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Dealing with insane parents.



  • News flash: High school is insignificant. Grow a pair of balls and ignore the crowd. Want to prove you are cool? Reject the popularity game from the start and just do whatever the fuck you want without fear of repercussions or acceptance.
    Who said wearing clothes was about proving you were "cool"? Like I said, it's all about expressing yourself.
  • edited July 2007
    . . . OR you could try for emancipation . . .
    For what it's worth, emancipation is not an option in Maryland, where the kid apparently lives.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited July 2007
    Good, that's one less runaway for Kenny Rogers to save. See kid, your problems aren't so bad. Unless Nokia sends you a box full of spiders, or something, that is.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • I have to say that I agree with the mom on this. You are under 18 and obviously slacking off or need some kind of remedial help. In my parent's home if I was responsible and did my job (i.e. school and a few chores - which is much easier than most real jobs), then I was rewarded with freedom. After the age of 14 I did not have a curfew as long as I was responsible (did my best in school, did a few chores, and let my parents know where I was and approximately when I would get home). Now, I know that that is probably a lot more freedom than your mom is offering you, but the rule stands. Prove yourself to be responsible and you will be rewarded. Also, you will get little sympathy from the core or original front row crew on all of this as we think that doing poorly in school is ridiculous unless you are in some way impaired. You should have heard Rym and Scott go off on the idiots who flunked out of RIT. By the way, the rule somewhat applies in adult life too, if you don't work hard enough to get a job, you won't be able to go to otakon for lack of funds. Stop whining, take a realistic look in the mirror, and realize that it is just some stupid con as opposed to your academic career (particularly your academic career right before college).
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