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Things of your day



  • Freaking robots running the warehouse, we live in the future!
  • Those gals would give US military marching teams a run for their money.
  • Get a $10 amazon gift card for $5 here if anyone is interested.
  • Get a $10 amazon gift card for $5 here if anyone is interested.
    Free money? I'd buy that for... erm, five dollars!
  • 849,973 bought
    Limited quantity available

    Not very limited apparently.
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Alan on
  • edited March 2012
    Are you seriously comparing her to Galileo?

    The problem she was posed with was BARELY mathematical. It was more a logic question/word problem.
    "If you are traveling 80 miles per hour, how long does it take you to travel 80 miles?" There is no math needed to answer this question, only basic logic and language comprehension.
    She's reinventing modern physics before your eyes, bro. Get on her level.

    Post edited by Walker on

  • My TotD:

    This is the part they couldn't automate?
  • Are you seriously comparing her to Galileo?

    The problem she was posed with was BARELY mathematical. It was more a logic question/word problem.
    "If you are traveling 80 miles per hour, how long does it take you to travel 80 miles?" There is no math needed to answer this question, only basic logic and language comprehension.
    I'm quite serious. And it is not only a word problem. I'm quite used to knowing concepts that non physicists have no idea how to process. Her brain probably never gets to parse "miles per hour" because she's already categorized the whole thing as "physics".

    Also think about it from a pedagogical point of view. Dividing distance with time!? WTF? That's like dividing musical notes with flavor for normal people. I find it remarkable that the human mind is capable of such abstractions, and not surprising that some people have trouble using them.

    Anyway I challenge you to make a youtube response video by going out and interviewing random people in the street with exactly that same question. I'd be surprised if you got more than a 50% correct response rate. Compare that to 2.5% which is the approximate amount of people with an IQ less than 70.
  • edited March 2012
    You know what, I WILL do that! I'll be back with the results in three weeks! Spring break will be my time FOR SCIENCE!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited March 2012
    You know what, I WILL do that! I'll be back with the results in three weeks! Spring break will be my time FOR SCIENCE!
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • When did itunes u get so organized?? I just remember it being a series of video dls. Damn tho..

  • Are you seriously comparing her to Galileo?

    The problem she was posed with was BARELY mathematical. It was more a logic question/word problem.
    "If you are traveling 80 miles per hour, how long does it take you to travel 80 miles?" There is no math needed to answer this question, only basic logic and language comprehension.
    I'm quite serious. And it is not only a word problem. I'm quite used to knowing concepts that non physicists have no idea how to process. Her brain probably never gets to parse "miles per hour" because she's already categorized the whole thing as "physics".

    Also think about it from a pedagogical point of view. Dividing distance with time!? WTF? That's like dividing musical notes with flavor for normal people. I find it remarkable that the human mind is capable of such abstractions, and not surprising that some people have trouble using them.

    Anyway I challenge you to make a youtube response video by going out and interviewing random people in the street with exactly that same question. I'd be surprised if you got more than a 50% correct response rate. Compare that to 2.5% which is the approximate amount of people with an IQ less than 70.
    No offense, but I still think she's retarded. The concept of "speed" has already been created by humanity, and is taught to everyone in our country in grade school. She has failed to retain one of the most basic concepts of travel.
  • edited March 2012
    No offense, but I still think she's retarded. The concept of "speed" has already been created by humanity, and is taught to everyone in our country in grade school. She has failed to retain one of the most basic concepts of travel.
    So she basically comes up with a guesstimate of 58 minuts based on her running speed of 10 miles per hour and taking 7 minutes for a mile which is only off by ten minutes from the exact calculation based on those figures. I would not call that retarded.

    This leaves me with my original point that her brain is simply being misdirected. Her husband tells her right at the start that the question is "very difficult to calculate". From that point on any simple approach is just bypassed by her brain. Can happen to anyone, happens to me all the time when I think that the solution to a particular problem must be complex.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • To me she seemed sort of dumb but educated. She'd probably does some calculations like this but that actually were complicated, so she tried to figure it out like she might have in school but she was still too dumb to understand what "miles per hour" means.
  • Pish, everyone knows rabbits aren't hatched with hair!
  • I get the point, its a joke, its funny. Nevertheless, this is a thing I've actually thought a lot about.

    Would you guys turn in your partner if they committed murder? Does it mean you don't love them enough?

    I think if I found out if my significant other / loved one was dealing drugs or stealing or something, I'd just shake my finger in disapproval and try to discourage it, as well as try to CMA so I don't get in trouble, too. However, murder? Could mean they're turning into a psychopath and may go after more people or even you. I guess it depends on the situation. I think I'd turn 'em in, because I wouldn't wanna be similar to those idiot women that stay in abusive relationships because "he will change" or whatnot. :-P

    (Sorry to turn a funny thing into a philosophical semi-serious thing... yet another post made due to boredom. :-P)
  • edited March 2012
    Also, while someone can murder another person by accident/out of passion, chopping them into bits small enough to be indistinguishable from lamb makes me feel a little ehhhh about their mental status.

    Still, that comic is funny.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Depends on who he murdered. If I think it was justified, hellz yeah I'd help him hide the body.
  • Also, while someone can murder another person by accident/out of passion...
    Yeaaah, no actually they can't. That's just homicide. Murder by definition is not an unplanned thing. Now, the required amount of planning isn't well defined (Can 30 seconds be enough? Maybe.), but if it's by accident or heat-of-passion then it's generally manslaughter, not murder.

  • edited March 2012
    I'd first be in disbelief that someone I trusted would be capable of something like that. I'd then try to encourage them to turn themselves in, as hopefully the punishment would be as minimal as possible and begin the long process of jail time and moving beyond that horrific event.

    Thirdly, if anyone tried to pull that goat thing on me, I'd question their sanity just as much as someone who actually murdered somebody.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Depends on who he murdered. If I think it was justified, hellz yeah I'd help him hide the body.
  • Here's a question: How many muder/homicide cases go unsolved? Is there a real chance of getting away with it, even if your partner was careful?
  • If it was justifiable, sure, if it was necessary.
  • Here's a question: How many muder/homicide cases go unsolved? Is there a real chance of getting away with it, even if your partner was careful?
    I think the chances of getting caught are too high, I wouldn't risk it. I would like to try to hide/get away with it, esp if it was an accident or something, but I'd be so scared all the time, and I know its wrong (herp derp). Wouldn't want it to turn into one of those Casey Anthony situations.
    If it was one of those murders of passion or whatever (aka not crazy psycho killing) I would turn my partner in if he didn't himself, but I would stick with him through the whole thing, even through bad publicity and jailtime and whatnot.
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