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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • A wild Omnutia appears!
    What has been seen can not be unseen.
    Thanks for reminding us...
  • edited February 2010
    I added some silly notes to it, feel free to add your own.

    @Timo: That baby looks worryingly determined.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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    I'm the guy in the second row on the left.
  • Being my usual self.
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    My mother head banging alongside me, best moment of that night.

    Clearly I have not been sleeping a lot lately...
  • edited February 2010

    and then the younger me

    I think that's around my sophomore year in high school. so like 6-8 years ago
    Post edited by Scotty_Did on
  • Scotty_Did is Cielmort's long-lost little brother.
  • Oooh, I'm totally vain. Here's me @ Nerdapalooza last year. You all should have been there.
    And here's more of those lovely rings.
  • I want those rings. NOW!
  • You know they are coming out with a white ring (brightest day #1)and a flash ring (uhm, barry allen's dull so i kinda ignore flash, but I assume #1 as well) soon, right? Better go pick up a comic. Besides, Blackest Night (the DC comics event I got the rings through) has been pretty good. Oh, I am thorough with the info because I dare not assume everyone knows why I own multi-color plastic rings based on emotions.

    You may be able to find sets of 7(8?) on ebay or something as the promotion has passed. Also, I want someone to shop the autobot matrix of leadership onto my chest. Yes, that's what I was doing.
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    This would be me + friends during a spontaneous dance party in one of MIT's build labs, last November. We were designing and building a windmill, and I do believe that Crazy Train was playing on a laptop at the time. I'm second from the right.
  • Every time I see you guys in those windmill photos, I lament the fact that I had to leave early.
  • Don't really post much in the forum, should really do it more. Some more pictures of me, think my last was 10 or so pages ago.

    Just before my skydive, that was so awesome

    In a restaurant in Madrid

    Out and about
  • Nice, Chase! You're gorgeous, especially in that last one.
  • Nice, Chase! You're gorgeous, especially in that last one.
  • Thanks for the compliments, you sure know how to make a boy feel special ;-)
  • Scotty_Did is Cielmort's long-lost little brother.
    I'm a what?

  • In that pic you look like a young David Tennant.
  • In that pic you look like a young David Tennant.
  • ...

    Cosplay! You can do it!
  • ...

    Cosplay! You can do it!
    lol. I'm a little to short. and that's just how my hair was that morning
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    Meh, I like the lighting.
  • Hadn't taken a picture of myself for a while, so I grabbed a couple quick pics. Not the greatest pictures (iSight camera), but whatever. At least they're current.

  • edited March 2010
    Apparently I have Alan Moore's hair. Well then.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Apparently I have Alan Moore's hair. Well then.
    There's something off... you miss... something. Can't put my finger on it.

    Is it the bags?
  • Apparently I have Alan Moore's hair. Well then.
    There's something off... you miss... something. Can't put my finger on it.

    Is it the bags?
    I believe it's the homicidal stare.
  • Mayhaps one Halloween, I'll attempt to pull it off. I value my sleep and sanity too much to do it casually.
  • Mayhaps one Halloween, I'll attempt to pull it off.
    Speaking of Halloween, I've been tinkering with an idea that might actually work. I've been thinking I'll dress up as Beethoven. I'll get some temporary grey/gray hair coloring, get lots of hair spray and similar products and style my hair in Beethoven's hair style, and get some charcoal and put some faint lines under my eyes. Finally I'll go to the local costume palace and pick up an old suit of some kind.
  • Mayhaps one Halloween, I'll attempt to pull it off.
    Speaking of Halloween, I've been tinkering with an idea that might actually work. I've been thinking I'll dress up as Beethoven. I'll get some temporary grey/gray hair coloring, get lots of hair spray and similar products and style my hair in Beethoven's hair style, and get some charcoal and put some faint lines under my eyes. Finally I'll go to the local costume palace and pick up an old suit of some kind.
    I support this wholeheartedly in the event that I get to see pictures. :)
  • Mayhaps one Halloween, I'll attempt to pull it off.
    Speaking of Halloween, I've been tinkering with an idea that might actually work. I've been thinking I'll dress up as Beethoven. I'll get some temporary grey/gray hair coloring, get lots of hair spray and similar products and style my hair in Beethoven's hair style, and get some charcoal and put some faint lines under my eyes. Finally I'll go to the local costume palace and pick up an old suit of some kind.
    I support this wholeheartedly in the event that I get to see pictures. :)
    I second the motion.
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