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Things of your day



  • That's from these guys. Apparently they made weird commercials like that and they have a show on IFC where they go around making local commercials.
    Nope. Chuck Testa.
    That commercial was amazing.
  • Who knew that Patti Smith did a cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit? Not me, even though it was years ago. I like it almost as much as her cover of You Light Up My Life.
  • This is possibly the most effective low budget commercial ever. I want to give this man all of my money and dead animals.

  • The only thing better than this trailer:

    is this trailer:
  • So...this is happening.

  • is this trailer:
    The opening shot of this trailer was actually filmed in my hometown. Some friends and I got to get our picture taken in front of the sign after they were done. :D
  • So...this is happening.
    This is relevant to my interests.

  • This is ... Just so .... I ... I feel dirty.

    And I had to share.
  • I <3 this ad.</p>
    That's awesome, too bad they don't have ads like this out west/down south instead of NYC where they're singing to the choir.
  • My favorite part about that ad is that it has nothing to do with what its actually advertising.
  • edited September 2011

    A bit old but new to me.
    Post edited by 2bfree on
  • My favorite part about that ad is that it has nothing to do with what its actually advertising.
    Same company has an ad on the subway that says, "If you don't like gay marriage... Don't get gay married."
  • That's awesome, too bad they don't have ads like this out west/down south instead of NYC where they're singing to the choir.
    The point is not to get the message across, it's to sell storage with a political message as the medium. It's really just an interesting advertising scheme.

    1) Post ads with liberal messages in areas where liberals live.
    2) Liberals say "oh man, I want to support this awesome liberal company!"
    3) Profit!

    A bit risky, seeing as you're potentially alienating any conservative who sees the ad, but I can imagine it being pretty successful in areas like NYC.
  • My favorite part about that ad is that it has nothing to do with what its actually advertising.
    Manhattan Mini Storage always has political liberal rah-rah as their ads.
    -"If you don't like gay marriage, don't gay marry" MANHATTAN MINI STORAGE, storage starting at $29.
    Personally, while I am on their side politically, I don't really care much for ads that have little to do with what they are advertising. They also seem a little snide, which does nothing for promoting intelligent debate, but merely inflames tempers. (Not that we have many tea-party people around here, but hey.)
  • edited September 2011
    Meanwhile, from a team email:

    "We're been hearing a lot about software engineering patents in the news. Google, Motorola, Apple, RIM - all the big tech guys have been patenting all sorts of innovation and process patents, and we got to talking - and decided we should patent the Muse Games method of innovation and GTD. Below are the core tenants:

    All meetings must take place on exercise balls.
    Additionally, work may or may not be conducted on exercise balls as well, but interdepartmental conflict MUST be resolved through direct combat on exercise balls
    Beer acquisition responsibilities are determined by iterative repetition of a skill based system, "Hold'em"
    Weekly asset import duties are assigned via Rock Band vocal scores.
    The mini-fridge is reserved exclusively for beer.
    Sessions of Team Fortress 2 should be concluded with Hightower. At least one member of the [Muse] clan must represent the Pyro."
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited September 2011
    Cool concept, but somewhat self-defeating as an advert, as the thing it is really supposed to call attention to his hidden when attention is being paid. Unless you are being told what this is about, you might not get what the advert is actually about.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited September 2011
    I think the idea is people at a distance won't be picked up and will see those close to it interacting.

    Or you'll see it change as you walk within range.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I think I've posted this here before, but whatever. Just found it again when I went through my youtube favorites:
  • Article about nerds and misogyny. Only one hiccup, the author paints all otaku as instigators of sexual violence, but that's a small flaw in an otherwise excellent article.
  • edited September 2011
    Article about nerds and misogyny. Only one hiccup, the author paints all otaku as instigators of sexual violence, but that's a small flaw in an otherwise excellent article.
    I thought he was pretty hard on Elly Hart too, but this is a must-read article. Nearly every single one of you (myself included) have acted like the person he describes before, and you should be aware of that fact so you never, ever, do it again.

    EDIT: Also, I was just about to post that article myself.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited September 2011
    The comments on that article pissed me off so much. I find it so hard to comprehend the idea of a person who thinks of feminism as a bad thing; at least, conceptualizing that person as anything other than selfish evil (for men) and brainwashed (for women), yet the comments are filled with example after example of both people hating on the article for daring to bring up feminist concepts and pathetic Nice Guy-isms. I can't believe people would want to associate their facebook identities with that sort of thing.

    The article is super solid though. I agree everything point in it.
    I thought he was pretty hard on Elly Hart too, but this is a must-read article. Nearly every single one of you (myself included) have acted like the person he describes before, and you should be aware of that fact so you never, ever, do it again.
    Heck, I'm pretty sure I've acted like that before, and I spent most of my teenage years as a self-hating, anti-sex pro-female supremacist. Sexism is incredibly insidious because it's so widespread that we can't even comprehend how pervasive it is. I know I've mistakenly used misogynistic terms while trying to write pro-feminist statements in the past and I'm pretty sure I'll fuck up and do it again in the future.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
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