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Things of your day



  • I've been in an old school Team Fortress mood and been looking for videos and possibly downloads of the old mods and I found this video:

    and then I looked at the comments and saw this one:
  • Heck, I'm pretty sure I've acted like that before, and I spent most of my teenage years as a self-hating, anti-sex pro-female supremacist. Sexism is incredibly insidious because it's so widespread that we can't even comprehend how pervasive it is. I know I've mistakenly used misogynistic terms while trying to write pro-feminist statements in the past and I'm pretty sure I'll fuck up and do it again in the future.
    Just out of curiousity, what was it that encouraged you (presumably male) person, to become a radical feminist seperatist? It's so rare to find men who are that serious business about it.
    Supremacists of any stripe are bad, and self hate is no good. Only hate the things you have done wrong of your own will that were bad, but love yourself.
  • One man Pokemon A Capella

  • Why do I immediately see people flash-mobbing this?

    Also I'm a little jealous of actually carrying around a certified geek card.
  • edited September 2011
    Heck, I'm pretty sure I've acted like that before, and I spent most of my teenage years as a self-hating, anti-sex pro-female supremacist. Sexism is incredibly insidious because it's so widespread that we can't even comprehend how pervasive it is. I know I've mistakenly used misogynistic terms while trying to write pro-feminist statements in the past and I'm pretty sure I'll fuck up and do it again in the future.
    Just out of curiousity, what was it that encouraged you (presumably male) person, to become a radical feminist seperatist? It's so rare to find men who are that serious business about it.
    Supremacists of any stripe are bad, and self hate is no good. Only hate the things you have done wrong of your own will that were bad, but love yourself.
    Well, two things. The first was an incident in my childhood; I witnessed one of my female friends sexually assaulted. I had nightmares and all kinds of horrible feelings about it, but I wasn't willing to allow myself to feel those things about it out of guilt; she got it much worse, after all. To make it worse, I knew and was friends with the attacker, which as you might imagine made it a little difficult to maintain an idea that some men were innocent. It also cut the number of friends I had down to about none, as I hated the attacker and was too wracked with guilt to associate with the victim. And I was just about to hit puberty at the time, which was like a perfect storm of fucked-up-ness. That wasn't sufficient on it's own, though.

    The second requires a quote for context.
    There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
    For me, that book was The SCUM Manifesto.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Why do I immediately see people flash-mobbing this?
    Not sure if flash mob would work. They'd need mics and amps to have the drums and bass at a decent volume.
  • Why does every other military have hundreds of dancing hot chicks?
  • Because the army is the only place you can be sure of getting food?
  • Because the army is the only place you can be sure of getting food?
    Not even that, apparently. Reportedly, even their soldiers are starving.
  • edited September 2011
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Apparently, Gamers playing a game called Foldit have cracked a puzzle that was proving somewhat difficult for science.
    I remember Foldit. Just to be clear, the game was designed to crowdsource protein folding problems.
  • edited September 2011
    I couldn't stop laughing.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • I have this sinking feeling that the truck in Putin's glasses is filled with conspirators and about to explode. I have a strange perception of Russia.
  • Brushie brushie
  • Hawaii, I am in you.
  • Drunk Science video
    They made a TARDIS type device while drunk.
  • Technically, it's a common or garden time machine as it exhibited no signs of being bigger on the inside.
  • I don't know what this is.
  • Soooo Russia's got police robots...
    A robot policeman was tested on the streets of Perm. The robot height is about 185 cm, weight – 300 kg. Its maximum speed is 10 km/hr. Inside the robot there are 6 cameras. 4 of them have super-wide field of view. Through them, the robot sees practically all details, even bricks. High quality pictures are made by a 8 megapixel camera located behind the armored glass. The high speed ​camera in a transparent upper part of the robot helps an officer on duty to promptly inspect the location. For the autonomous movement the robot is equipped with 24 additional sensors. In the autonomous mode the robot can work 8 hours or indefinitely long if there are robot fuelling stations nearby.
    The robot-policeman named “R. BOT №1″ is the only such machine in Russia, its analogue does not exist in any country. “R. BOT” is the main element of the robot patrol service. Tests of the robot were quite serious and had many nuances. Among robot functions there is monitoring of a situation in the selected location, video surveillance, inspection of documents, first aid to victims, detaction of crimes, etc. So is this another step into robotized future?
  • edited September 2011
    Post edited by Sail on
  • image
    Five will buy you ten there's a midget in there.

  • Thought this was kinda neat.
  • edited September 2011
    Post edited by Casa Vino on
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