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Things of your day



  • Don Scott Juanson, everybody.
  • Random Recipe Generator. Here's an example:

    White Wine Stew
    Serves 4
    You will need:
    * 90g lard
    * 80ml white wine
    1. pre-heat the oven to 210 C
    2. eat the white wine
    3. rinse the lard
    4. bake for 50 minutes and serve hot
  • Random Recipe Generator.
    Lemonade Surprise
    Serves 2
    You will need:

    * 60ml essence of vanilla
    * 20ml lemonade
    * 50ml exotic sauce
    * 120ml tabasco sauce


    1. pre-heat the oven to 180 C
    2. discard the essence of vanilla
    3. grill the exotic sauce
    4. put the exotic sauce in the fridge for 2 minutes
    5. stir the exotic sauce
    6. heat the exotic sauce
    7. spoon the exotic sauce onto a warmed plate
    8. slice the lemonade
    9. flip the lemonade
    10. put the tabasco sauce in the saucepan
    11. bake for 50 minutes and serve hot


    ..."exotic sauce?"
  • edited January 2010
    Tabasco Sauce Compote
    Serves 1
    You will need:

    * 30ml hot pepper sauce
    * 70ml tabasco sauce


    1. pre-heat the oven to 220 C
    2. grill the hot pepper sauce
    3. eat the hot pepper sauce
    4. fry the tabasco sauce
    5. bake for 90 minutes and serve hot
    "Serve hot" indeed

    Onions Stew
    Serves 2
    You will need:

    * 130ml essence of vanilla
    * 5 onions


    1. pre-heat the oven to 200 C
    2. eat the essence of vanilla
    3. throw the onions away
    4. bake for 60 minutes and serve hot
    What is it I'm baking here?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • What is it I'm baking here?
    More to the point, how does one Eat a liquid?
  • What is it I'm baking here?
    More to the point, how does one Eat a liquid?
    Or slice lemonade?
  • One for you, Churba:
    Baked Spoons Of Mayonnaise
    Serves 3
    You will need:

    * 2 spoons of mayonnaise
    * 40g toffee


    1. fry the spoons of mayonnaise
    2. fold in the spoons of mayonnaise
    3. stir the spoons of mayonnaise
    4. grind the spoons of mayonnaise
    5. microwave the toffee
    6. go down the pub
  • edited January 2010
    Spiced Poached Exotic Sauce
    Serves 4
    You will need:

    * 70g port
    * 150ml exotic sauce


    1. fry the port
    2. sift the exotic sauce
    3. throw it all away
    Zingy Slices Of Bread And Pinches Of Salt Soup
    Serves 1
    You will need:

    * 1 slices of bread
    * 4 pinches of salt
    * 90ml soy sauce


    1. put the pinches of salt in the saucepan
    2. toast the soy sauce
    3. rinse the slices of bread
    4. go down the pub
    EDIT - Holy christ, I got something that actually sounds reasonable -
    Spicy Beef Cakes
    Serves 3
    You will need:

    * 4 spring onions
    * 1 mangoes
    * 120g beef


    1. stir-fry the spring onions
    2. simmer the spring onions gently for 20 minutes
    3. put the spring onions in the fridge to set
    4. sprinkle the spring onions over the top
    5. fry the mangoes until browned
    6. grill the beef
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The thing of my day is Spoon's new album Transference.

    Written in Reverse
  • EDIT - Holy christ, I got something that actually sounds reasonable -
    I thought all of the ones ending in "go down the pub" sounded pretty reasonable as well.
  • I've heard such polarizing things about Transference. Everyone seems to either hate it or think it's brilliant.
  • It's got less of a harsh sound than Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga did. It's also more experimental; they did weird cuts all over the place. I agree that it's probably not everyone's cup of tea, but it's not a bad record by any stretch.
  • I'm rather enjoying Rock Paper Shotgun's series of posts on Solium Infernum, and the related blogs (which are linked in later posts).
    ...However, just after I send in my turn file ordering my legions to rip his balls off, KG contacts me over Steam. He is somewhat surprised at the vehemence of my reaction, and says that he was just angling for a bit of extra prestige, but he reckons he can take me in a vendetta.

    At the suggestion that I just let it go, I fly completely off the handle and start ranting furiously about just how badly I am going to fuck him up. I tell him I’m going to crush his legions. I tell him I’m going to seize his PoPs. I tell him that if it takes every last army I have, every artifact, every praetor, every misbegotten soul and fetid ichor and unholy scrap of darkness in my dwindling resource stockpile, I am going to watch him burn. I may even have threatened to kill his family and set fire to his house during this tirade; the red mist was making the words in the chat box kind of hard to read so who knows.

    KG eventually gets the message that I am ever so slightly aggrieved by his insult and has second thoughts about getting into a vendetta with me. It’s too late to take it back now, he says, but if I accept the insult he offers to regear himself to help me exact some revenge on Zah’hak.
    Fun stuff; it almost makes me want to buy the game.
  • A rather unique game
    Broken link is broken. Try this.
  • edited January 2010
    Scott, you don't actually think that, do you?

    EDIT: My thing of the day is ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses for Haiti

    EDIT 2: My second thing of the day is Ask an Atheist
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Starts out toe-curlingly awkward, but it gets awesome, I promise you.
  • That made me all warm and fuzzy inside, Churba.
  • That made me all warm and fuzzy inside, Churba.
    Two words - "Greg? GREG!"
  • That made me all warm and fuzzy inside, Churba.
  • Glee + Japan
  • Glee + Japan
    So awesome.
  • New single from the Gorillaz, Stylo.
  • edited January 2010
    New single from the Gorillaz,Stylo.
    On first listen, I really don't like it.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2010
    I heard it earlier, I don't really dig it. I'm hopeful for the rest of the album, though. It's hard to go wrong with collaborators like "Snoop Dogg, Lou Reed, Barry Gibb, De La Soul, Mark E. Smith from the Fall, Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, and Mick Jones and Paul Simonon of the Clash".
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I heard it earlier, I don't really dig it. I'm hopeful for the rest of the album, though. It's hard to go wrong with collaborators like "Snoop Dogg, Lou Reed, Barry Gibb, De La Soul, Mark E. Smith from the Fall, Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, and Mick Jones and Paul Simonon of the Clash".
    Unless you allow your collaborations to overtake your style and water down your material...
  • The Gorillaz have always been hit or miss with me. I really like some of their stuff, and don't care for just as much or more of their other stuff.
  • edited January 2010
    Gorillaz is and always has been an excuse for Damon Alburn to mess around with different styles and do collaborations. There's no "watering down", here. If Stylo is diluted, it's because Alburn sucks at trying to make a 70s electronic disco/funk song.

    And of course this approach lends itself to very hit-or-miss music, as gedavis said.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • New single from the Gorillaz,Stylo.
    'S a'right. My thing with the Gorillaz has always been kind of lukewarm at first, but having the albums really grow on me over time.
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