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Things of your day



  • Cutting 42 B2 bombers out of the budget would balance our entire Bullet Train Program. Fuck Rick Scott, pacifism and bullet rail is the future.
    That'd be a hell of a trick, considering only 21 were built, and only 20 remain in active service.
  • One of them was crashed, wasn't it?
  • One of them was crashed, wasn't it?
    It was hit by a bullet train no less.
  • But how will we bomb people we don't like?
    Drop bullet trains on them. Those must hurt.
    I mean, that's the answer right there. Shoot bullet trains. It even has bullet in the freakin word.
    Get a train that can travel at relativistic speeds. Launch it into another country.
  • One of them was crashed, wasn't it?
    Training at night without running lights is tricky stuff.
  • edited June 2011
    Holy shit I gotta make myself one of these. This is not your pissant Air-popper or hot-oil stove popper. Ladies and gents, I introduce to you, the chinese popcorn maker, aka, the Popcorn Hammer.

    If the words popcorn hammer haven't convinced you, Just watch that first video.

    Edit - Oh shit, I just realized - this method is a few hundred years old. You could get away with doing it at a ren faire or SCA event, and make a ton of money, because people will not be able to resist food cooked with explosions.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So, a guy in NYC got a $50 ticket for not riding in the bike lane, because the bike lane was blocked. So, he rode in the bike lane. Crashing into everything that obstructed it like a boss.
  • He's a Grade A activist, but gets no points for doing that shit without gloves or a helmet.
  • Hey, that's Tanner Foust - I recognize the way he moves.
  • Also, we make really good beer ads.
  • Also, we make really good beer ads.
    I worked as a tourguide at the Cascade Brewery throughout my undergrad. Good times.
  • What happens when you cross Robot Unicorn Attack with Nyan?

    You get Nyanicorn. That is what you get.
  • The new Google doodle is amazing. Check it out.
  • That floaty-flying-Japanese-ball-thing is just waiting for a Portal 2 joke.
  • edited June 2011
    Truly, the pinnacle of Australian political TV.

    Also, Naomi Robson, as always, looks like a predatory lizard.

    I learned today that from the Black eyed peas is Legally blind. Also pretty obviously legally deaf, too.
    Post edited by Churba on
    Why would you ever stylize your name like this, but not have it be your domain name?
  • edited June 2011
    I fucking love this short. Just in case someone hadn't seen it.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • I fucking love this short. Just in case someone hadn't seen it.
  • I fucking love this short. Just in case someone hadn't seen it.
    CON-------------------FOUND THEM!!!!
  • Oh England. Sometimes, you do things right.
  • Two people were killed by a projectile bear.

    Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like.
    Police in Quebec said a 300-pound male black bear wandered onto a road and was struck by an eastbound Pontiac Sunfire. The impact sent the animal hurtling through the air, where it smashed the windshield of a westbound Nissan Pathfinder sport utility vehicle and went out through the back window, regional police spokesman Officer Martin Fournel said.
    Yeah, it sucks that people did die, but it is hilarious nonetheless.
  • Oh man, when that story played on the radio at work I actually burst out laughing. Now everyone thinks I'm a psycho, but seriously, I couldn't help myself.
  • I love these HP vs. Twilight comparisons.

  • edited June 2011
    A list categorizing Mandarin profanities and describes their meanings and origins
    Chinese class is gonna be a whole lot more awesome next year.
    niúbī (牛屄/牛逼) = fucking awesome (literally "cow cunt"
    Because when I think of "fucking awesome", I think of "cow cunt".

    EDIT: Any language where I can insult someone by calling them a "double vagina" is awesome.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Because when I think of "fucking awesome", I think of "cow cunt".
    Fuckin' New Zealanders.
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