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Things of your day



  • edited August 2008


    EDIT: Double what the fuck.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited August 2008

    Consummate professional dog thinks this thread is silly. That is all.
    Post edited by NinjaNed on
  • edited August 2008
    The most ridiculous fight scene ever filmed.

    Post edited by Classic on
  • Most ridiculous chase scene ever filmed.
  • edited August 2008

    OMG! We all better watch out for HOMOSEXUALS!
    Lolz. I love these old school 50 scare films.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • OMG! We all better watch out for HOMOSEXUALS!
    I like how incredibly vague they are about how associating with a homosexual can get you killed.
  • Who the hell hitchhikes in the middle of the suburbs?
  • <video>
    EDIT: Double what the fuck.
    It seems you have found the animations made by forum members. First was Mankoon's in response to the moe Scrym drawings, and the second was made by Emily for the nth post in the WPtR&SaG.; Go read the "Why people think Rym and Scott are gay" thread.

  • Something else awesome from Otakon.
  • Here is my thing of the day today, Hitler gets banned from WoW. The video response is good too. (Hitler gets Rick Roll'd)

  • Amazing Miyazaki short I recently rediscovered.
  • edited August 2008
    Coraline By Neil Gaiman

    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Neil Gaimen
    Fix teh spelling!
  • edited August 2008
    My boyfriend isn't hip with all the news especially when it comes to the internets. Earlier this evening he was trying to strike up a conversation with me by telling me something really cool he heard about. He told me about that he read some magazine that revealed a group of cyber terrorists out there that refer to themselves as "Anonymous" that go out to Scientology Buildings and harass them wearing the costumes from "V for Vendetta".

    All I could do was say, "Wow, that's pretty crazy honey," and held back the laughter.

    Later I told him how I've known about that for a while and that he failed at the internets, hardcore.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • My good pal Jeremy, who(m?) occasional posts here, makes awesome music.
  • Later I told him how I've known about that for a while and that he failed at the internets, hardcore.
    He did not fail at the internets alone. That news was on TV for weeks! What does he pay attention to? Other than you of course Ro.
  • It's funny because it's true :)
  • edited August 2008
    It doesn't suck so stop overreacting, would you rather use WMP?
    Sometimes "I don't like it" would do.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • M-Player or Zoom Player are simply superior alternatives to VLC. I've used Zoom Player for 6 months now and it hasn't crashed once, whereas VLC crashed all the time.
  • Just swap mplayer and VLC and the same applies for me, though without the zoom player.
  • The more important question I think should be: why are you watching Naisho no Tsubomi? Isn't that supposed to be a lolicon show?
  • edited August 2008
    Naisho no Tsubomi tells the story of Tsubomi Tachibana, a fifth grader dealing with issues such as her mother's pregnancy, her first period and the strange feelings she has started to get when she has been around boys. Tsubomi, who is joined by two of her best friends, has been praised for her graphic descriptions of what she's feeling.
    I'm guessing Nineless picked that screenshot up somewhere else.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The more important question I think should be: why are you watching Naisho no Tsubomi? Isn't that supposed to be a lolicon show?
    =____= Wait... you actually think I would bother trying to find out if a file has VLC hate messages in it or not? Seriously? Sorry, but I don't hate myself enough yet to commit suicide, I let the hardcore idiots and trolls at /a/ find the stuff for me. As for the show, I think it is a fanservicey show yes, even when it's supposed to be for little girls.
    It doesn't suck so stop overreacting, would you rather use WMP?
    Eh, yes it does suck, and yes, I'd rather use Windows Media Player. But why would I use WMP when I install Mplayer alongside all the codecs that allow WMP to play back anything? n.~
    Just swap mplayer and VLC and the same applies for me, though without the zoom player.
    You mean:
    VLC is simply the superior alternative to mplayer. I've used VLC for 6 months now and it hasn't crashed once, whereas mplayer crashed all the time.
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