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Things of your day



  • I just walked into Costco to get some chicken and socks and tea (Which I dropped, spilling it, causing me to casually walk away) A woman behind me at the cash register got 20 100s of Cigarettes and about 20 3-Packs of Chewing Tabacco.

    That has to be the creepiest shopping cart I've seen in a while. And I've seen shopping carts filled only with Sprite and Spaghetti-Os.
  • edited January 2010
    Saw Sunny Schwartz, Esq. talk about her RSVP (Resolve to Stop the Violence Program) prison reform. After 4 months, the program has been found to reduce violent recidivism is 80% of the prisoners that participate. The normal recidivism rate for violent crime is something like 70%, so an 80% decrease is freaking AMAZING. Of course, it's also a statement about the current prison system: it doesn't work.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • An Attack of the Clones review is coming. Presumably a 70 minute one.

  • This guy is hilarious.
  • This guyis hilarious.
    It took about 20 seconds, but then it got hilarious.
  • It took about 20 seconds, but then it got hilarious.
    Yeah, the older ones are better.
  • My thing of the day: ham. Truly the food of the gods. Sorry Jews; you guys got this one way wrong.
  • My thing of the day: ham. Truly the food of the gods. Sorry Jews; you guys got this one way wrong.
  • My thing of the day: ham. Truly the food of the gods. Sorry Jews; you guys got this one way wrong.
    Best quote of the movie.

    As to ham, hard to call. I think I prefer bacon more because bacon works so well with other meats. Ham can definitely be tinkered with and seasoned much better than bacon, but bacon can be put with just about any meat and make it ten times better. Eggs, Ground Beef, Chicken, Fish...
  • As to ham, hard to call. I think I prefer bacon more because bacon works so well with other meats. Ham can definitely be tinkered with and seasoned much better than bacon, but bacon can be put with just about any meat and make it ten times better. Eggs, Ground Beef, Chicken, Fish...
    What, you can't do both? Better yet, get a good country ham; it's like a glorious union of bacon and ham. Make sausage out of it and you'd have the perfect breakfast meat.
  • Better yet, get a good country ham; it's like a glorious union of bacon and ham.
    Where do I obtain such a sacred meat?
  • Where do I obtain such a sacred meat?
    The South. If you can find a Cracker Barrel in your city, their country ham is also pretty damn good.
  • Next time I go home, we should bring back a trunkload of country ham. :P

    My ToTD is the Bluegrass Bohemian Rhapsody. I broke me. "Ain't gon' let'choo go!"
  • So this cartoon that's going to be on soon is based on this:

    Needless to say, I think we're gonna have to watch this.
  • edited January 2010
    The South. If you can find a Cracker Barrel in your city, their country ham is also pretty damn good.
    Ah, well, that may be difficult to find. I'm Spanish; there's a big old leg of jamon serrano back home waiting for me. That thing is the closest you can come to paradise on a bone.

    Although, UIUC's meat sciences lab (fuck yes, we have a meat sciences lab) does a Meat Market of exotic and specialty meats every Friday morning. I'm going to have to check it out.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The South.
    Soulfood: One of our biggest redeeming qualities.
  • Soulfood: One of our biggest redeeming qualities.
    Chicago soulfood, how I miss it...
  • jamon serrano
    Isn't that basically prosciutto?
  • Viga, I had been hoping Adventure Time would get picked up the moment I first saw it a few years back, and now that it's finally going to get a proper series I'm very excited about it. Finally, a new cartoon on Cartoon Network that isn't about gross-up close-ups or generic Canadian teenagers being generic and Canadian!
  • edited January 2010
    Isn't that basically prosciutto?
    Superior. A great deal of the difference in taste comes from the fact that the boars they make it from do nothing but scamper about and get fat off of pine nuts (diet plays a huge role in the flavor). Also, the curing process is different. One difference is that serrano cures for six months, prosciutto for two. Om nom nom nom.

    One of the variations, Jamon Iberico, is fed free-range on cork oak acorns, has a high fat content, and cures for 24 months. It literally melts in your mouth; it's the single best meat I've ever tasted.

    Spain: We do food right, bitches.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • One difference is that serrano cures for six months, prosciutto for two
    Um, real prosciutto cures for 12 - 24 months. You must be getting some cheap Spanish knock-off prosciutto. Get some prosciutto di Parma that's cured for 24 months; it's pork-flavored butter.
  • Um,realprosciutto cures for 12 - 24 months. You must be getting some cheap Spanish knock-off prosciutto. Get some prosciutto di Parma that's cured for 24 months; it's pork-flavored butter.
    That's the way Spanish Pata Negra is. Also, Wikipedia gave me the two month/six month figures. Pata Negra is just a 24 month Serrano, after all.

    However, the curing processes and differences in diet are different enough to be able to know which meat is which. They even look radically different.

    For the record, though I prefer jamon, I love prosciutto. It's close enough to sate my cravings for some Spanish ham when none can be found.
  • For the record, though I prefer jamon, I love prosciutto. It's close enough to sate my cravings for some Spanish ham when none can be found.
    I think we can come to consensus: raw, fatty, extensively cured pork meats are fucking delicious.
  • Relevant.
  • I think we can come to consensus: raw, fatty, extensively cured pork meats are fucking delicious.
    Absolutely. I'm hoping on making my own prosciutto some day. Hunt a boar, cure in a shed, the whole bit.
  • As to ham, hard to call. I think I prefer bacon more because bacon works so well with other meats. Ham can definitely be tinkered with and seasoned much better than bacon, but bacon can be put with just about any meat and make it ten times better. Eggs, Ground Beef, Chicken, Fish...
    What, you can't do both? Better yet, get a good country ham; it's like a glorious union of bacon and ham. Make sausage out of it and you'd have the perfect breakfast meat.
    Well, that is true. I live in Virginia which is HAM COUNTRY, so I can experiment with. My roommate has a bunch of ham actually. I guess for me, Ham is odd when combined with other meats. Works with the breakfast meats, but not too much say with some of the bigger ones.
    The South.
    Soulfood: One of our biggest redeeming qualities.
    Damn right. Learn to make Gumbo OR Jumbalaya, and then you will see the light. Even Disney says so, Gumbo is the food of life and the food of the people.
  • The Filipino "Dancing Inmates" get the pleasure of learning the "This Is It" routine from Michael Jackson choreographers.

    While I enjoy Thriller more, this is still pretty cool.
  • "Look at me now, all up in the interweb!"

  • edited January 2010
    You bastard! You just made me watch all of these. I'm still only halfway.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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