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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • @ Wyatt: Why are you naked?
    This is Wyatt we're talking about. The proper question to ask is, "Why are you still wearing pants?"
    QFT. I'm all about naked time. I was raised by woodland hippies and I am comfortable enough without cloths on to make other people feel uncomfortable. ^_^ Pete has been made painfully aware of this. It's only though sheer force of will and lack of a hot tub. The rest of the FRC has not.

    @Omnutia Shogun: Thanks. I do believe I have a new pick up like :)
  • edited September 2009
    Pete has been made painfully aware of this.
    Just a word of totally friendly and completely hetero advice: you should consider tanning, or at least applying a fake tan. Your ass is very pasty.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Pants are overrated anyhow.
  • edited September 2009
    Churba, I have a strong, long standing record of heterosexuality, but I can't help but observe how god damn sexy that photo is.
    Thank you, if only more people who ain't so far away would share your opinion!
    Well he ain't called the Fresh Prince of Leeds for nothing!
    Of course not. Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down. I like to take a minute, Just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town in Yorkshire

    Southside Brisbane born and raised
    Bars and clubs was where I spent most of my days
    Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
    And then I met a girl from england Fresh outta school
    Took me over a couple'a guys
    She thought I was good
    Startin making romance in my neighborhood
    I got in one little engagement, and she got scared
    I said 'I'm going home with you, to a city in Yorkshire!"

    She begged and pleaded with me day after day
    But I packed my suitcase and I was on my way
    She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
    I put my iPod on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

    Cattle class, yo this is bad
    Drinking shit coffee out of a Plastic glass.
    I wonder what the people in Yorkshire be Living like?
    Hmmmmm, I hope it's alright.

    But wait, I hear there're prissy, Poms are like that
    Is Yorkshire the type of place they send this cool cat?
    I don't think so, but
    I'll see when I get there
    I hope they're prepared for the prince of Yorkshire!

    Well, the plane landed and when I came out
    There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
    I ain't trying to get arrested!
    I just got here!
    I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared!

    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said "Ey Oop!" and it had Whippets in the mirror
    If anything I can say this cab is rare
    But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Yorkshire!'

    I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
    And I yelled to the cabbie "Cheeiro, chap, Might see you later."
    I looked at my kingdom
    I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Yorkshire.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'll be damned, must read that again. Good show chap.
  • I just found a picture of someone I know and I thought "I wonder what she would look like naked?" Then I thought "Hold on, Luke, you've had sex with this person!" So I guess I've seen her naked, but it was so long ago I've forgotten almost all the details. Memory is such a strange thing. At the time it was really good, and I now remember thinking "Hey, this is going to stay with me for a long time!"

    Here's my solution: From now on, whenever I have sex with someone, I'll write down what what they look like naked. Maybe we could start a new thread "So, what do all the people you've had sex with look like???"
  • So I guess I've seen her naked, but it was so long ago I've forgotten almost all the details.
    You should tell her that you need a reminder.
  • Here's my solution: From now on, whenever I have sex with someone, I'll write down what what they look like naked. Maybe we could start a new thread "So, what do all the people you've had sex with look like???"
    Every woman I have sex with and who keeps a notebook for that reason is probably going to write something along the lines of:
    "He has a smiley, as pictured :|, to the right of his dick. It's right there!"
  • @Prof. Pangloss - HAIR! *messes with hair*

    @Churba - You are one funny guy!
  • @Churba - You are one funny guy!
    Thank you, I do odd things when I'm slightly sleep deprived, I can only take pleasure in that other people enjoy them too, on occasion.
  • Thank you, I do odd things when I'm slightly sleep deprived, I can only take pleasure in that other people enjoy them too, on occasion.
    In that case I've got to say I really enjoyed your lyrics too!
  • In that case I've got to say I really enjoyed your lyrics too!
    Thank you, I'll try to do more things when I'm sleep deprived.
  • We've been Churbaired? ^_~ Very amusing indeed.
  • @Viga: The hat's brim is just covering up the rest of his incredibly large eyebrows.
  • @Viga: The hat's brim is just covering up the rest of his incredibly large eyebrows.
  • I got my senior pictures done a while ago, and the one I like the best is by far this one:
  • I got my senior pictures done a while ago, and the one I like the best is by far this one:
    senior photo
    Very nice! I like it a lot, especially the focus and lack of color.
  • That what you look like without a pigmole on your head. :)
  • edited September 2009
    That what you look like without a pigmole on your head. :)
    Yeah. Were you expecting spikier, maybe blue hair?
    Edit: Also, here's a public link to my other senior pictures, if anyone's interested. I think they're cool. There's still more that I haven't gotten yet, though.;=1409661489&l;=6ef95739de
    Post edited by Axel on
  • image
    This is a picture of the three kids: my brother John, my sister Laura, and of course, me.
  • Me and one of my friends (on the left) at school a few weeks back.

  • image
    Taken back in the hot summer months. Only good recent photo of my full torso.
  • image
    Reppin' the D... while I was in Texas.
  • Me on the left with two of my friends and a salmon.

  • Me on the left with two of my friends and a salmon.
    That's some good eatin' right there.

    And a Salmon.
  • Me on the left with two of my friends and a salmon.
    Holy crap! You're showing your face!
  • Me on the left with two of my friends and a salmon.
    Holy crap! You're showing your face!
    We had this conversation already. You guys are mixing me up with Bear Police/Krishna/Snarlyow. Look back a few pages and see that I've never hidden my face, except for maybe one picture where I was jumping on the WCC-head bandwagon.
  • You guys are mixing me up with Bear Police/Krishna/Snarlyow.
    My bad, dude.
  • Don't let that salmon near me. I'm a serial salmon-eater. I'm wanted in three lakes.
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