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Things of your day



  • edited August 2008
    I'm not complaining about yet more old-school work from Megumi Hayashibara. ;) Good to see and hear Lum again, too!
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • French parody of Clerks

  • edited August 2008
    This is probably really old, but I've never seen it.

    Cat + Toast = Antigravity

    There are only two facts that the human race is certain of. The most famous is "never get involved in a land war in Asia". Only slightly less known is Murphy's law: "What can go wrong will go wrong"

    An application of Murphy's law teaches us that with 100% certainty, a cat will always land on it's feet. It also tells us that a piece of buttered toast, if dropped, will land buttered side down. Every time.

    Suppose one was to take a piece of toast and securely fasten it to the back of the cat so that the buttered side of the toast faces the exact opposite direction as the feet of the cat.

    Let: cat = C; buttered toast=BT;
    Let cat + toast = apparatus

    Murphy's law is equal in all parts. From this, we may rationalize that the gravitational force of C is directly equal and proportional to the gravitational force of BT.

    If apparatus is perfect and there is no possibilty of separation, then cat MUST land on feet. Simultaneously, toast MUST land buttered side down.

    Since F(BT)+F(C)=0, there is NO gravitational force acting on the apparatus.

    Rational, intelligent human beings can clearly understand that if apparatus is dropped from any distance, there is only one outcome - THE APPARATUS WILL NEVER REACH THE GROUND.

    Therefore, cat + toast = antigravity.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited August 2008
    What happens if the buttered cat is trapped in Schrödinger's mind experiment?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Nostalgia Critic's half of the ongoing AVGN/NC war:
    Personally I think he outshined james, winner goes to critic in my book.
  • I'll try to implement one of this systems in our test Benches at work.

    BXI: Beer eXtension for Instrumentation.

  • Funniest thing I've seen in a long while, also makes me hope for a reboot of Ranma 1/2 or Urusei Yatsura.
    OMFG! Lum animated in the 21st century. AHHH~ This reminds me of clamp in wonderland 2!

  • Ignore the German if you can't understand it.

  • Not bad.
  • Crazy artsy cars, highlights, muffin cars, Star Wars crawler, rocket, circuit board.
    This is a really good one:

    I find it scary that I know these people...
  • Check out this awesome parking lot.
    After thinking about this for a little bit, I realized the easiest way to create this sort of effect. It really is quite obvious.

    Hint: Projector
  • I think that someone actually did it is more important than how they did it.
  • Posting from my iPhone.
  • My city is now on google street view - If you want to see what my place looks like, search "67 Greenmeadow rd, Mansfield, Brisbane, Australia" and go to Google Street View - My house is the Yellow one, with the White sedan out in the street, White 4X4 in the front yard next to the driveway.

    I don't give a damn telling The forum - and anyone who may stumble in, being a public forum - Where I currently live, is that I'm going to England So soon I literally stopped packing my bags to type this.

    Speaking of bags, I grabbed a new bag to use as a carry-on and general lugging bag - A Logitech Kinetik Backpack. Fucking brilliant, Enough room inside for fifteen Biggest Loser contestants and a bag of chips.

  • We made this yesterday as the intro video for a show my girlfriend was hosting here at the European Juggling Convention. Organising and performing in 7 different shows over 7 nights is why I've not been keeping up with the forum.
  • I just finished watching Twelve Monkeys for the first time. Great movie.
  • image
    No, just NO!
  • @Luke: Really quite poignant.
  • This Gilliam cartoon (or Gilliammation as I like to call them) that broadcasted on a show before Monty Python called Do Not Adjust Your Set.
  • BRUNSWICK, Ohio -- Police are conducting a criminal investigation into tornado sirens sounding in Brunswick overnight when there was no severe weather.

    A similar incident occurred in March, and police have now increased the reward to $5,000 for information leading to an arrest.

    Police said someone captured the tones used by dispatchers to activate the sirens and broadcasting them over a radio signal, setting off six of the city's eight sirens around 1 a.m. Wednesday morning.

    Police used a reverse 911 call to let residents know that they were not in any actual danger.

    Police said the person who triggered the sirens has committed a serious felony.

    Officials said after the March incident the city spent $7,500 to change the tones and siren batteries; they said that this time, it could cost the city up to $30,000.
  • edited August 2008

    Say what you will about Naruto, but this is damn fine.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Looks like someone bought the "I Am Rich" App, and had a serious case of buyer's remorse.

  • Get perpendicular!
    Yeah, that stuff is awesome. Iirc, the 1TB hard drives on the market are made with perpendicular bits.
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