I don't know if anyone knows about this site yet, but it's called Tube2Tone. You put a YouTube video url in the box, and then you can select what section of the video you want to become a ringtone.
I don't know if anyone knows about this site yet, but it's calledTube2Tone. You put a YouTube video url in the box, and then you can select what section of the video you want to become a ringtone.
I don't know if anyone knows about this site yet, but it's calledTube2Tone. You put a YouTube video url in the box, and then you can select what section of the video you want to become a ringtone.
This is, quite simply, the funniest thing I've seen online in a long time: http://secretgeek.net/cco/cco.htm What do the numbers say about you? Is your fortune set to change? Reveal your fate
Sometime during the next 30 days, you will receive bad news of a financial nature.
Further mystical peeking into the shrouded future reveals that this surprise may come in the form of a statement, concerning your credit card, and the mysterious listing of purchased airline tickets, cases of wine, luxury hotel charges, high-end electrical goods, and other mysterious luxury purchases you do not recall authorising.
QUINCE Hail, masters! I crave thine able readiness To be dealt with roughly, as the Sodomites. For men of sport have noted that our play In semifinal hour draws on apace. By Jove! IÂ’ll wager well, Liam and me, To thrash thee soundly at the fair tourney.
THE KNAVE Yea, well, that be, forsooth, thy opinion, sir.
QUINCE Well; but be forewarnÂ’d. It reachÂ’d mine ears That combustible Walter, oÂ’ercome with rage Did shed good sense, and raise his sword in play. I fear not such jadeÂ’s tricks, an seeing ill, Would snatch the burden from the jealous knight And pierce his gizzard with the wrongful steel, Points up, as said of Coriolanus.
QUINCE Thou speakest rightly, sir. No man misdeals with Joshua Quince, by Jesu.
Which city though? Baltimore? DC? Wherever you live in Conn.?
I know one thing. When it finally reach the theaters I'm taking my crew. YEAH!
How about a mid-point considering the distances we both live. Let's see...I live near the bottom of Conn., you live in DC, and Ryan is in S. Carolina. Why not just DC?
Which city though? Baltimore? DC? Wherever you live in Conn.?
I know one thing. When it finally reach the theaters I'm taking my crew. YEAH!
How about a mid-point considering the distances we both live. Let's see...I live near the bottom of Conn., you live in DC, and Ryan is in S. Carolina. Why not just DC?
I did trace this, and yes, that is the only way to get through the maze.
What do the numbers say about you?
Is your fortune set to change?
Reveal your fate
Don't mess with da Jesus!
The Knave doth abide.
EDIT: Argh, ninja'd by Ro.
Also, Daryl Surat's Twitter has alerted me to this little gem.
I know one thing. When it finally reach the theaters I'm taking my crew. YEAH!