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Things of your day



  • edited March 2010
    Popular Science put all of their 137 year archive up for free. UI is a bit shit but still... good luck getting anything done today.

    EDIT: dang, found a better thing of my day
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited March 2010
    But one of Hitchens' commandments was a thought-crime commandment as well!
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You know you're a geek when you're sitting in a bar, talking with friends, but you mind in thinking about how the suspension articulation works on your car.
  • edited March 2010
    From a conversation I was partaking in last night:
    A guy cut off a woman's head with a samurai sword in the building I lived in.
    Conversation halted for a moment.

    Hot Skitty on Wailord Action
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited March 2010
    Seriously Nine? That was a pretty awful and dickish thing you did right there.
    I guess you could say it was... *puts on sunglasses*


    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited March 2010
    George is also on my stupid list now.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Sorry, I'm a sucker for a CSI Miami Joke. I meant you no ill.
  • edited March 2010
    George is also on my stupid list now.
    Well, the issue wasn't funny, but c'mon, WindUpBird's post was pretty good. Direct your anger; it's more useful (and fun) that way.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • George is also on my stupid list now.
    Well, the issue wasn't funny, but c'mon, WindUpBird's post was pretty good. Direct your anger; it's more useful (and fun) that way.
    For the record, I never agreed with what Nine did. I just take everything in stride; I'm sorry if I came off as a dick for doing so.
  • edited March 2010
    Nah, you guys were all cool. It's just that Nine was a super asshole.

    edit: And George is not really on my stupid list. I should have made that green. I like George.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Popular Science put all of their 137 year archive up for free. UI is a bit shit but still... good luck getting anything done today.
    Man, I love reading old Popular Science magazines. My grandpa had a subscription to them in the fifties and sixties and he keeps all of the old issues in his old lake house. There are few things more relaxing than sitting on the porch of a rickety old cottage on a sunny day, reading about how we were supposed to have flying cars in the eighties.
  • "Even though he is dead, his body never gave in. Even after losing half his head, he continued to mow down his enemies. That man, if anything, was surely a monster. In this battle he was slashed and stabbed a total of 267 times. His body was hit by no less than 562 bullets. And as for cannonballs... he was hit by 46. And in a testament to his pride, upon the back of his body, throughout his entire life as a pirate, not a wound of retreat scars it."

    You may find out what that is by googling, but major spoiler warnings.
  • You may find out what that is by googling, but major spoiler warnings.
    Wouldn't a little context to the spoiler help?
  • Why Toyota is not trying to kill you.
    What I don't understand is why the woman didn't engage all the brakes and then turn off the engine. You would think that people know if there's no key in the ignition, the car won't accelerate.
  • edited March 2010
    What I don't understand is why the woman didn't engage all the brakes and then turn off the engine.
    She claims she did. Again, as the article says, there would be evidence. The brake discs would be badly glazed and probably warped if she had stood on the pedal with two feet as she claims with that not being enough to stop it.

    I've set my brakes on fire at the race track before, and they still stopped the car somewhat.

    EDIT: Also, if you're on facebook and have friended ScoJo, post this in your status.

    "Click "LIKE" if I have ever made you smile in your life. Set this as your status and see how many people you have made smile. Please play along and repost this as your status. :)"
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • DRUGS = GOOD! Yeah, the one thing I like about the hospital, ohhh mannnn....
  • Leeds Hackspace finally has a space of our own, after much messing about. Pictures when I get to see it in person.
  • I forgot about my awesome doctor and his med student assistant were totally SCRUBS funny. I love that show.
  • Viga is drunk-dialing the forum while high on painkillers.
  • The first hour I was WTF everywhere. Now I am settled down and normal I think.
  • edited March 2010
    Viga is drunk-dialing the forum while high on painkillers.
    Last time I was in the hospital, I had morphine. Then, I tripped balls and hallucinated that all the mesh screens on the ceiling were TVs showing animated Robert Crumb comics before passing out.

    I know where you're at, Viga.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Viga is drunk-dialing the forum while high on painkillers.
    Last time I was in the hospital, I had morphine. Then, I tripped balls and hallucinated that all the mesh screens on the ceiling were TVs showing animated Robert Crumb comics before passing.
    As unfortunate as that was for you, and as much as I feel bad that I'm getting amusement out of you being loopy; I can't deny particular hallucination sounds kinda cool in some way.
  • edited March 2010
    Viga is drunk-dialing the forum while high on painkillers.
    Last time I was in the hospital, I had morphine. Then, I tripped balls and hallucinated that all the mesh screens on the ceiling were TVs showing animated Robert Crumb comics before passing.
    As unfortunate as that was for you, and as much as I feel bad that I'm getting amusement out of you being loopy; I can't deny particular hallucination sounds kinda cool in some way.
    It was pretty awesome, until the nerve pain came back. ^_~
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    I want this contest to would be epic... Don't be put off by the reviewer if you don't like him, just watch the video anyway because the information is more amazing regardless of who talks about it.
    Post edited by Geo on
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