The nearest fast food place to me is four miles away, maybe more. And I have no car.
My nearest supply of Dr Pepper is a store about two klicks away, and it's three bucks a can. At least once a week, I walk down there in the hot sun. Fucking worth it EVERY TIME.
At the age of 18, every young man's father should give him an heirloom-bound copy of the Feynman Lectures, a bottle of either Laphroaig or Knob Creek, and an heirloom straight-razor and strop.
Graph War is this fantastic game I found on reddit, in which players fight each other by plotting equations on a graph and trying to hit each other. It is absolutely fantastic.
I got this picture off of the DarkHorseComics twitter. It describes every kids life that was born in the 80s. So much truth to it. Also pretty much heard most of it on GeekNights.
Know how you feel, though - the crave sucks ASS.
People don't think enough about what foods and drinks go well together in this country.
Bourbon is simply not a meal drink.
At the age of 18, every young man's father should give him an heirloom-bound copy of the Feynman Lectures, a bottle of either Laphroaig or Knob Creek, and an heirloom straight-razor and strop.
EDIT: YEAH. Comment 12k.
And hey, George. *g*