totally pull it off. Perhaps even because you had the balls to go for it.
    Hangin' out in a bar courtyard, showing off a stolen umbrella.
    Churba, I have a strong, long standing record of heterosexuality, but I can't help but observe how god damn sexy that photo is.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2009
    Most people would not go for that look, but you totally pull it off. Perhaps even because you had the balls to go for it.
    Hangin' out in a bar courtyard, showing off a stolen umbrella.
    Churba, I have a strong, long standing record of heterosexuality, but I can't help but observe how god damn sexy that photo is.
    Well he ain't called the Fresh Prince of Leeds for nothing!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • @Templar - I heart your mustache!
  • @ Wyatt: Why are you naked?
  • @ Wyatt: Why are you naked?
    Wrong question. Why isn't everyone else naked?
  • edited September 2009
    @ Wyatt: Why are you naked?
    A beard of this calibre demands nakedness to be fully appreciated.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • @ Wyatt: Why are you naked?
    This is Wyatt we're talking about. The proper question to ask is, "Why are you still wearing pants?"
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