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Things of your day



  • How much is your Steam account worth?* Mine is worth $1457.88. (I've actually only put in a little over $350.) I think I have a problem.

    *assuming you paid the current retail price and purchased each of your games individually.
    $745.45 USD
  • They charge more for the games in the UK then they do in the US. I'm sure if you looked at the Australian prices there would be a much larger discrepancy.
  • The calculator won't work for my account. /annoying
  • $129.91 USD

    Funny thing, it says I haven't been online in 149 days. I haven't even had an account that long -_-
  • It wasn't working for my account either until I setup a custom Steam URL in my profile. Once I did that it worked just fine.
  • $818.40 USD

    The calculator won't work for my account. /annoying
    Copy the whole URL into the box it gives you. That's how I got it to go.
  • Reminds me that I was at a Gamestop today and saw a poster a la "Pre-order Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel edition" now. I had a hard time suppressing my laughter.
  • edited June 2011
    Now we need to work out how to train rabbits to hunt foxes.

    Also, bunny flyball.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited June 2011
    How much is your Steam account worth?* Mine is worth $1457.88. (I've actually only put in a little over $350.) I think I have a problem.

    *assuming you paid the current retail price and purchased each of your games individually.
    80,92€ or $85.92 USD or £57.92 GBP. I paid $124.82 (€86,84 according to Google). Hurray... VAT...! Also, isn't it totally fucked up that they put the Euro sign after the price. That's not how we do shit here guys.

    Steam member since: 1970-01-01
    This shit is bananas.
    EDIT2: I realize this would fit better in the FAIL thread, but then again, it is not I that fails here, but Steam.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • Bunny showjumping
    Ah, the kaninhop! I've seen this video a bunch. It's funny that you can do agility with rabbits.
  • edited June 2011
    They charge more for the games in the UK then they do in the US. I'm sure if you looked at the Australian prices there would be a much larger discrepancy.
    Nope - we usually get pretty good prices from steam, with games costing slightly less for us than you guys. The exceptions are few - for example, Brink is 90 bucks odd here, but Deus Ex Human Revolution is $44. We get hammered in stores, but Steam is pretty good to us.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The calculator won't work for my account. /annoying
  • So since the beginning of April I have lost 20-25lbs!!! Its my goal to lose another 30ish by the end of the summer. Well when I was using drugs and alcohol I weighed 145lbs. That was in November of 2009. I went up to 225. Now I fluctuate between 200 and 2007. I cut out soda (for the most part) and I am going to try (well I'm going to try to try) to cut out sugary juice. I am going to ride 8-10 miles 3 times a week for a month then step it up to 10-15 5 days a week after that. Any advice guys?
  • Vertical garden. Sound Barrier.

    "Jardín vertical low-tech en Ibiza" by Spanish architects Urbanarbolismo. The garden acts as a sound barrier between a club's outdoor central courtyard and nearby appartments. The ceramic elements - used as a planting medium - are placed so that irrigation water can easily enter from above. No automated irrigation systems are required. Urbanarbolismo makes use of local plant varieties.

  • image

    A paper from researchers at Microsoft Research and Hebreew University details a new, spline-based algorithm for transforming pixel art, such as that from early sprite-based games, into scalable vector images. Johannes Kopf and Dani Lischinski's "Depixelizing Pixel Art" describes an upscaling technique that differs from popular methods used by companies like Adobe in ways that are particularly suited for the low-resolution sprites of classic games.
  • Kristen Stweart was good in The Runaways. That was the only good movie she has been in.

  • I will NEVER tire of Nyan cat. I love you internets.

    @Dmitri from the previous page, <3.

    @DevilUknow, I actually saw that commercial at the movie theater. That is some genius advertising right there.
  • I know you guys here, generally speaking, aren't fans of MMOs, and I'm not such a huge one anymore but today proved why my job is one of the best out there. 3 executives came and had a 2 hour, totally free form discussion with our customer support teams and talked about any and everything that effects us here at Blizzard. I cannot express how amazing it is to know that these guys care about each and every level of our business and the lengths they are willing to go to for the betterment of the players and the business itself.

    I could rant about how amazing it is but that's the tl;dr version. =D
  • I like MMOs, but no longer want to commit the time necessary to be fully successful at WoW.

    It's more of a how awesome your company is than why MMOs are awesome. :P
  • Yeah but I wanted to kinda disclaimer "Hey, Blizz is awesome" with a "I promise this isn't an MMO rant".
  • Metal Gear Solid HD collection (MGS2, MGS3 and Peace Walker) and a Zone of the Enders HD collection just got announced. Maybe we'll get a new Zone of the Enders game out of this.
  • edited June 2011
    Vertical garden. Sound Barrier.
    AHHHHHH! TRYPHOPHOBIA!!! Now I've got that creepy feeling.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Metal Gear Solid HD collection (MGS2, MGS3 and Peace Walker) and a Zone of the Enders HD collection just got announced. Maybe we'll get a new Zone of the Enders game out of this.
    Also Silent Hill HD collection.
  • image
    If you go home with someone, and they resemble John fucking Waters...
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