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Things of your day



  • And I couldn't hear you over the sound of gunfire made by legally-owned automatic firearms.
    What, can't fire fast enough with a bolt action? I mean, the Brits used to have the mad minute, where riflemen would manage 30+ shots on a 12" target at 300 yards. Though I suppose you could compensate by just putting more rounds downrange and hoping you luck out, I guess that works sometimes.

    Honestly, Americans, thinking it all comes down to your firearms and shooting your bolt quickly as possible. Calm down, you don't need a big gun if I know how to use one well. And firing fast is only a big deal if you don't know how to use ALL the tools at your disposal.
    Well we all know how well the Mad Minute did against the Mad Maxim!
  • Well we all know how well the Mad Minute did against the Mad Maxim!
    Well, we would, if it wasn't a British gun, used by the British army. In fact, they were used, at times, side by side. Like I said, know how to use all the tools at your disposal, young padawan.

  • Well we all know how well the Mad Minute did against the Mad Maxim!
    Well, we would, if it wasn't a British gun, used by the British army. In fact, they were used, at times, side by side. Like I said, know how to use all the tools at your disposal, young padawan.

    Hiram Maxim was American born and bred, all the brits did was fund production!

    "In 1882 I was in Vienna, where I met an American whom I had known in the States. He said: 'Hang your chemistry and electricity! If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each others' throats with greater facility."
  • Hiram Maxim was American born and bred, all the brits did was fund production!
    Oh yes, indeed, funded by Vickers. The man, not the gun. Who then also provided workers, tools, equipment, and bought the factory. You can still go and see where it used to be, in Hatton Garden, London.

    You know what they say, Ideas are easy, Making them real is the hard part.

    But like I said, Americans with their obsession with firing rate. It's like you're compensating for something.

  • edited May 2012
    Two things of the day. First, this:

    Second, today we sent the first commercial space mission to the ISS. Now I'm just counting down to this:
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on

  • Second, today we sent the first commercial space mission to the ISS. Now I'm just counting down to this:
    I was born 100 years too early.
  • The Netherlands can't hear anyone because the dub in the coffeeshops is turned up too loud, and everyone is on mushrooms.
    Duuuuuuuuuuuude, we can't find the MAKE IT LOUDER knob, what are you talking about? I think someone stole it. We cannot hear you guys period.
    How are you all so happy? There are huge spiders everywhere!
    Yes, and those spiders haven't yet murdered everything on the island yet. Plenty of reason to be happy if you ask me.
  • edited May 2012
    Oh, hey, had a heart attack and need a new heart? Maybe you need some valves, or so myocardium or endo/mesocardium for a graft? Just grow a new heart from your fucking skin, ya dingus.

    Goddammit, science is so awesome.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yes, and those spiders haven't yet murdered everything on the island yet. Plenty of reason to be happy if you ask me.
    Like I said, still upright and breathing, can't complain too much.

    Meanwhile, in Paris...
  • You are now picturing people with random hearts sticking out of their skin. Circulation? WHO CARES. MY HAND HAS ITS OWN HEART NOW!
  • [Dr. Steve Brule]
  • Democrats and Republicans coming together to make sure all veterans get an honorable burial. After the 9/11 Health Care Act, I wasn't sure if there was anything they could agree on.
  • edited May 2012
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    A Pokemon comic.
    Well, now I'm tearing up. Thanks a lot.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • A Pokemon comic.
    You fucker. I cannot use the excuse that it's raining. It's too fucking hot, and I'm indoors!
  • Put up my Guns of Icarus poster on my wall today!
  • Driving to work today I got stuck behind this car. Apparently the frontrow crew has moved to CT? image
  • image
    I am easily amused.
  • Japanese Urban Legends
    >click link
    >skim table of contents
    >"2.1 Cursed Kleenex Commercial"
  • I fail to see how that's a fail, failbook.
  • Yeah, I regret not going to ECCC this year. (This may have already been posted.)

  • edited May 2012
    Kitties, guns and money.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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