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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • Industrial technology? Brother, I just like getting my hands dirty and I'm a good welder. And as always, I'm slightly unnerved by people complimenting my looks (Hey, I got lucky with genetics. I had to LEARN how to do other stuff), but I do appreciate it, thank you.
  • And as always, I'm slightly unnerved by people complimenting my looks
    How come? What's wrong with compliments? Heh, growing up I got use to being called ugly. Even now it happens when I'm not "on". So it catches me off guard to get a complement like that.
  • edited July 2011
    How come? What's wrong with compliments? Heh, growing up I got use to being called ugly. Even now it happens when I'm not "on". So it catches me off guard to get a complement like that.
    Well, it's not something I have control over, really, other than just eating decently and getting a little exercise - which I'd do anyway because I like the idea of living and being able to do stuff that involves physical activity more strenuous than tipping a fast food delivery guy - unless I wanted to get plastic Surgery, but fuck that, I don't like people cutting me up to correct something I'm not concerned about. Other stuff, I have to work for, put effort into, but it's just something that kinda happened when it comes to physical attractiveness. And on top of that, one person's hot is another person's ugly - so it's more like "Hey dude, good work on the accidentally being appealing to my general tastes."

    It's not bad of them, or anything like that - I recognize that it's entirely with me, not other people - but it just kinda triggers off this "Ah, okay, thank you, um, anything I can do for you in return for being nice to me, there, I think? What do I do at this junction?" reaction. I mean, I can suppress and simply lie out a "Thankyou, charming/disarming response, boyish grin and counter-compliment" kinda deal, but that's the dishonest kinda way to do it, and I don't fancy to be dishonest like that with y'all.

    I do know about growing up being called ugly or funny looking, though - I used to be a short, kinda chubby, bowl haircut, swotty little git, with enormous wire-frame glasses. At best, I'd get "You're clever and an adorable little boy!" from adults. People my own age generally ignored me unless they wanted something, unless that something they wanted was to enact some sort of trouble for their own amusement and/or schadenfreude.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image
    I've started wearing fedoras. Like all the time.
  • Churba, if it makes you feel better, most other things about you are sexy too.
  • I don't like people cutting me up to correct something I'm not concerned about
    Neither do I. I'm never letting them near my dick.
  • Churba, if it makes you feel better, most other things about you are sexy too.
    If you say so, but I'd still rather be interesting to people for having a big, sexy brain and lust-worthy skills, than just being pretty.
  • Churba, if it makes you feel better, most other things about you are sexy too.
    If you say so, but I'd still rather be interesting to people for having a big, sexy brain and lust-worthy skills, than just being pretty.
    I think that's admirable. I know many who are the opposite. That's so attractive!
  • lust-worthy skills
    Oh god. The way she made that weld underwater just made me cum.
  • edited July 2011
    lust-worthy skills
    Oh god. The way she made that weld underwater just made me cum.
    You joke, but you'd be surprised.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2011
    You joke, but you'd be surprised.
    I often joke. But I agree that some skills someone can work that are very, very fucking sexy. Underwater welding's not one of them though. Can't get it up for that. Hrm, maybe I can get wood for sheep shearers.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • wood for sheep
    Sorry I only got brick.
  • edited July 2011
    wood for sheep
    Sorry I only got female bricklayers.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Ca-tans?
  • edited July 2011
    I think the smile thing might come from having a round face and broad mouth from my mother's side.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That's a nice human you've got there, Omnutia.
  • I like to take time to pose with my fans.
  • Why do YOU get an owl?
  • edited July 2011
    Why do YOU get an owl?
    Have you seen the picture of him when he looks like Hagrid? 'Course he has an owl.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2011
    Have you seen the picture of him when he looks like Hagrid? 'Course he has an owl.
    I'm sorry, but Hagrid does not have an owl. He merely purchases one for Harry on his 11th birthday. It was a white owl and his name was Hedwig.

    Hagrid has a dog, named Fang, among many other various weird and dangerous mythical creatures.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • /IneedtomakeupformyshamethatwillbeairedsoonenoughonafutureATW9K
  • edited July 2011
    Shield your eyes :-p (Not sure which summer that is, probably last or the one before that...)

    I'm freaking hairy :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • That is Austin Powers territory right there.
  • Somebody will dig that.
  • Somebody will dig that.
    Well he is getting married soon.
  • Somebody will dig that.
    Well he is getting married soon.
    Congrats, you gay bear fantasy, you.
  • edited July 2011
    Haven't had a photo taken of me in a long time, so I took a self-portrait. Didn't notice until now that the red wall makes my face look blue...


    The hat rarely comes off these days.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Is that Amoeba?
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