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Things of your day



  • I don't know why, but this kind of thing give me serious hope for the future.
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it. Our plaintive cries of it not being real will fall on deaf ears as Sega and Yamaha silently vow to never try it in America ever again.

    *looks around at america*
    I don't want to live here anymore.

  • I don't know why, but this kind of thing give me serious hope for the future.
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it. Our plaintive cries of it not being real will fall on deaf ears as Sega and Yamaha silently vow to never try it in America ever again.

    *looks around at america*
    I don't want to live here anymore.
    Name the last time any form of quality entertainment was successfully and permanently blacklisted as a result of activist whining.
  • edited May 2011
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it. Our plaintive cries of it not being real will fall on deaf ears as Sega and Yamaha silently vow to never try it in America ever again.
    Because America totally doesn't give lots and lots of money to women who objectify themselves.

    Besides, Hatsune Miku sounds awful. ;)
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2011
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it.
    Riiiight. Because activists don't have anything better to do. Like, you know, dealing with poverty, rape, and human trafficking.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • Sanctuary, online, for free. It's ludicrously hard to find all nine volumes in a physical copy, so if you haven't had the opportunity to read it, this is a nice solution. Sanctuary is TOTALLY NSFW though. Don't read it on your work PC's.
  • Sanctuary, online, for free. It's ludicrously hard to find all nine volumes in a physical copy, so if you haven't had the opportunity to read it, this is a nice solution. Sanctuary is TOTALLY NSFW though. Don't read it on your work PC's.
  • I don't know why, but this kind of thing give me serious hope for the future.
    Ummm, not to be that guy, but how does this give you hope for the future?
  • It doesn't have to be "real" to objectify women.
  • It doesn't have to be "real" to objectify women.
    I think it's womenifying objects. Remember men! You can't be with a computer program, no matter how much you love it, it cannot love you.
  • Awesome biking, really cool camera techniques.
  • edited May 2011
    I don't know why, but this kind of thing give me serious hope for the future.
    Ummm, not to be that guy, but how does this give you hope for the future?
    In the technological sense. Now: images projected on glass or mesh. Next: Stage sized holography. Future: Holodeck, bitches! Shortly after: Fall of man.
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it.
    Riiiight. Because activists don't have anything better to do. Like, you know, dealing with poverty, rape, and human trafficking.
    You'd think they would, but they don't. They'll get their panties in a twist over the tiniest thing.
    Name the last time any form of quality entertainment was successfully and permanently blacklisted as a result of activist whining.
    Alcohol. Street Racing. Bum Fights.
    Besides, Hatsune Miku sounds awful. ;)
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Now: images projected on glass or mesh. Next: Stage sized holography.
    That's a pretty large jump...
  • You'd think they would, but they don't. They'll get their panties in a twist over the tiniest thing.
    Baka. You're the one with your panties in a twist. As a feminist activist, I can tell you that Hatsune Miku concerts are pretty far down on my list of concerns. Sure, she objectifies women. Almost all entertainment does, because culture does and entertainment is a reflection of culture. However, I doubt she would be would be first on the list of targets for activist groups to complain about.
  • In the West, we make robotic arms, in Japan, cat ears.
  • I posted that in the TOTD thread already. At least I thought I did...
    Pretty cute, though.
  • edited May 2011
    You'd think they would, but they don't. They'll get their panties in a twist over the tiniest thing.
    Baka. You're the one with your panties in a twist. As a feminist activist, I can tell you that Hatsune Miku concerts are pretty far down on my list of concerns. Sure, she objectifies women. Almost all entertainment does, because culture does and entertainment is a reflection of culture. However, I doubt she would be would be first on the list of targets for activist groups to complain about.
    Yeah, you're right. It's just this "minorities in the media" class I'm taking has really fucked up my optimism of the tolerance levels in this country. This whole class has had the message that pretty much everybody needs to attend sensitivity training and if anyone gets offended about anything the offending thing should be burned in a fire.
    *le sigh*

    EDIT: Neurowear hm? Well, I know what I'm building after I finish my turret.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I posted that in the TOTD thread already. At least I thought I did...
    The video's 2 months old almost, it's a possibility.
    Pretty cute, though.
  • edited May 2011

    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • It appears that I am going to go to Baltimore....
  • So In-N-Out opened up in Texas.

  • I don't know why, but this kind of thing give me serious hope for the future.
    Unfortunately, it could never be done here because some activist group would say something like, "This is yet another form of objectifying women" and then boycot it. Our plaintive cries of it not being real will fall on deaf ears as Sega and Yamaha silently vow to never try it in America ever again.
    The Gorillaz performed live on the Grammys in 2006

    can't really fault you for missing it though, since it was on the Grammys
  • Looking up the character designers I don't already know in the credits of Batman Beyond. Tommy Tejeda had this on his blog:
  • edited May 2011
    One of my friends made this poster as a response to an incident regarding safe spaces on campus. Someone found it on tumblr, and now it has over two thousand likes, comments and reblogs.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I am unsure that this is called a "game" but it appeals to my need of getting maximum food for minimum amount of money.

    The Grocery Game.
  • edited May 2011
    I am unsure that this is called a "game" but it appeals to my need of getting maximum food for minimum amount of money.

    The Grocery Game.
    I'd get behind this if it wasn't $5 a month to monitor a single store. Mostly because in my experience, the amount of money saved by doing things like this does not outweigh the cost of the subscription.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • It appears that I am going to go to Baltimore....
    Damn it, that's going on during Otakon this year.
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