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Things of your day



  • image
    ........It's astounding.
  • I'm shivering. Can Batman please remove the cause? But ask him to leave the symptom.
  • This Turret Plush is really cute.
  • Fuck that turret plushie link. Gave me shit popups when I closed the tab I had it opened in and tried to install malware. Also, fuck my company basically forcing me to use IE.
  • That's the kind of hack you always hope people will do but never quite deliver.
  • edited May 2011
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Jane Corwin, a New York State politician has had her website hacked in the coolest way ever.
    Actually her real website is fine, this is facsimile on a different domain,
    I thought it was too good to be true! All I checked was that she was a real politician. Next time I'll do some Snopes level research.
  • They really need to somehow get the .org to the top Google ranking.
  • The problem is, New York is so gerrymandered to shit that there's a good chance she could win the seat anyways.
  • There is a Vimeo channel Story Corps, who record, broadcast, and animate the stories of people. They do excellent work, and here's their latest animated short, one of my favorites so far.
  • Watch Star Trek Episodes
    An essential bookmark for anyone remotely interested in Star Trek.
    I want you to know that you killed my productivity for the next few weeks. Thank you.
    Except that now the website is down.
  • image
  • Machiavellian!
  • image
    I see you're linking directly from a blog I too follow. In the same vein. Have an awesome LEGO video+song.

    I love buildin'!

  • Ducklings prove once again that they are the cutest baby animal.
  • Ducklings prove once again that they are the cutest baby animal.

  • Ducklings prove once again that they are the cutest baby animal.

    The problem with your supposition is that goats are the dumbest animals ever to walk the earth. I once watched a fully-grown goat stick its whole head into a campfire to get at one of the logs. When it pulled back out most of its head was on fire and I got a nice black burn on my camping blanket putting him out.
  • Ducklings prove once again that they are the cutest baby animal.
    You call that adorable? Try these.

  • The problem with your supposition is that goats are the dumbest animals ever to walk the earth. I once watched a fully-grown goat stick its whole head into a campfire to get at one of the logs. When it pulled back out most of its head was on fire and I got a nice black burn on my camping blanket putting him out.
    Don't lecture me on the psychology of a goat, friend. I've seen them unlock gates, show dislike and affection, develop tastes for different foods, pull carts, climb buildings, build fairly complex social structures, and escape Fort Fucking Knox through combined effort all in my back yard. Not to mention the fact that ducks aren't exactly the brainiest animals in the kingdom.
    You call that adorable? Try these.
    Those don't really do it for me, so clearly this is a matter of taste. I think baby goats are cute because they're very active, bouncy and silly. Most baby animals just kind of sit there, or wiggle for a few feet to sit around/play somewhere else.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm making the call here, ducklings. Why? Because the videos involving ducklings in this thread are of the proper length for the amount of cute contained therein. Baby animals cannot carry over a minute of entertainment unless they have been marinated and cooked. The baby animals are just spread too thin in the goat videos.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • I'm making the call here, ducklings. Why? Because the videos involving ducklings in this thread are of the proper length for the amount of cute contained therein. Baby animals cannot carry over a minute of entertainment unless they have been marinated and cooked.
    The length of the videos has nothing to do with the relative cuteness of an entire species. Your argument is stupid.
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