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Things of your day



  • edited January 2012
    But what about people who do something wrong and can't understand why it's wrong? Say a dude shoots a puppy. Terrible thing to do, that. But what if you're like "Dude! What is wrong with you?" And he says "What are you talking about? All I did was shoot a puppy!"
    I'd say that's more monstrous.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • There are many things worse than shooting a puppy...
  • There are many things worse than shooting a puppy...
    For example, making it into a smoothie afterward. Meat smoothies are just disgusting.
  • Maybe if he didn't make three terrible movies, and then go back and make the original movies worse, and then try to destroy all copies of the original, geeks everywhere wouldn't have turned on him.
  • Maybe if he didn't make three terrible movies, and then go back and make the original movies worse, and then try to destroy all copies of the original, geeks everywhere wouldn't have turned on him.
    If he tried to destroy all the copies of the original, he did such a piss-poor job that I think it casts doubt on if that's true, or if the internet/geeks are blowing it way out of proportion. There are good quality 35mm print masters, interpositives, Fine grain prints, and technicolour prints. There are also perfect duplicate of the negative in separation masters. AND the original negatives have not been destroyed, as many people claim, despite that the original "doesn't exist" anymore, as people claim - The pieces still exist, they've just been re-ordered to the order of the special edition edit, IIRC. It would be easy to physically or digitally put those pieces back in the original order.

    And considering the vast majority of those are under his control and he's doubtless aware of their existence, I'd be fucking stunned if he was stupid enough to just "forget" about those if he had really tried to destroy the original copies. In fact, if he was that stupid, I'd be surprised if he could dress himself without assistance, let alone have a multi-decade career in entertainment, and make hundreds of millions from not just films alone, but his business efforts too.

    Thus, to the charge he tried to destroy all copies of the original, I call bullshit.

    As for making three bad movies? Oh, yeah, great reason to bully and browbeat someone till they give up on the career they love, feeling it's pointless to continue. Perfectly justified. I hear we don't like the Twilight series, shall I get the bonfire going so we can have a good old-fashioned book-burning? You bring the marshmallows, this time, we'll make s'mores, it'll be grand.
  • Firstly, it seems like he is more going back to his roots after he makes this movie more than anything else, George is never going to stop making movies, just stopping making the big budget blockbusters. Secondly, I think this is more of a case that George not really dealing with the internet hate machine well. Why should he really care what the internet fanboys say anyway? I'm pretty sure whatever he touches Star Wars related is going to sell anyway, and guaranteed if this next movie is actually good there will be some people changing their tune.

    I can definitively see where you are coming from, especially considering that blog linked is really douchie, but I am doubtful that he would "retire" to what amounts to fanboys whining on the internet about his movies. He has gone though so much bullshit making his movies in the first place that it's hard for me to believe that he would fold to any kind of adversity, let alone internet whining.
  • image
    Watching ^ that while listening to this:

  • edited January 2012
    This is very niche and tailored to people of the Filipino persuasion, but my mom linked it on Facebook and I was laughing so hard and crying.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • This is very niche and tailored to people of the Filipino persuasion, but my mom linked it on Facebook and I was laughing so hard and crying.
    Oh my GOD. I've lived EVERY SINGLE ONE of those moments! I laughed so hard at the "A- why not A?!" one, but there are so many other gems. Too perfect!

    I doubt many other non-Filipinos would get it, though.
  • I've watched it over 5 times now and have been laughing even harder and crying each time whenever I catch something new.

    The part where the son is trying to be sneaky and put the bowl on the counter at 0:52 and the mother gets the wooden spoon is one of my favorite parts.

    I called my mom up and told her that was her in every way. She tried to deny it, just as a Filipina mother would, but laughed. I understood a lot of what she was saying in Tagalog.

    You notice the video bubbles at 0:07 where it said, "My son is beri talented! Subscribe to his channel PUTANGINA!"? Brilliant.
  • Yo, Is This Racist?
    So fucking hilarious. My favorite was the dude who was asking "Is it racist to ask white countries to be open to everyone when no other countries are?" and his response was, "Wait, back up, what's a WHITE country?"

  • I doubt many other non-Filipinos would get it, though.
    Actually, I had a roommate who was Filipino-American, and she would say "close the light" or "close the TV" and I was like "Why do you say 'close?' " and she said "It's something my mom says."

  • I doubt many other non-Filipinos would get it, though.
    Actually, I had a roommate who was Filipino-American, and she would say "close the light" or "close the TV" and I was like "Why do you say 'close?' " and she said "It's something my mom says."
    I got it, but only because the mannerisms of Spanish immigrants are very similar. That reminded me a lot of my abuelita.

  • I doubt many other non-Filipinos would get it, though.
    Actually, I had a roommate who was Filipino-American, and she would say "close the light" or "close the TV" and I was like "Why do you say 'close?' " and she said "It's something my mom says."
    My mom would occasionally slip and say the that too. Similarly, Greek's closest equivalent to "turn off" is "close."
  • edited January 2012
    We'd say "cut out the light" or "cut the TV off" in the south.

    My thing of the day though, is heated toilet seats.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • We'd say "cut out the light" or "cut the TV off" in the south.
    "Cut down the internet."
  • OzOz
    edited January 2012
    So, I was looking around for reviews for an old phone of mine, a Nokia 6010. Amongst the reviews was this.

    After reading it, I decided to look at the guy's other reviews, which turn out to mostly be crazy awesome short stories about whatever phone he is reviewing.
    Post edited by Oz on
  • We'd say "cut out the light" or "cut the TV off" in the south.
    I used to hate that so much. In elementary school, I would go home and rant about how my teachers didn't know how to speak.

  • So, I was looking around for reviews for an old phone of mine, a Nokia 6010. Amongst the reviews was this.

    After reading it, I decided to look at the guy's other reviews, which turn out to mostly be crazy awesome short stories about whatever phone he is reviewing.
    That is pretty amazing.

  • ALL OF THIS IS TRUE! I heard and or said it all.
  • There's an Utena convention in Seattle. This would be my thing of my day, but I can't go to it and Otakon, and we've already booked our hotel and flights for that.
  • edited January 2012
    Watching ^ that while listening to this:

    I had to make this. Please forgive me.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited January 2012
    Quite frequently, Kickstarter sucks. Sometimes, though, Kickstarter projects do something really, really awesome. Take, for instance, the Volo One Sterling Engine, which aims to have a $250 Sterling Engine kit ready by May. The difference between the small (but nearly as expensive) desktop models and the Volo One is that the Volo aims to be a sustainable electricity solution for a small dwelling. In conjuction with a wood-burning stove (or, better yet, a biomass gassifier), you have a sustainable power and heat solution for an entire building for about $800. That's a win if I've ever seen one.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Quite frequently, Kickstarter sucks. Sometimes, though, Kickstarter projects do something really, really awesome.
    What does this mean? Are you saying that when people who suck use Kickstarter, the website or concept sucks, but when a cool project comes along it doesn't?

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